
Monday, September 9, 2013

Moving Day is Here!

At last! Not everyone is excited about moving—esp. over a hundred miles away. I used to be one of those people. Each time Hubs’ job took us away from the familiar, I cried. Not this time. I am so geeked (is that still a word?) I haven’t stopped grinning this morning as we wait for the movers to get here. Never mind that Hubs and I are exhausted from packing, we are both very happy today has finally arrived.

Instead of moving away from the home we’ve lived in for almost fourteen years, we’re moving to the Lake Michigan shoreline. After living near Kalamazoo years ago, I always wanted to retire in West Michigan. The atmosphere is different. Good different. Very conservative, which this liberal doesn’t mind—too much. I know I’m making generalizations, but there’s a genuineness (no pretenses) among the residents. Values like mine.

We looked for a house for nearly a year before giving up. We were being quite picky about finding a Goldilocks house—one that was just right. Unlike our other moves where we took the best available, we took our time. Finally, we decided to build. What an experience. I mean that in the best possible way. Our builder has been great. His staff is so pleasant and helpful. His sub-contractors, proud of their work and happy to tell us what they were doing. Hubs, with his engineering background, asked nine million questions and the subs were only too pleased to answer. As with most things in life, unless money is no object, we didn’t get everything we wanted. But this is our Goldilocks house where we hope to live out the rest of your years.

Now I’ve saved the best part of this move for the last. We’re moving to the same town where our grandchildren live. If I thought I was geeked, it’s nothing compared to a six-year-old and her three and a half-year-old brother. They can’t wait. Not to diminish our love for our daughter and her husband, the appeal of West Michigan is greatly enhanced by being close to the grandkiddies. As I wrote in my post yesterday at The Rosesof Prose blog, my grandchildren bring me such joy. I’ve enjoyed every aspect of their lives. From cuddling them as babies (still cuddling them) to watching their first steps and marveling at their growing vocabulary and logic, I’m constantly amazed. Yet they don’t have to do anything, just be there, to fill my heart with love and peace.

Because of the move today and the cable company’s schedule, I won't be back online until Friday. Possibly sooner when I find the McDonald’s or a coffee shop with free internet. So I probably won’t reply to your comments right away but know that I will read and enjoy them.


  1. Enjoy your new home, my friend, and know that I will envy your close proximity to your grandkiddies. Still, I am so happy for you, and the fact that your fiddle feet will finally settle down! Hugs and love!

    1. Fiddle feet, huh? I'm really happy, too. Thanks, Patrish.


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