
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Meet S.D. Bancroft

My guest today is author S.D. Bancroft. 

S.D. Bancroft lives near Lansing, Michigan. She writes romantic suspense/mystery. Her career in writing started at the young age of 11 when she entered her first contest through the Jr. High school she attended. Though she didn't win first prize in the contest, it whetted her appetite for words.

When she's not writing, S.D. loves reading, crocheting, cross-stitching, cooking, gardening, photography, or just spending time relaxing with her family and friends.  S.D. is wife to one VERY understanding and supportive husband, and 3 wonderful children. Her immediate family has doubled in the last 3 years as her children have all chosen significant others. 

She is a member in many online writing groups, and has a special group of women that she connects with for writing sprints frequently. She spent 12 years working as a Firefighter/EMT as well as a 9-1-1 Communications Technician. Two careers which will always hold a special place in her heart, as well as her writing!

S.D. now has two Romantic Suspense novels available on Amazon and Createspace.  Autumn Nights , her first story was released in March of 2012. Her newest story, Where There’s Smoke: The Heroes of Hammond’s Bend  is a brand new release this week.  It is Book 1 of a series set in a fictional small town in Michigan.

S.D.’s readers can find  her in a few places:

Twitter: @SD_Bancroft

Now, let's get to know S.D. better.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

When I was in the 7th grade I entered a contest at school and have been hooked ever since! Of course life had a few other paths for me to follow before it allowed me the opportunity to delve into my writing, but I wouldn’t change it.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

Now that I’m writing full-time, my typical day goes something like this. Up at 7am. Computer fired up by 8am. 8-Noon: This time is set aside for any “administrative” issues I may need to take care of. Emails, Twitter, FB, etc. I usually slip lunch into this time frame also. Noon-4 or 5 (depending on the day): Write, write, write! (or Revise, revise, revise! depending on what stage of the game I’m in.) 5-7pm: Dinner, workout, house work. You know, the glamorous stuff 7-9pm: Back to Writing, writing, writing! I usually try to keep the weekends free for family stuff, but more times than not, I’m working at least ONE of the two days.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I get a great deal of my information from my previous careers. I was a firefighter/EMT for 12 years, as well as working as a 9-1-1 Communiciations Tech.  What I don’t get from there, I glean from other sources like the newspaper (man are there some great stories waiting to be told in its pages).

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

When I’m not writing, I love to craft. I crochet (I’m currently doing a lot of thread crocheting such as ornaments and baby booties.), cross-stitch, clay, sewing, cooking, and baking. I also cannot wait or the weather to warm up here (it’s a whopping 13 degrees F. here today.) so that I can get my gardening underway. I also workout (not trying to become a muscle-bound babe by any means. Lol) at least 5 days a week.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

To date, I’ve written two full length books, and I’m working on my third. I’d have to say that my favorite is the second book, Where There’s Smoke: The Heroes of Hammond’s Bend-Book 1. This book is the first in a series that I’ve set in a fictional small town in Michigan. I’m having a blast creating the characters and setting of this town. It’s pretty inspiring to me actually.

What did you learn from writing your first book?

What did I learn from my first book? Let me think…how about …Make sure that you have a very comfortable chair because you are going to spend a LOT of time there.  Also, grow a thicker skin! You’re going to need it! If anyone tells you that it’s easy to put our work out there and ignore any bad comments others may make about it, I’d say they aren’t being truthful.

How many hours a day to you spend writing?

See #2  On average I’d have to say that I spend a good 10-12 hours a day writing or doing writing related work. Don’t forget, you have to do the promotional work as well

If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what would it be?

Oh this is a good one! I would have to say…PAY ATTENTION IN ENGLISH! Ugh. Who would have thought that grammar/punctuation rules would come back to haunt me at this stage of my life?

What two authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?

When I’m not writing, I  usually find myself reading a Catherine Coulter, or Janet Evanovich story.  There are many other great authors out there that I’ve read over the years , but the list is too many to remember.  I started reading my mom’s Harlequins when I was 13( after all, I was a teenager so it was okay.).

What do you hope readers take with them after reading your work?

I hope that my readers will come to love my characters the same way I do. I hope that they will be encouraged to read on and find out how they are doing in future stories. 

Please tell us a little about your latest book.

Where There’s Smoke: The Heroes of Hammond’s Bend-Book 1 (Romantic Suspense)

When a series of mysterious fires threatens the safety of her hometown, Michigan Firefighter, Annette Andrews finds herself teamed up with undercover DEA Agent, Mason Ramsey. While Annie struggles to keep her attention off her hunky new partner, and focus on the task at hand, someone else has her in his sights. Can Mason keep her safe until they can uncover the identity of the monster responsible for the arsons?

Where There's Smoke is available at:

It's been a pleasure having you here, S.D., and congratulations on your new release.

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