
Friday, February 8, 2013

Heartbreaker Blog Hop

 The winner of the $10 Amazon Gift Card is Ashley A. Congratulations, Ashley, and thank you to everyone who entered. 

Next month, I'll be participating in the Lucky in Love Blog Hop.

Are our heroes heartthrobs or heartbreakers? Or are they just the same thing? Yummy right? Valentine's Day is just around the corner for this blog hop and we're gearing up to see what exactly is a heartbreaker. We love those sexy men, but what about those times in the story when they aren't perfect. Because come on, we know they aren't perfect. What makes those men heartbreakers?

My most memorable heartbreaker in a book is Diaz in Linda Howard’s Cry No More. At the beginning, you don’t even know if he’s a good guy. There is a moment when he misinterprets Milla’s actions and she thinks he’s betrayed her. What heartbreak!

In movies, nobody beats Rick in Casablanca. You just know Ilsa’s heart is breaking when she gets on the plane.

Here’s a short excerpt from The Pilot:

Let this all be a misunderstanding, Celara thought as she walked out of the tavern.

Too stunned to protest, too disheartened that she’d misjudged Trevarr Jovano, mortified that the patrons of Taver’s Tavern had seen her arrest. This was worse than the first time she had seen her father hauled off to a local lock-up. Each time after that, she became more inured. She would hide in the shadows so no one connected her with the gambler and drunk who most times forgot he had children.

Much like her in the old days, Jovano stayed in the shadows. As she was led away, she had seen him in the dark corner while he let Chief Servary do his dirty work for him. That liar, that scum. He’d had no intention of releasing her cargo. Callously, he’d built up her hopes only to dash them. Sitting smugly in that corner, he’d watched his friend arrest her and had enjoyed it.

The Pilot is available at Amazon ~ Smashwords ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Kobo

Tell me about your favorite heartbreaker.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card. Be sure to leave your email address. For more chances to win, enter in the Rafflecopter giveaway.

Now for the Grand Prizes. When you leave a comment (with your email address, of course), you’re eligible for one of the Grand Prizes.

We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 300 times!

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more! (3rd prize is for US addresses only)

To continue on the Hop go to for more links and to qualify for the THREE grand prizes. There are over 300 participants in the New Year’s Blog Hop. You can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 300 times! So, be sure to leave a comment! And don't forget to leave your email address.


  1. My fav heart breaker is Kellan Kyle from Thoughtless!!

  2. I think Rhett Butler is the ultimate heartbreaker.


  3. Roarke!! Great Hop Thanks!! adgali@yamil(dot)com

  4. My favorite heartbreaker is Smitty from the book "The Beast In Him" by Shelly Laurenston. He was just drop dead gorgeous and sexy and he broke Jessie Ann's heart when he wouldn't claim her with "the Smith mate maul" If you want to know what the heck I'm talking about.......READ THE BOOK. :) In fact I recommend you read the series.
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
    reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. Jesse- This Man.

  6. I don't have a favorite but Rhett Butler is a famous one.

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  7. We all want to love a Heartbreaker. Maybe its because of his chiseled good looks, his bad boy attitude, or the mysterious nature of him. Some Heartbreakers are just that, they know what they got and how to use it to get what they want. Then there are those Heartbreakers that don’t even realize that they are doing it. The best part about a Heartbreaker is that there is always a woman that turns their world upside down until they realize it is love. I have read many Romance Novels over the years and have run into many memorable Heartbreakers and my favorites are usually the ones that don’t even know they are Heartbreakers! Some of my personal favorite Heartbreakers are :

    Kade Jamenson (Werewolf) from An Alpha’s Path. Kade is a sexy werewolf that will make you burn but a mishap with a potential mate makes him not think he will find love.

    Ian MacPhie (Vampire) from All I Want For Christmas is a Vampire. Ian is a heartbreaking Highland Vampire that was frozen in his immortality when he was only 15. With the help of his friend he is given a drug that helps him age to 28 so he could look like a man instead of a child after hundreds of years. He has no idea that he looks of a warrior and the lover.

    Lothaire Daciano (Vampire) from Lothaire. Lothaire is definitely a heartbreaker and his cocky attitude proves it! Thinks he’s a gift to women! Its just the sucker punch from a woman he doesn’t realize is his equal that brings him down a notch.

    Marius Parker from His Contrary Bride. Marius is every part the gentlemen but doesn’t realize he could also easily be the rogue!

    Benjamin Gateway from To Win His Wayward Wife. Benjamin doesn’t realize that he is a heartbreaker because the one woman he loved, he lost….or did he?

    Fury North (Human with Canine DNA) from Fury and Valiant North (Human with Feline DNA) from Valiant. Fury and Valiant are strong New Species and gorgeous to boot, but because they are damaged they doesn’t think they can hold onto to the women they love.

    Sigimor Cameron from Highland Conqueror. Sigimor is every bit the Highland Laird and warrior but can he hold onto to the beautiful English lady?

    Joshua Striker (Werewolf) from Alexandra’s Legacy. Joshua is a scared and battle hard enforcer for his pack and he thinks that he doesn’t have what it takes to make the women melt.

  8. don't have a fav at the moment thanks for the hop - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  9. My favorite heartbreaker is Damon from the Vampire Diaries.

  10. For me the heartbreaker is a bad boy who goes kicking and screaming into love! When he falls he falls hard!

    The only heartbreakers I have encountered are literary! And my all time fav is Mr Darcy! Although, I am currently crushing on Zadist from the Black Dagger Brotherhood!


  11. Thanks for the giveaway and participating in the hop!
    I think that Christian Grey from "50 Shades of Grey" is a good example of a heartbreaker. He used and abused Ana at first, but then came to his senses by book two.

  12. Don't have a favorite heartbreaker...there are so many that worm their way into my heart :)


  13. I'd pick Dante from Damon Suede's m/m masterpiece HOT HEAD--he charms all the ladies, and his very tough best friend falls hopelessly in love with him!


  14. My fav heart breaker is Kellan Kyle from Thoughtless!!

  15. Eric from True Blood.

  16. Eric Northman from the Southern Vampire Series. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. My current favorite is Gannicus from the show Spartacus.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  18. I would have say: Kresley Cole's Lothaire, Jeaniene Frost's Bones, JR Ward's Z & V, & Charlaine Harris's Eric :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  19. My heart breaker is Eric Northman. Oh, he's so bad, and every once in awhile you think he's changed, and then there's the old Eric back...

    jennirv4967 at gmail dot com

  20. I would say Eric from Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood. just love that bad boy :)

    Rafflecopter Name Dawna Newman


  21. Ian Thornton from Almost Heaven by Judith McNaught. Thanks for the giveaway!
    pinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

  22. Eric Northman!! Thanks for the great giveaway!! So many great prizes!! Happy Valentine's Day!
    Ashley A

  23. Loved the pilot! Keep writing so I can keep reading. Thanks for being in this super blog hop.

  24. Mine would be Damon from Vampire diaries :)
    Thanks so much for participation in the hop!

  25. My favorite heartbreaker in a book is Jamie Fraser in Outlander.

    doxisrcool at aol dot com

  26. My favorite part of having a heart breaker is the world class groveling. Todd in Lauren Dane's Laid Bare is my perfect example.
    planterofhope at aol dot com

  27. My favorite heartbreaker? Tough. I think I'll go with a classic: Rhett Butler.

    dancingcelt at gmail dot com

  28. My favorite heartbreaker is Shock from Shayla Black's Doomsday Brethren series. I can't wait until he gets his own story and falls kicking and screaming. :D


  29. Rhett Butler is my favorite heartbreaker :)
    aircdrewood at gmail dot com

  30. My favorite heartbreaker is Barrons from KMM's Fever series.

    anasmith1919 at gmail dot com

  31. My favorite heartbreaker is the one that your heart can’t live without. One of my best is Lucas from D B Reynolds book “Lucas” (Vampire in America series). Strong mind, well put together and tender when he needs to be.

    Judy Peterson

  32. My favorite is Rick from The Walking Dead. Thanks for the giveaway!

    mary_reiss @

  33. Broderick from Ransom by Julie Garwood
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  34. My all time fav is Rhett. Gone with the Wind is great. Thanks! katieamanda1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  35. Rhett Butler... the one and only heartbreaker because "Frankly Dear I don't give a damn." lol thanks for being part of the hop.

  36. Eric from True Blood. Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  37. My favorite heartbreaker is Eric Northman from True Blood. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Valentine's Day!

  38. Damon from Vampire Diaries.


  39. One of my favorites is Justice from Justice by Laurann Dohner. Thank you for the awesome hop and giveaway!!! :)

  40. My favorite heartbreaker is Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse series. Really...I love to hate him and vice versa.
    Michelle Tucker
    michelletucker at baconnation dot net

  41. I may not have much experience in the whole love department, but I have had my heart broken. Being considered a Heartbreaker can come from various actions that you do. I am a newbie when it comes to reading romance books but what I have learned is that it is not bad to have a chiseled body or an amazing personality. If you look at it over all, if you never put your heart out there, you may never have a chance at true love and happiness. I may get broken once in a while but only you are strong enough to pick yourself up and try all over again. One of my favorite Heartbreakers is Taylor Qualls the Earl of Sandlin from the book His Impetuous Debutante. Lady Phoebe kinda reminds me of myself, accident prone and finding trouble in every corner. Taylor doesn’t think he is good enough for Phoebe, so he’s a heartbreaker and doesn’t know it.

  42. Zsadist
    Thanks for participating.

  43. Hm... probably Damon from Vampire Diaries

  44. I don't have a favorite, it changes constantly.


  45. Damon from Vampire Diaries

    Thank you for the chance!

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  46. Eric from True Blood

    atthemapletable at yahoo dot com

  47. My favorite heartbreaker? It would definitely have to be Bruce Wayne/Batman. Broken hearts on record? Talia al Ghul, Zatanna, Sliver St. Cloud, Vicki Vale, Selina Kyle, Wonder Woman, Sasha Bordeaux, Andrea Beaumont, Barbara Gordan, nameless date of the week….It’s a long list, but I was added on that list when I was around 3 so…some of those girls better just step aside since I’ve been on the list longer. I think girls like heartbreakers because they think they can be the special girl that finally gets through to the “real” him and can change him for the better. Even though I love my heartbreaker Batman. I would still pick my future husband (April 6th!) over him, because I know that my handsome nerd knows what he’s got at home and is in it for “forever after.”

    Thanks for participating!

    Ash OR ashwayvpa (at) aim (dot) com

  48. Eric the Northman is definitely a memorable bad boy! Damon is too, although much more on the TV show than the books.

    snhoveln (at) gmail (dot) com


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