
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Meeting New Authors

One of the amazing aspects of being a member of Romance Writers of America is the camaraderie between members. I noticed this when I joined waaay back in 1993. Not just a warm friendliness but a truly genuine desire to help one another. One such author is Michele Stegman. She posted on an RWA loop about an opportunity for authors to tell how they met their husbands which she posted on her blog all during February. As I hope you recall, I participated. What a terrific way to be introduced to new readers. Turn-about is fair play so I would like to introduce you to Michele.

Welcome, Michele Stegman! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your passions.

I think it is wonderful when an author has a passion about something and puts it into her books.  For instance, a friend likes to do beadwork and wrote a book where the heroine does beadwork.  Another author writes books about quilters.
  I have a lot of interests, as you will see with a quick look at my website. Two of my passions are hand spinning and weaving. As an author of historical romances, I enjoy “living in the past” as I card and spin up a fleece, then use the yarn I spin to weave a shawl or scarf.  And I think it is wonderful to know the name of the animal a piece of my clothing came from!

Before the Industrial Revolution (late 1700’s) a lot of time was taken up with spinning and weaving.  It was the only way to make cloth for clothing.  In some colonies, there were even laws about how much wool each person, including men and children, had to spin each week.
Clothing, bedding, and linens, are listed in old wills as important items that are passed on to the next generation.  A well made, homespun dress might last two or three generations.

But very seldom do I read anything about the heroine, or anyone else in a book, spinning or weaving.   I seldom see a spinning wheel or spindles in movies, either. 
So have I put a lot of spinning and weaving into my own books?  Well, I’m working on it.  In my next book, Conquest of the Heart, set in 1067 England, there is some mention of it.  And I’ve started a book about a woman whose profession is a hand spinner in 1665. 

Another passion of mine is cooking and baking and I have made use of this passion in my books.  In Fortune’s Foe, the heroine is a disaster in the kitchen and has to be rescued by another woman, who becomes the heroine in the next book in the series, Fortune’s Pride.  In Mr. Right’s Baby, my heroine also likes to bake--which is much appreciated by the hero.  What are your passions?  Do you like to read about them in romance books?  Or, if you are a writer, do you include your hobbies and passions in your writing?
Michele Stegman loves history and enjoys writing historical romance.  She also enjoys living her history in an 1840’s log cabin complete with spinning wheel, looms, and her own homemade soap.  Her daughter calls the place “Pioneer Village.”  But Michele appreciates modern technology, too, and could not get along without her laptop and iPad!

Mr. Right’s Baby is Michele’s only contemporary romance, a genre she never planned to write.  But one day she was driving along and the whole plot for the book popped into her head and she knew she had to write this one!  Mr. Right’s Baby can be found at and
For information on Michele’s other books as well as her passions (on her My Art page) visit her website at


  1. Hi Michele! Nice to read about your passion and spinning. Living in an 1840's cabin sounds wonderful! What a great place to capture ideas and get the feel for your historicals! I've made soap and it's great fun. My hobby is collecting old stuff, you know, one person's junk is another man's treasure. : )
    I have mentioned a few items found at a flea market or antique shop.
    Thanks Diane, for such an interesting post!

    1. Teresa, I knew you would enjoy this!

    2. I love walking through antique shops! There is something special about old things. They have character!

    3. I just spent all day going thru antique shops in Florida with my sisters. Right now, I'm antique'd out. LOL

  2. Wonderful interview, ladies! Michele, spinning sounds intriguing. Gonna go check out your site too. My passion has always been writing and reading. So happy you shared your passions with us today.
    Thanks, ladies!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Jennifer.

    2. I love to spin! Now to figure out what to do with all the yarn I've made!

  3. What an interesting interview! Love reading about others' passions. Reading and travel are mine.

    1. Travel is wonderful! I've been to 26 countries and would love to travel more!

  4. They always say to write what you know, but maybe to write what you FEEL is even more appropriate! Very nice blog! :)

  5. It was so much fun being here, Diane! Thank you for the opportunity! Can't wait for your visit to my site!

    1. It's been my pleasure. Your passion for the past is so interesting.

  6. I think it's great that you are in tune with modern technology but still have a huge appreciation for the history of way of life. And that you experience it personally!


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