
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Meet V.S. Nelson

I’m happy to welcome author V.S. Nelson today. She has led an adventurous life, which she parlays into adventurous books.

Welcome, V.S. Before we start the inquisition interview, I have to say the line in your email signature is very intriguing: Ancient Legends - New Worlds - Humans weren't the only ones to migrate to America.

That being said, please tell us about yourself.

I’m Native American, a Scorpio and a retired teacher of history who loves to travel. Guess that is why I spent over ten years living and teaching in the Middle East. My home away from home use to be Egypt and I use to say I would retire there. Perhaps someday with the current situation over there ends, I will return. I found the people and the country warm and friendly… in my eyes there is no other place like Egypt. I’m also a mother, grand mother and most recently a great grandmother who refuses to admit her age. They say we are only as old as we feel… Does that mean I can claim to be thirty again?

If it does, I'm thirty, too. LOL What do you enjoy most about writing?

The freedom of not getting dressed to go out to a real job.  Since I spend most of my days in front of my computer you just might find me at 3pm still in my pjs.

Me, too. How long does it take you to write a book?

That of course depends on the book. I wrote the first draft of Eternal Lovers, all five hundred plus pages in less than three weeks. It was the two plus years of rewrites and edits that seemed to take forever. Book two of my series, Eternal Nights, was two years in the making. It is due to be released May 1st.

How many hours a day to you spend writing?

Actual writing hours vary between 7-10 hours a day, six days a week.

What is your work schedule like?

I’m an early riser and one can usually find me hard at work sprinting by 7am at the latest. I work on new content for several hours, take a break around 2pm then resume my place on the computer around 3 to work on edits and rewrites. After dinner, I tend to go over what ever I wrote with a critique partner, editor or technical advisor. Since I’m up with the roosters I tend to hit the sac pretty early – usually with a book in my hand. I read until I fall asleep then wake to do it all over again. Sunday is the only day I take off.
What did you learn from writing your first book?

Never, ever, take your characters for granted. They tend to hold back secrets and surprises – give them time and they will share everything with you. Sadly, you might find yourself rewriting a few new chapters to put what ever it is they finally shared with you in an almost completed work. I was just about through writing the first draft of Eternal Lovers when Gabriel, my hero decided it was high time I learned what he truly is. Boy was that an awakening.

If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what would it be?

Start writing fiction earlier.

I agree with that! I wish I'd started writing much earlier. Tell us about your stories. Are they driven by plot or character?

Definitely, character. If it wasn’t for Gabriel bugging the dickens out of me Eternal Lovers nor would my other works exist.

What are some jobs you've done that would end up in a book?

I spent over ten years teaching in the Middle East and have started work on a new romantic series based on my experiences overseas. Each of the stories highlights a different expat teacher in a different country.

What two authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?

I read daily so you will never know what book I have in my hand. I especially like J.R.Ward’s and Lara Adrian’s paranormal series.

Tell us about your latest book.

Eternal Lovers – Sekhmet’s Guardians – Book One is a multi-plotted paranormal romance that crosses the genre’ boundaries… filled with emotion, suspense, mystery and fight scenes. Eternal Lovers is also a story of a young Native American woman’s heartbreak and her growth into womanhood, as she discovers the truth about her heritage. Since the series is set in a modern day setting and is primarily focused around Lake Michigan, one could easily classify it as an Urban Fantasy. I, personally refer to the series as my “night time soap,” since there is so much going on.

Last question. Where can readers find you?

I’m also on facebook, twitter, and good readers to name a few.

My books are available world wide on Amazon and in bookstores.

Link to Amazon author page is


With each passing day, Jessica’s consciousness grew stronger. For twenty years, she was content to remain as she was—trapped inside another. The life she led came to an abrupt end the moment she laid eyes on Raphael.  At first, she suspected they were destined to be together--his gentle touch confirmed it. Although he didn’t know it, he ignited waves of a fiery passion that burned deep into her soul. It became brighter every day, giving her the strength she needed. Somehow she would find a way to free herself from her grandmother’s powerful magic.
For weeks she managed to enter his dream state where they interacted with one another as if they were awake. Although no real physical activity took place, he took her to the heights of passion she had only dreamed about. Where they on inside another dimension? She believed so. His mind saw her as she should be--a woman walking on two legs with two arms to hold him and a body that was made for loving only him.
To have a human body again was more than she had ever hoped for. 

Hours later, with stars twinkling over head and a bright full moon, Raphael and Jessica walked barefoot out on the long cedar dock that overlooked Jennifer’s favorite cove. They sat, dangling their feet in the cool water, enjoying the quiet surroundings after a day packed with travel and entertaining others. 
“Jessica, there are some things we need to talk about,” Raphael said, sadness seeping into his vocal cords as he spoke.
She didn’t want him to be sad--not now--not ever. Turning her head she looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
“When… After Jen did the separation…”
“Raphael, I think I know what is bothering you… you think I don’t remember you saving my life but I do… It’s what saved me, Ray.”
“Ray? Since when did I become Ray?”
“The minute I first laid eyes on you back at the animal rescue center. You were my ray of hope, my ray of inspiration, the one that gave me the strength to fight for what I believed to be my destiny.
“And now that you here?”
There was a questioning tone to his voice--one she wasn’t sure she liked. His attitude was towards her was changing. Something is off.  Had all of it been a lie? For over a week they remained by each other’s side. He never left her alone for more than a few minutes the entire time they were in the mountains. Was everything they encountered, night after night, while he slept a lie? Was it just some fantasy she created in her own mind to give her the strength she needed to overcome her grandmother’s magic? Was he just being kind to her out of some sense of obligation or for his love for Nowaki?
 “You’re not sorry about offering your life force to me, are you?”  She questioned silently, trying to hide her panic.
“Oh no, I was just afraid that you didn’t remember and that you might be uncomfortable with the idea… I don’t want any secrets between us… and I don’t want you to feel like you are being forced into a relationship you may not want…”
Want? Was he kidding? Ray is everything… my reason for living, for existing.
“After thinking about it, I don’t think that little action bound you to me… You do know that you are free to make your own decisions on where you want to live… who you want to be with…”
Is that why he hadn’t touched her this past week? He wanted her to choose someone else. It had never dawned on her until now, he might not want her. She fought back the tears as she stood up, slid out of Alice’s grey sweat suit and dove deep into the icy dark water.
In the mountains on the day they visited the cabin where she was born, Jennifer told her of her experiences as a Selkie. Jen had always had a love for water but said, “Never before embracing her Selkie side, did she truly know what it meant to be one with the water.” To be emerged and comforted by the depths of the deepest pools was something she was longing for--needed this very instant. No wonder broken hearted Selkies sought comfort at the bottom of the ocean. The minute she dove in she felt the water protecting and comforting her like a mother’s womb--like Nowaki had for so many years.
She wasn’t sure where this water would take her--hopefully somewhere away from here--away from all the pain she was feeling. Perhaps she would eventually find the great ocean Jennifer talked about--perhaps she would find others of her kind where she could live out her days. Why, oh why did I take Ray’s gift? The wounds would have killed me and I would have been spared from this agony.

Eternal Nights comes out on May 1st.
BIO – author V.S.Nelson

Being a Native American woman and a Scorpio, author V.S. Nelson has always had a fondness for history, mythology, the occult, and the unexplained events which have occurred on this world we call home. It was no wonder she found herself writing a paranormal series.

Raised on authors like H.G. Wells and Jules Verne and coming from a long line of oral storytellers, Ms. Nelson work has been defined as innovative and fresh. She will take you by the hand and lead you into the depths of her imagination as if you are sitting next to her on the couch one minute and alive within her fantasy world the next.

She has always enjoyed reading stories with strong relationships and happy-ever-after-endings and it is reflected in her work. Even her commercial fiction, Sins of a Man, the Memoirs of a Mafia Hit man, is layered with romantic elements. I’ve heard her say she is in love with love more than once and that too is echoed in her stories.

Landing in Arizona, after an exciting teaching career, which took her to the Middle East for several years, she lives in Arizona where she spends most of her time making love to her computer while writing, editing or researching, seven to ten hours a day. The days she’s not writing, you will find her with her critique partners, attending or presenting a workshop or at a RWA (Romance Writers of America) meeting. She’s extremely active in three RWA chapters in addition to her other associations.

She enjoys hearing from readers, fans and people with similar interests. They are more than welcome to contact her through her website


  1. I loved the excerpt and have added this to my TBR pile. Good luck with your book.

  2. Marian, thank you for your comment and I truly hope you will give the series a try. I think you will find it unique and different from others of its kind. :)

  3. Diane, I want to thank you for hosting me today. It's always a pleasure to have tea on the other side of the pond. :)


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