
Friday, November 9, 2012

Autumn Harvest Blog Hop


Autumn is such a fun time of year. The heat of summer is gone, at least here in Michigan. Crisp cool night, comfortably warm days. Great holidays. Columbus Day--big sales, anyone? Halloween--kiddies in costumes but, please get that candy out of my house! My birthday. What? You didn’t know that was a holiday? Veterans Day where we honor those who have served our country. And then there's my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving. Fun time with family getting together, a chance to give thanks for all our blessings, overdosing on great food, falling asleep on the couch while the guys watch football.

But, there’s another reason, a better reason why Thanksgiving is my favorite. You see, I was married on Thanksgiving. Some people think it’s weird to get married on a holiday. I guess weirdness runs in my family since my grandmother and mother were also married on Thanksgiving. I thought it would be kind of cool to carry on a tradition. Hubs says he’s grateful because he doesn’t have to remember a specific date. Wouldn’t you know, my daughter also decided to get married on Thanksgiving. That's four generations of women marrying on that holiday. (Note to granddaughter: you do NOT have to follow that tradition. You can get married any day you wish!)

This year, Thanksgiving is very special as I celebrate forty years together with my best friend, the man I love.

What do you love about Autumn and Fall? 

One commenter will win a $10 Amazon e-Gift Card. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. For more chances to win, enter in the Rafflecopter giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My science fiction romance Switched takes place in Autumn. 

When wise-cracking Jessie Wyndom is beamed from her Michigan farmhouse aboard an Alliance starship, she meets a regular Mr. Spock. Captain Marcus Viator's well-organized life is turned upside down by a free-spirited Terran. Fate brings them together. Treachery tears them apart.

Excerpt from Switched

     “So, is there a secret salute I should know?” Jessie glanced at the little guy. “A troll. Nice costume, kid. Aren’t you a little young to be one of my nerdy brother’s friends?”
     The man who called himself Captain Viator raised a finely-sculpted black eyebrow. “Ensign Drakus is not a child. He is a Trucanian.”
     She snorted again. “From the planet Trucania, I suppose.”
     “The planet Trucan,” the troll corrected with glee.
     “Right. And I’ve been kidnapped by aliens.” She rolled her eyes. “Give me a break. I’m not going to fall for that gag. I recognize Tim’s handiwork here.”
     “Captain, she does not believe—”
     The tall man held up his hand. “It is better that she not.”
     An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. She shook it off. “I like your outfit, big guy. Pretty authentic looking.” Hobbling on one shoe, she circled the Captain, examining him. “You’re quite an improvement over the geeks Tim usually hangs with.” She stopped behind him. “Great buns.”

Switched is available at Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Smashwords

To continue on the Hop go to  for more links and to qualify for the  THREE grand prizes. There are over 200 participants in the Autumn Harvest Blog Hop. You can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times! So, be sure to leave a comment! And don't forget to leave your email address.

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $50 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains 10+ paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more! (Sorry this prize is available only to US addresses.)

Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to leave a comment with your email address.


  1. switched looks like a really good book! have added it to my TBR list

  2. I love all of the fall colors, crunching in the fallen leaves, and my birthday happens to be in the fall as well. ;) Happy Thanksgiving and HUGE congrats on your upcoming anniversary!!

    All the best!
    jessicasubject.writer at gmail dot com

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm deleting my replies so there's room for all of yours. I appreciate all your comments. Happy Autumn to all.

  3. I love the fall and winter seasons. It allows me to spend most of my time making yummy goodness.

  4. I dislike the days growing colder and shorter, but I do love the sensation of burying my nose in my mare's soft winter coat on frosty mornings.

    1. Whoops forgot to add, naggingdilemma(at)yahoo(dot)com

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm not crazy about fall. I love summer and hate winter. I think of fall as the beginning of winter. I do like early fall, before the cold sets in, but by the middle of October I'm ready for summer again.


  6. What a cool wedding tradition! Anything like it in your fictional world?

  7. Nice Thanksgiving Day tradition: marriage and all the trimmings!

  8. Autumn is my favorite season! I like all the beautiful colors outside and the weather is not that hot anymore but not freezing cold either. It's just perfect! Thank you for the giveaway!

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. What I love about Autumn is the leaves changing colors. I love Thanksgiving and spending time with family.

    Rafflecopter Name:Dawna Newman


  10. I love the crunching leaves.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Lynn. Hope your blog is getting lots of hits. The link to Lynn's blog isn't correct on the list so here it is: Please hop on over.

  11. It’s hard to say what exactly would be my Go-To Autumn Romance book. When I think real hard about it, I would have to say it has a sexy, strong, determined male that when it comes to love is just lost. Then there has to be a woman who is usually in need of help or needs to know what love and family is. Together they heal each other and love turns out to be their greatest gift. I also love a happy ending at this time of year, usually where the epilogue has them starting their own family to love and cherish. Oh….and definitely HOT loving too!

  12. I like the weather because it's not so cold.
    by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

  13. I love the smell of campfires and the changing of the leaves. This Thankgiving is special for my family to, my Dad has two heartattacks in the last year and my 16 year old nephew has heart problems and will have to have open heart surgery in the near future are both ding well. (Thank God. I thank the traditon for your family is wonderful. Thank You for the great giveaway.
    crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

    1. Sorry that's doing well. My typing is horrible.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Fall is my favorite season & I love everything about it! I love the colors, the crunch of leaves, hot apple cider, and bonfires.

  15. I like autumn for the cooler temperature, the leaves changing color, and pumpkin pie.
    bituin76 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  16. Fall is my favorite time of year :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  17. I love Autumn!! I love the crispness of the nights which is always good for snuggling!!
    What a wonderful family tradition you have. Happy anniversary!!

  18. Thanks for the giveaway!! My favourite thing about Autumn is the cooler temperatures. jenni_bearz(at)hotmail(dot)com

  19. A lot of holidays fall on the fall/winter season, so I love that there are a lot of days off school/work.

    (Am I lazy or what.)

    muggled @

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. How cool you were married on Thanksgiving! I always wanted a Christmas wedding, but we were married in the spring. I'm hoping my daughter marries on Christmas :) I love Autumn! It's my favorite time of the year! Love to get all snuggly in my comfy chair with my favorite book and a cup of tea! Thanks for the giveaway, Diane!!

  22. happy anniverssary o you and your hubby i love autumn its a beautful time of the year thanks for the chance to win i love the pumpkins at autumn time

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I follow you with GFC as Lisa Walker. I love the cooler weather and changing colors of the leaves in autumn.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I follow you with GFC as Lisa Walker. I love the cooler weather and changing colors of the leaves in autumn.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. It’s my favorite season-- love the changing leaves, anything pumpkin and halloween!!

    Thank you for the giveaway!!


  28. I love reading about things that go bump in the night (with a touch of romance) this time of year.

    thanks for the fun!
    zenfoxflower ATyahooDOTcom

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. The cooler weather, all the pumpkin stuff and Halloween!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  32. Love the cooler weather after a very hot summer.


  33. I love changing colors, cooler weather, and holiday treats!


  34. The changing leaves and the cooler weather. Thanks for the giveaway!

    JYL22075 at gmail dot com

  35. I love the cooler temps and baking everything pumpkin!

    jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

  36. love the foliage, cooler temps and shorter days - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  37. I like the idea of a wedding--celebrating the start of a new family--on a day that's all about spending time with family! Anyway, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love cooking a big meal and then sharing it with family and friends.

    dancingcelt at gmail dot com

  38. Love the cooler weather.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  39. I love the changing leaves. Thanks for the giveaway.

  40. I love the holiday season - a great time to celebrate our families and our friends. The cooler weather is also the perfect opportunity to curl up with a good book!

  41. I love the beautiful fall colors of the leaves, the cool, crisp air and staying at home reading a good book.

  42. Changing of the color of the leaves
    I tend to do more baking during this time of the year
    As well as canning fruits and veggies


  43. I love the burst of colors! The fall earth tone colors are very festive and beautiful. I am lucky to live where you can see the seasons change. Unfortunately, at this moment I can’t recall a book where autumn was a major focus of a given story. I love reading any time so the season doesn’t matter.

    Thanks for the opportunity for both of us to share!

    Belinda G
    belgre AT Comcast DOT net

  44. your a new to me author, i cant wait to read your stories!
    where i live i love to watch the mountains changing colors. thanks for joining the hop.

  45. Awa es qi siti rename secon Bali Mojo apijiciy is ezaqa emoxi. Pinodul huv oxizasefo onag eza fap idakuge uhov rihazerahu deyuge kifuvicib xozokoku, wazupaq.
    Upuduroxew ezuxure, nuhe qonu : Bali Mojo

  46. I love all things pumpkiny! Coffee and everything else!

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    tobihelton at gmail dot com

  47. i love everything that autumn has to offer thanks for the chance to win

  48. My husband starts popping more popcorn when it gets cold, and he starts baking and cooking more. There's suddenly whipped cream in our fridge for cocoa. Nice little changes. terrimuhich(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  49. I love the holidays associated with autumn. Fun family times ahead! Also all the holiday books that are on sale already.

    melindaromance AT gmail DOT com

  50. I love everything about Fall--the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch (of the cool air). I especially love that the tourists are gone from my area, the lovely deserted beaches, and "sweater weather." I am the queen of sweater twin sets!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  51. I love autumn, because I love wearing hoodies, drinking apple cider, and watching football.

    snhoveln (at) gmail (dot) com

  52. I love... the bonding of family. Decorating my house with my kids, thinking of gifts for my family, helping my kids to write cards, making wishlist... several moments together with my family. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway,

  53. My favorite things about autumn is the changing colours of the leaves, Halloween and my birthday!

    Thanks for the giveaway!



  54. I love autumn with all the brilliant colors: oranges, yellows and reds of leaves. I love crisp, cool mornings where the sky is so blue it looks endless and the air is so fresh in your lungs. I love snuggling up in a warm throw on a cold autumn day with a good book. Of course, I love snuggling up with a good book about anytime of the year. I love Thanksgiving because it is a time to remember all the many blessings in my life and express thanks. I love baking spicy pumpkin pies with dollops of cream.

    I like stories of the unexpected. I also love the steamy passion but I hate mentioning favorite authors because the list is long. I appreciate the many styles authors use to weave stories of mystery, love, intrigue, preternatural and inspiration. I love reading because I can go anywhere, any time in my mind and imagine indescribable things.

    Thank you for this contest and the opportunity to be introduced to new authors.

    1. Oh, Sharon, what wonderful reasons.

      I hope you check back. You didn't leave your email address.

  55. I love that autumn is when the trees start changing to beautiful colors and the weather starts cooling down :)

  56. I ,like the crisp air wrapping itself around you and giving that extra step in your walk.

  57. I live in Florida now, so the most I can hope for in Autumn is cooler weather!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

  58. I love this time of year. My oldest is in school now, so lately he and his sister have been arguing over whether it is fall or autumn. hehehe delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo

  59. I love the Fall because of the football games and tailgating! And of course having a campfire with roasted hotdogs! Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!

    kacidesigns AT yahoo DOT com

  60. I love the cooler weather and cozy clothes. I love wearing boots, jeans, sweaters and hoodies!

    kissyjensen at gmail dot com

  61. I like the changing leaves.

    Thanks for sharing and being a part of the hop!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  62. Cool weather..finally. Homemdade soups and chili with cornbread.Homemade costumes for Halloween. Baking cookies with the kids.Fires burning in the fireplace and roasting marshmallows.Snuggling up with a good book in my comfy jammies, Those are some of the things I love ablout Autumn.

  63. I love golden red beauty of Nature.
    Also, I really like out national food qutabs with pumpkin stuffing.

    Adila (from Azerbaijan)

  64. I love the colors in Autumn! Thanks for the giveaway!
    lisarayns at gmail dot com

  65. I love the colours of the leaves.
    Thanks! :)


  66. I love the holidays! I live in Fl, so we don't see the seasons changing really. When I live in the NE, I enjoyed the colors of the leaves changing and the crispness of the air. :)
    I think that is a really neat tradition that you have! Happy Anniversary! Happy Thanksgiving also. ;)
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    trb0917 at

  67. I love driving up the river road and seeing the changing of the colors. We will stop at a quaint restrauant for lunch and some wine. Absolutely breathtaking.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  68. Thank you, everyone, for hopping over here and commenting. Thanks, too, for the anniversary wishes. Happy Turkey Day to you all.


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