
Monday, October 7, 2013


The astrological sign for the beginning of October is Libra. The symbol is a scale, indicating balance. That sort of describes how I think. I can usually see both sides of an issue. I don’t always agree with one side, but I can see the point. I just wish I could balance my life along with my point of view.

One of the questions I usually ask when interviewing for Meet the Author Thursdays is how the author balances “life” and writing. Most say they don’t. I can definitely identify with that. I’m fortunate that my children are grown and gone, Hubs is tolerant, and I’m retired from a day job. Still, it’s difficult to find that balance between life and writing.

Writing is not a put-down/pick-up task. I know there are writers who can write in short snatches of time but not me. I have to reread the last few pages and get “into” the story before I can start writing. Then I get so involved in the story that it’s more difficult to leave it. There are days when it’s easier to stay in the story than stop to empty more boxes and find places for household items or do the laundry and other mundane tasks.

The move to our new house has taken its toll on writing the next book in the Outer Rim series. I love this new story. Whenever I’m asked my favorite book (of my own), I always say the one I’m writing. The Outer Rim books feature strong women on the frontier of space. I thought I would be farther along in the story by now. And that’s frustrating. Frustrating for me and frustrating for readers who are asking when the next book is coming out.

Along with unpacking all those boxes I spent July, August, and part of September packing, I’m promoting One Red Shoe, my new romantic suspense. I love visiting other blogs, like yesterday when I visited Jessica Subject’s Mark of the Stars and talked about my two loves: science fiction romance and romantic suspense. Tomorrow it’s my turn on Roses of Prose where I share what scares me. As much as I enjoy all the blogging, it does take away from my next book.

One thing I don’t regret—time spent with the grandkiddies. We spent a good chunk of last Saturday going to a parade and watching grandson ride on his preschool’s float. So glad it only took us twenty minutes to get to the parade route instead of the two hours it would have taken had we not moved. All the packing and unpacking was/is worth it to be able to enjoy their activities. And no frustration about not writing.
How do you balance all the things in your life?

Don’t forget the giveaway that is going on all month. Leave a comment and your email address for a chance at an Amazon gift card. I’ll announce the winner on Halloween." rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. If all we had to do was write . . . We often forget that it's a business and as such has so many other demands such as promotion and copy edits. I hear you on the Grammy end of things. Nothing is more important than shopping for that perfect Spider-Man Halloween costume!! The scales of balance for a writer have to be fluid.

    1. I like your statement that the scales have to be fluid. That helps with the frustration of not being able to do everything. :)


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