
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Meet Melissa Keir

Today I'd like you to meet a fellow Mid-Michigan RWA chaptermate. Melissa is super busy. I marvel at all she gets done--especially writing novels.

Welcome, Melissa.

Thank you Diane for having me on your blog today. *waves at everyone* I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

It's great having you here. Please tell us about yourself.

I’m a wife, mother, teacher, author and co-owner of a publishing house. Whew! That sounds busy and it is. I don’t know the meaning of resting and relaxing. I’m always on the go doing something. Luckily, my family understands and supports me. I have a blended family with two of his and two of mine. We’re like the Brady Bunch without an Alice to do all the work. I’m a mommy to two fur babies who know how to manipulate me into long periods of cuddle time and extra treats. 

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I have always written. Back in high school, I was bored in typing class (Yep, we had a class on typing on typewriters…I’m that old) and had to type non-stop for 10 to 15 minutes. I would type stories for my friends. Poor Kaz always was in some bad horror movie! But I didn’t get serious about being published until early last year when a friend suggested I try submitting a book to a publishing house. Once I started, I couldn’t stop!

I remember typing class. Only class where I got a D. Thank goodness for word processing.

How long does it take you to write a book?

It depends on how much time I have. Go back to where I talk about myself and you see that I have way too many things on my plate. Writing often gets pushed aside for the other things. When I have time, I can punch out a short novella in a weekend, but that hasn’t happened in a while. Life has just gotten in the way. Maybe when school finishes for the summer, I’ll have more time to write. I do have four books started.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

My work schedule when I write is usually late in the evening while I’m snuggling in bed with the doggies. I don’t have much time to write currently, see the above post. But I will

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

The ideas for my books come from my own past, family, or snippets of conversations that I overhear. I love to wonder “what if” and spend a lot of time thinking about how people handle different situations.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

Is there time for reading? When I’m not writing and not doing the other million things I do, I love to read. I have some favorite authors that are must buys. I also make my own jewelry and walk to keep fit. My favorite thing is to spend time with my family. I enjoy a lunch out with my daughter or hanging out with my son, or just snuggling on the couch with my hubby. Of course, those things come before writing, reading or anything else.

What does your family think of your writing?

My husband and children have read most of my books. They are super supportive and understanding about this endeavor. My dad is proud of me but isn’t much of an ereader, so he hasn’t read many of my books. My sisters are a little worried that they will end up in one of my stories or they think that each book is about them. I have to constantly reassure them that my stories aren’t about them. I’d love to believe that my mom would have loved to see my name on a book. She wrote a book in the 80’s and tried to get it published. She’s my inspiration.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I’ve written seven books so far. One of which is a flash fiction anthology. I think that my favorite book is A Christmas Accident. I love all my books, but that one has a special place in my heart because of the message it sends. Would you believe that the coma really happened to my mother?

What do you enjoy most about life?

I love that each day is new. Some days are not wonderful but each day is like a clean slate. I can make each day what I want and not let the past get me down. Can you tell I’m a little bit of a Pollyanna?

What do you hope readers take with them after reading your work?

I hope that readers take a feeling of happiness, a feeling of belief in something good happening in the world, that love is important and that anything is possible. If one reader enjoys my books, then I’m happy and will feel like I’ve done something amazing. 

Please share a little about your latest book.

Three’s a Crowd by Melissa Keir


For Lissa, the second time at love was a charm but in marriage, three’s a crowd.

Single mother Lissa Vincent found her soul mate in her best friend’s ex-husband. Alex Hunter couldn’t believe his fortune when his ex-wife told him her best friend was available. After divorce, finding love again could be a challenge but it appeared Alex and Lissa had gotten lucky. Yet as they start their lives as newlyweds, Alex and Lissa don’t realize just how difficult it might be to blend a family.

When Alex’s ex new marriage begins to unravel, she sets her sights again on Alex. Does Alex still have feelings for the mother of his child? Will Lissa keep her best friend or lose her husband?

Fairytales promise a happily-ever-after. But what really happens after the after.


“Hi, honey. I’m home.” I called as I entered the house. The boys were spending the night with their father but I could see Alex was on the phone and he quickly waved me toward him. Sitting down next to him on the couch, I listened patiently, curious as to what was going on.

“Yes, I suppose we can switch days for Joe to come over. I’m sorry things are that way at your house. Joe’s always welcome here. Just let me know what I can do to help.” Chloe. Frowning, I listened for more. “Mike seems like a great guy. If you two are having issues, maybe you can talk to a counselor or something. Let me know what I can do to help. I’m always willing to listen. Bye.”

“What’s going on? Your conversation seemed pretty edgy.”

“She and Mike are having issues. She thinks he might be having an affair. She wants us to get Joe early and maybe keep him a few days extra so she can spend some time with Mike and try to talk things through. She doesn’t want to put Joe in the middle. You know how he feels about Mike.”

“I’m sorry to hear it. She mentioned the stress to me at lunch yesterday but nothing about an affair. I didn’t want to bring it up to you or share things I shouldn’t. The boys love spending time with him and it’ll be good for Joe to spend more time with you.”

Alex put his arm around me and kissed me softly. “You’re wonderful, Lissa. I know this will take more work on your part, but I really appreciate how you’re willing to do anything for my son.”

“I love Joe, you know that. But honestly, I’m worried about something. Chloe seems to want to rely on you for support. I don’t want you to get caught in the middle of their issues. The other day at lunch, she told me how much she still cares for you and warned me away from you. It was uncomfortable.”

“Lissa, I love you. Not Chloe. You have nothing to worry about.” Taking my face in his hands, he kissed me deeply and made me forget all of my worries. “Let me show you how much you mean to me.” Alex picked me up and carried me to the couch. Undressing me slowly, he worshiped my figure with his mouth, making me cry out in passion. Then he moved me to our bed and showed me again, this time with his hard body, just how much he loved me.

Buy Links:

One last question. Where can readers find you?

I have my own website and blog ( and with all the latest information on my books and a variety of book spotlights by some of my favorite authors. Please stop by and say hello. Sometimes there’s some great giveaways going on. I’ve had blog hops and other events with giveaways of gift cards and free books! I’m also always on FB and have two pages on there. I love chatting with other authors and readers. You can find me at: and I’m also on Twitter at @melissa_keir.

Thank you Diane for having me on your blog to visit. I always enjoy sharing more about myself with other readers and authors.

Melissa, it's been my pleasure. I've enjoyed learning more about you.


  1. Thank you Diane for having me on your blog! I appreciate your friendship and support!

  2. Melissa, you're a true inspiration. I'm in awe of all you do, and you still manage to write terrific books. I remember typing class too. Comes in handy now to be a touch typist. And you design jewelry too! You really are amazing. Nice getting to know more about you.

    1. Thanks Cara. Unfortunately, I've let the jewelry lapse for the writing. However, my daughter does it now and is very successful. She even has her own store. :)

  3. Wow, Melissa! You're so busy! I don't know how you find any time to write...From one busy writing mom to another, keep it up!

    1. Thanks Alyssa. There are certainly days I feel like I get nothing done. Even when I have a chunk of time, things like mud tracked into the house interfere with my writing time. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Best of luck with your writing, Melissa. Finding the time seems to be the hardest part for all of us.

  5. Very impressive how much you squeeze out of or into a day! I read the flash fiction anthology and really liked it. What a fun idea! I'd love to try it. Congratulations on all your successes, Melissa!

    1. Thank you Polly. I feel like I tread water some days and get nothing done. I'm glad you enjoyed the flash fiction. I think it's a fun way to really hone your craft. You have to be very specific with the words. I took a class with Lisa Kressler on it and loved it.

  6. I always thought I was busy, but I don't think I tried to squeeze as much in a day as you do. I'm looking forward to reading your books.

    1. Thanks Patricia. I'd love your feedback after you read them. I value your insights. I feel like I waste a lot of time that I could be doing writing...but sometimes a good game of solitaire helps get the thoughts flowing again.

    2. Another Solitaire fan. When the thoughts don't come, sometimes it's good to blank the mind. Solitaire beats exercise in my book.

    3. It's so important to have that blank out. I couldn't survive. Of course, it's a time waster too which frustrates me. :( What a catch 22!

  7. You're busier than me! That's a lot of busy! Congrats on your book!

    1. It just sounds busier than it is. :) I love your stories and am so glad you stopped by! Thanks!

  8. You are one busy lady! I remember typing class, lol! So boring! But I am so glad I had it now. Loved the excerpt! Congrats on the book and can't wait to read it!

    1. Busy is my name! I have to do something. Typing class was boring which is why I wrote stories about my friends. In my school we are teaching keyboarding to students in third grade so that they have that skill. I couldn't live without it. :)

      I'd love to hear your thoughts when you read the book. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Wonderful excerpt and interview - thanks for sharing, Diana, and Mellissa... holy cow, lady, keep up the good work! :)

    1. Thanks Kristen. I have so many ideas and not enough time. Do you think we can figure out how to not sleep so we'll have more time for work? :) Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Normally I don't add comments on guest days (I figure it's their day) but I can't help myself today. LOL Instead of no sleep, how about if we add extra hours to the day?

    3. If we had more hours, I'm sure I'd figure out more things around the house to get done too. I've felt really guilty lately for sleeping in till 7 am. But I've needed it!

  10. Wow, you are one busy woman. I admire your energy, and wish you continued success.


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