
Monday, March 19, 2012

After Vacation

Is it just me or do other people suffer from post-vacation letdown? After being away from home for over two weeks, I really wanted my routine back—not to mention sleeping in my own bed. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed our trip to Florida and South Carolina where we visited with family and friends, saw great sights, fished (not me), shopped (so not me), ate terrific seafood (definitely me) and basked in the warmth of the Florida sun. Of course, the warm weather followed us back to Michigan so it wasn’t like returning to brutal cold and snow. (Is this weather weird or what? Seventy degrees in March?)

The laundry is finally finished. (How do two people generate so much laundry?) I’ve sorted the mail and taken care of bills. The house was left in fairly good order. So why don’t I feel like doing anything? It seems like such an effort getting back to what used to be my routine. My husband did drag me kicking and screaming (sort of) to the fitness center the day after we returned. I guess he thought I didn’t do enough walking through antique stores with my sisters while he was throwing out those lures for the smart fishies.

On Saturday, I got the prod I needed. I went to our local writers’ meeting (the Mid-Michigan chapter of Romance Writers of America). Something special happens when a bunch of writers get together. All that creativity permeates the air, seeps into my pores, and I come back rejuvenated. I’m ready to do what's essential for a serious writer: put butt in chair and fingers on keyboard. Writers write. We may moan and groan about writer’s block or the disappearing muse or vacation letdown. But, in the end, if we don’t put those fingers on the keyboard or pencil/pen to paper, we’re not doing our job, we're not writers. Last week, I wrote about play. Now, it’s time to get back to that work-in-progress. No more excuses.

How do you get over vacations?


  1. I have to take one first, lol! But, as soon as we do I'll let you know :) You are so right about fingers to keyboard and butt in chair. Writer's write. Guess I better take that advice...

  2. Great post, Diane. Vacations can lure us into laziness when we get back, but thankfully we have a network like MMRWA to urge us back into our writing life. But the last few vacations I took were inspiring - it helps when you're in a beautiful location and the muse hits. I took notes and couldn't wait to get home and start writing.

  3. Glad you're getting some writing done, Diane. Sometimes getting back into our routine is easier said than done. I'm still trying to find mine. : )

  4. I'm never ready to get over a vacation. I'd love to travel more and write on the road. But I do like my own bed,too, Diane. And since inlimited travel isn't an option, I'll stay home and enjoy the back yard. Loved hearing about your trip, though.

  5. Whenever we do manage to get away for a few days, it's usually up north. Last fall we went to the U.P. for the first time in quite awhile, and it was so fun to see things like Taquamenon Falls again and to eat whitefish chowder at a little diner on Lake Superior. I always bring home a ton of reading material I pick up along the way, just in case I decide to set a story in a place we visited. It is hard to adjust and get back into a routine once home again, but sometimes looking at all those books/newspapers/travel brochures I picked up help me ease back in....and start thinking about the next trip!


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