
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Insecure Writers Support Group

Did you know the first Wednesday of the month is Insecure Writers Group Day? Did you even know there was a group for insecure writers started by Alex J. Cavanaugh? Sure wish I’d known about this group before. Thanks to my bud Nancy Gideon, I know now. 

Of course, I’m insecure. We writers are worrywarts. We worry when the writing doesn’t come and we think we’ve lost our talent. We worry that our editors will think we write crap. Then despite all the worries and the book is published, we worry that no one will buy it.

Right now, I’m worried about the cover art for my newest book. The preliminary cover, while great for super serious suspense or a vampire story, just didn’t seem right for a romantic suspense with humor. I worried that my readers would think my humor is gone and not buy my book. Or that new readers would expect serious suspense and be dismayed by some of the wacky stunts. I’m very grateful that my publisher was willing to listen to my opinion. So I wait to see what comes next.

It could be worse. I keep thinking about an author whose hero was tall, dark, and handsome with a chiseled jaw and angular features. On the cover, he looked like the Pillsbury Dough Boy. She had no choice.

So I’m refraining from chewing on my nails. I’m trusting my publisher will respect my opinion and hoping my cover will be great. I think some chocolate is in order.

If you want to see what other writers are insecure about, click on the link below for their links:


  1. Just stopping by from the IWSG :)

    I havent got to the stage where I'm looking at cover art, but i just KNOW i'll be worrying. Like you say, writers and worrying seems to go hand in hand unfortunately, but, i think thats a good thing, because it shows we care...about our words, our novels, our readers :)

    Good luck honey!


  2. Wishing you the best of luck with your cover. The cover of a book is so important and I am sure your publisher will work with you to make those sales! Welcome to IWSG!

    1. Thanks, Siv. I'm convinced I'll like the revised cover.

  3. Or my strapped hunk of a hero who turned out looking like a sweaty 16 year old boy . . . sigh! I learned to only worry about the things in your control. There are enough of them!

    1. Good point. Sort of like the Serenity Prayer, which I should engrave on the underside of my eyelids. :)

  4. It's great that your publisher was willing to listen to your thoughts! Best wishes on that cover and your writing.

  5. Chocolate? Did you say you need chocolate to rid yourself of those stressful worrywarts? (so, THAT'S what that rash is!) I happen to represent Gum Drop Island where all the chocolate/candy in the entire world is grown! Wasn't that perceptive of me to stop by, heh heh.

    Waiting to see that cover! Um, there won't be any warts, worry-wise or otherwise, on there, huh?

  6. I hope your cover woes work themselves out. A good cover is important--- but the content is even more so, and that's the bit you have total control over.

  7. Diane, I've read some absolutely fabulous novels that had blank covers. No great fonts, no photo, no nothing. War and Peace comes to mind.

    I'm guest hosting today, and I'm very happy to meet you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. And thanks for guest hosting.

  8. I'm going though the same thing with my cover art. It has to be right. Not perfect. But right. Good luck to you! I'm sure the finished product will be awesome.

  9. Yes, cue the chocolate! And best of luck with your cover. I'm sure it will be just right and will totally convey the right tone for your novel. Fingers crossed for you!

  10. Your second paragraph nailed writers, and our worries, on the head! I can't wait to see my own cover, so I can only imagine how worried you are with your cover dilemma. If you want to do a cover reveal or book blast, please let me know ( I would LOVE to host you on my blog! And I am curious to see how your cover turns out! ;) Best of luck to you!

    1. Thanks for the offer, Chrys. I'll take you up on it.

  11. Recently my lit agent was nice enough not to call my recent partial crap, though, I felt her vibes in her email. I was on the right track, so she wrote. The book cover is the fun, exciting part and like you said Chocolate cures all ills!

    1. LOL. Agents have to be nice. It's great you were on the right track.

  12. Chocolate is ALWAYS a good choice!

    I hate the constant worry we writers tend to carry with us about EVERYTHING. So frustrating. But that shows we care about our writing, I think. :)

    1. I guess we're just human. You're right, it shows we care about our work.

  13. Oh, man, your last line just made me crave chocolate! And I haven't even had breakfast yet! It's great that your publisher lets you have some say in your book cover. Hope it turns out amazing!

    1. Thanks, Rachel. Chocolate for breakfast. Of course.

  14. I agree with Rachel - I want some chocolate now, lol! I hope your book cover turns out everything you want it to be. :)

    I saw from Google+ that you live in Michigan. I live in Ohio! In June this year, my husband and our two kids and I took a vacation to Frankenmuth. We've gone several times. It's just such a fun place for all of us! We stay at the Bavarian Inn, and it has all kinds of fun things to do right in the hotel. I love the Riverplace Shops, too. :)

  15. Hi, Jennifer. I love Frankenmuth. Bronner’s, Zehnder’s, Riverplace, all of it. Every year I get special Christmas ornaments for my children & grandchildren from Bronner's and they personalize them for free. I could spend hours and hours there and not see everything.

    Thanks so much for stopping by.


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