
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Meet Esther Wheelmaker

I'm pleased to welcome Esther Wheelmaker, the author of the new 
Zombiepunk Series.

Hi, Esther. Please tell us about yourself.

My pen name is Esther Wheelmaker but I also go by Elizabeth Kolodziej. I have been writing and making up stories since I can remember. I blame my mother for my interest in the supernatural. :wink: I grew up learning about magic, psychics, vampires, witches and the alike.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Inspiration is everywhere in life. I can’t pin point one or two things that give me my ideas. Heck, sometimes they just pop up out of nowhere and I’m like oh that’s amazing. Lol.

What does your family think of your writing?

My family is very supportive of my writing and have helped me out a lot to obtain my dreams.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

So far I have written 4 books, a few short stories, a few novellas and some poems that I have gotten published or published myself. My favorite thus far is a tie between Gravely Inanimated and Witch Devotions. Both are relatable and the drama between all the characters is very intense. 

What is the best part of writing for you?

Finishing the story. I love writing but when you finish a book it’s like you brought something amazing and new into the world that might inspire some people. There is no greater gift for me then knowing I inspired a person.

Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...?

I start with the first sentence. Literally. I’m not being sarcastic. The first sentence is the most important in the book. It sets the mood and brings the reader in to begin with. When I get to, say...a part about zombies and I don’t know something. That is when the research begins. If I get stuck with where I want the story to go I do a bubble outline. I work in many different ways sometimes.

What did you learn from writing your first book?

I learned to never give up and grow very thick skin. People can be mean when on a computer and not face to face with you. They say whatever they want and that can be hurtful, but you must be able to take the disrespect, get up and keep going.

How do you balance a life outside of writing with deadlines and writing muses?

Not very well. Lol. My friends and family have come to learn that I go through “spurts”. Some months I am less busy than others and that’s when you see me poke my head out of the cave and blink at the light. :grin:

Blurb for Gravely Inanimated

Extra, extra, read all about it: Zombies Invade London!

It has been thirty years since the Voodoo Queen plagued England with the zombie disease that has since swept the world. Humans have had to learn to function around them while the dead kill innocent people. The government continues its efforts to try to contain and find a cure for the problem.

However, by the cover of night, a man who hunts zombie, known only as Aeron, roams the streets in search of protecting the upright citizens from the flesh eating creatures. One foggy evening Lucille Knight becomes one of these people and Aeron’s interest is instantly peeked. A stubborn, feisty "lady" in this day in age? How challenging.

But Aeron will have a little competition when Miss. Knight meets Lord Garrett Ashdown, the son of Earl Thomas or a man better known as: The Inventor. A man who builds automatons for the direct purpose of killing zombies; mysteriously understanding their blood and the way they sense humans.

Lucy is taken by the masked man known as Aeron and the equally mysterious Lord Garrett. With one concealing his true identity and the other hiding a ghastly secret, she doesn’t know which one is less dangerous. What secrets do Aeron and Garrett keep from Lucy? Will Miss. Knight be able to be with the man she chooses when she learns the awful truth?

It is still unclear. And the current edition isn’t spilling the beans just yet…

Gravely Inanimated is available at Amazon:

Vampyre Kisses is available at Amazon:

Who Am I?
Her name is Esther Wheelmaker and she is the author of the new, Zombiepunk Series.

With Gravely Inanimated (book one) coming to life, she is pounding away on her typewriter to try and get book two out. However, she is easily distracted by sparkly things.

Her background is a mystery and all anyone knows is she loves hugs, corsets, steampunk, books and Mozart….

…Let’s face it…Everyone likes a girl with a little mystery.

Hugs and corsets. ~ E.

One last question. Where can readers find you?

Thanks for being here, Esther/Elizabeth.

1 comment:

  1. Very good interview! "Gravely Inanimated" is quite an excellent book, too. It was my first taste of the new "Steampunk" genre, but it won't be my last. I really enjoyed it.


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