
Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Tis the end of another year. Is it just me or are the years going by faster and faster?

As the year winds to a close, it seems like a good time to look back at what we've done. Did you fulfill all your resolutions? I didn't. Not all, anyway. Some of the goals I set back in January fell by the wayside. As usual, I over estimated what I can accomplish. Other things I’d planned to do morphed into different, better ones. 

The way I see it, goal setting (or making resolutions) is like a road map. Great so you have direction but not if you have to rigidly adhere to it when you hit a road block. Or find an interesting detour. Flexibility is the key. Capitalize on what’s going right is my new motto.

Last January, my first self-published book Switched had been out for six weeks. And what I didn’t know about marketing would fill volumes. I joined online author groups and from them learned a lot about self-publishing, marketing, utilizing social media and so much more. I met many wonderfully supportive authors who eagerly shared their experiences so us newbies didn’t have to reinvent the wheel. I’ve tried to be as generous in my support.

Releasing two more books this year (Switched, Too and The Pilot) increased my confidence while the outpouring of support from family, friends and fellow authors was humbling.

As we say farewell to 2012, instead of regrets for what I didn't do I’m counting my blessings. My family is safe and healthy. My writing is going well. Now I’m looking forward to 2013.

What one thing are you proud of that you accomplished this year?

I’ll wait until tomorrow to wish you a Happy New Year when I’m participating in the New Year’s Blog Hop (along with over 200 other authors). So come on back. There will terrific Grand Prizes and I’ll be giving away an Amazon gift card.


  1. 2012 saw the publication of The Samurai's Garden, which took more than seven years to write and is the book of my heart - the book that made me really want to be an author. I had two other publications this year, but this is the one I'm most proud of. And I've got a plan for 2013. Hooray for goals made and met!

  2. Congratulations, Patty. What an accomplishment.

  3. Most proud of? Not giving up. I've had a few woo hoo moments in 2012, but sitting at my computer, day in, day out, crafting a new story or adding final touches on an old, that's what I'm proud of.

    And meeting other determined authors like Diane!

    1. Good for you, Lynn. You've had some great moments this year. Perseverance is vastly underrated.

  4. Enjoyed your blog and congratulations on your release. I like your motto on flexibility. Life never goes the way we planned, does it?

    What am I most proud of? My goal for 2012 was to get my first book published and I almost reached it, I got a contract offer over Thanksgiving weekend so I'm counting that as an achievement. Like you I'm thankful for many things and look forward to the coming year.

    Happy New Year, Diane

    1. Thanks, Debra. Congratulations on your contract! Let me know when your book will be released. I'd love to have you on "Meet the Author" Thursday.

  5. I'm going to take some yoga this year!


  6. Awesome prize. Thanks :)

    Hoping to stay active (jog, jog!) more this year. Hope you have a fantastic one!

    GFC: Sandy



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