
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Meet Jessica Subject

I’m happy to welcome author Jessica Subject here today. I met Jessica through a very supportive online group called Authors Helping Authors and Jess is extremely supportive.

Hi, Jessica, welcome. Please tell us about yourself.

Thank so much for having me on your blog today, Diane! I’m Jessica Subject, and I write contemporary and science fiction romance ranging from sweet to erotica. Some of my stories contain clones, or a sexy alien or two, and are set on Earth, in space, and on far-away planets.

When I’m not writing, reading, or doing dreaded housework, I like to get out and walk. Fast. But I may just slow down if there is a waterfall nearby.

I live in Ontario, Canada, with my husband and two energetic children. And I LOVE to hear from my readers.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I wrote my first romance story in grade seven, called It Starts With A Kiss, and I published many newsletter for my youth group, and work. But, it wasn’t until I was on maternity leave with my second child that I actually considered having my work published on a much bigger scale.

How long does it take you to write a book?

It varies depending on what other writing and promo items I have on my to-do list. I can write a short story, and have it ready to submit in two weeks. But if I have other things going on, such as new releases, it could take a couple months to finish.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I get my ideas from everyday life. Sometimes something someone says can spark an idea. Other times, it could be a news article I’ve read somewhere. I never have a problem finding ideas. I just have a problem with finding the time to turn them all into stories.

I know that feeling. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

When I’m not writing, I love to spend time with my family, read, get outside and walk fast. I love hiking, too, but I don’t get a chance to do that as often.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I have 12 published stories, 1 print book, which is a collection of 5 of my stories, and 1 story that is contracted, but not released yet. I also have a series of six novels that needs to be rewritten before I publish them. Plus, I’m working on three stories right now with many more ideas on my to-write list.

My favorite? That’s so hard to choose. They each hold a special place in my heart. My two latest releases, Accidental Romance, and Made For Her were so much fun to write. And it seems with every new story, I try something different.

What is the best part of writing for you?

Forgetting about all of the stresses of everyday life, and losing myself in the story. It’s the same thing when I’m reading a book, too.

I totally agree. Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...?

When an idea pops into my head, I’ll write things down and play with it for a couple of days. Then I write down a rough outline. If I need to do any research for the beginning of the story, I’ll do that, too, before I start writing. Most of my research happens throughout the story, though.

If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why?

I think it really depends on what type of story you’re looking for. If you want a sweet story, I’d recommend Accidental Romance. For erotic romance, Made For Her, and if you want erotica, then Alien Lover.

What two authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?

Two? That’s a hard question. My list of books I own that I haven’t read yet contains over 1,000 stories. Most of them are ebooks. I also read stories from my critique partners, DL Jackson, Layna Pimentel, Rebecca Royce, and Zee Monodee. Sorry, but I just can’t narrow it down to two.

Tell us about your latest book.

Accidental Romance is part of the new The Challenge series at Decadent Publishing. Here’s a little bit more about the series:

Challenge: A test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking.
In every life, there are challenges, boulders in the flowing stream of existence. From the physical, to the psychological or emotional, nobody is immune. No one gets through life intact, but the challenge is not to avoid damage, but to work through, past or around the things that make life so difficult.

We all know people who do this—live fulfilling lives in spite of the difficulties they are forced to deal with.

The Challenge series is about characters who do just this—and the people who love them. Challenge is a romance series with a twist. The “challenge” takes a central role in the characters’ romance.

And here’s the blurb for Accidental Romance:

At twenty-two, Leanne Declan has graduated from college and hopes to take over the family farm until a tragic accident changes her life forever. Unable to do the simplest everyday chores, she must depend on her family and friends as she learns to face life’s challenges. But when her fears threaten to destroy her future, can an unexpected love be strong enough to help her dreams come true?


     A million needles pierced her wrist. She had to get away from the fire. Leanne flicked open her eyes, screaming, longing for the agony to stop.
     White walls surrounded her. Machines beeped. Taking in the new scenery, she closed her mouth, the pain forgotten. Bags filled with clear liquids as well as blood hung from a metal pole. She followed the tubes from the bags into her left hand. Was that where the burn came from? She glanced at the other arm, the end of which was wrapped in thick bandages. The image of spinning blades and her mangled flesh flashed before her eyes. She screamed again, tears falling down her cheeks. This can’t be happening.
     Bodies rushed into the room, many in scrubs. With her vision blurred, she didn’t recognize anyone. All strangers. She was in the foreign place by herself. A nightmare. Has to be.
     “Shh, calm down, sweetie. You’ll be okay.”
     A familiar voice. She glanced to her other side to see her mom standing beside her, her eyes glassy. She held her hand, but Leanne couldn’t feel it, only the throbbing which had returned to her other one, the one that was…gone? She groaned, turning on her side, and pulled her knees up to her chest.
     “Mom, is it really…?”
     She brushed her fingers over her forehead. “Don’t worry about it right now. You need to rest.”
     “It hurts so bad.”
     “I know.” Her mother stroked her face again. “But the nurses will help it go away.”
     “Leanne,” one of the nurses hovering around her said. “I want you to take deep breaths and count backward from ten.”
     “Ten.” She sucked in air and cried out in agony.
     Between clenched teeth, she continued. Anything to stop the pain. “Nine.”
     Ice traveled through her veins. “Eight.”
     The throbbing slowly ebbed away. Seven.
     Darkness swept over her and pulled her down with it.

Accidental Romance is available from:

Jessica Subject is the author of contemporary and science fiction romance, ranging from sweet to erotica. In her stories, you could meet clones, or a sexy alien or two. You may even be transported to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.

When Jessica isn't reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk. Fast. But she just may slow down if there is a waterfall nearby.

Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.

Readers can find Jessica at:

Thanks, Jessica, for being here today. I always enjoy learning more about my friends.


  1. Hey Diane! Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog!! It's always fun to visit my fellow SFR and AHA authors. :)

  2. I understand the bunch of novels that need rewritten problem. I have an unGodly number of them. But you are a machine! I'm a flounder.

    1. Thanks, Liza! Though I always wish I could write faster. :-)


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