
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Insecure Writers Support Group

It’s my birthday. I should be happy. Yet I’m concerned about my new book. Will it sell? Will people like it enough to leave a good review? What if it tanks?

Last month, I worried about the cover. Well, it turned out well. Better than I expected. So why worry whether or not it will sell? It’s beyond my control. I need to recite the Serenity Prayer. Often. I have to let go of that which I can’t do anything about. Once the manuscript left my hands, once it was edited and went through all the checks, the line editing, the final approvals, it was out of my hands.

Letting go is very difficult for me. I never realized how controlling I can be, especially with regard to my writing career. After my children became adults, I forced myself to let go. I no longer told them what they should do, though I bit my tongue a lot. I’d done my job and had to trust that they would remember the values and ethics my husband and I tried to instill. Wow, was that hard. But somehow with my manuscripts it’s even harder.

So I have to trust that I wrote the best book I could. I had a wonderful editor who made it better. I'm promoting the heck out of it. Beyond that, I can do nothing more.

Why is that so easy to say and so darn hard to put into practice?

My new romantic suspense One Red Shoe is now available. See my blog for more info.

If you want to see what other writers are insecure about, click on the link below for their links:


  1. Congratulations! I'm still on the finishing and finding an editor part. I can't even begin to worry about the selling part. I hope it all works out well for you.

    1. Thanks, Jenn. Good luck with finishing your book. That's the most important part.

  2. Hi Diane, Happy Birthday! I love the title - Insecure Writer's Support Group. I should be in one of those groups. I've a lot of insecurities right now with my first book to be published and another one in a contest. Good luck with your new book!

    1. Thanks, Connie. IWSG is a great group. You can sign up any time.

  3. Happy Birthday, Diane. And best of luck with the new release. Can't wait to get my copy and read it!

  4. Happy Birthday, DIANE!!!! All the best! And congrats on your new release! Don't worry about the sales.... Keep breathing. I'm sending you positive vibes!

    Letting go is difficult, but it's all part of the process. At least your novel is out and we can all get a chance to discover your writing!

    1. Thanks, Michael. I'm feeling those positive vibes. :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Diane! And congrats on the new release!! We spend so much time and work on our books that letting them go is sometimes the hardest part! But, it's so worth it :)

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. You are so right--it is worth it.

  6. Remember, Di . . . Don't sweat the small stuff!! Can't wait to start reading!!

  7. Happy birthday, Diane! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my blog this morning. It gave me a boost.

    Worrying, along with being insecure, is one of the worst parts of being a writer. We worry about EVERYTHING, and for what? Everything eventually works out as it's supposed to. I'm glad that you're fighting this.

    Maybe a distraction would help? Like chocolate? Or a long walk? You have a book coming out! That's amazing. It's worth celebrating.

    If you figure out how to stop worrying, please let me know how you did it!

    1. LOL Yes, chocolate helps. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

  8. Happy Birthday and Happy New Release! Wishing you much success with it. I know how you feel, though, and I will have to check out that insecure group. Even in going over my previously published stories I worry they're still not good enough. But I guess learning to let go is all a part of the writing process. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Lucy. This is only my 2nd month with ISWG. Can't believe how encouraging everyone is.

  9. Diane, my sons are in their 40s and I have a continual wound at the end of my tongue. I doubt that feeling ever goes away. Congratulations on your book! I hope you realize what an awesome accomplishment that is, writing and having a book published. Bravo.

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...!!!

    1. Thanks, Joylene. Nope that wound on the tongue never ends. I have to say, though, I'm very proud of the choices my kids have made with regard to their significant other/spouse, careers, and in general how they live their lives. I heard you singing. LOL Thanks.

  10. Hi Diane! Happy birthday and good luck with your upcoming release! I think nerves are good so I know the release will be fine.

    1. Thanks, Quanie. Yes, nerves are good. Otherwise, we'd be over-confident, which can lead to complacency--or give us a swelled head. LOL

  11. Happy birthday! Yes, it's hard to let go of your writing but if you don't, it'll never be finished. Congrats on having a new release! I know what works for me is wanting to dive into another project. Sort of makes me let go. ;)
    Seasoned With Words

    1. Thanks, River. Good advice about starting a new project. Yes, that does make it easier. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Happy Birthday! I've yet to reach the point that I have to let the control of my book be handed over to someone else, but the thought of it is agonizing. However, looks like you had a wonderful release! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Caitlin. Even when you self-publish (as I did my sfr books), you have to let go. I still had to turn it over to a free-lance editor. Yes, it is agonizing. Best wishes.

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Writers are worry warts, and why shouldn't we be? Our books are our babies. I am beginning to understand how you feel and when my debut is released next year, I'll really understand. The only thing we can do is exactly what you said, write the best darn book we can, work with a great editor, and promote the heck out of it. After that, it is out of our hands. Best wishes! :)

    1. Thanks, Chrys. Who wants someone to tell us our baby is ugly??? Congrats on your debut release.

  14. Cheers on the new release, Diane! Wishing you much success! You've worked hard (still at it, too), so relax and enjoy knowing you earned the kudos!

    1. Thanks, Loralee. Your kind words made my day. It was so good seeing you last week at the booksigning in Saranac. I hope they invite us back again next year.

  15. Happy Birthday! I don't think these worries every go away. Try to enjoy the journey!

    --Ilima Todd (IWSG co-host)

    1. Thanks, ilima. I am enjoying the journey. And what a journey it has been. :) Thanks for hosting this month. This is a super group. A big thank you to everyone who has put in so much of their time to make things run smoothly.

  16. Happy Birthday!!! Wow- you are just like me- I worry about every single thing I write- every cover- every word- will people like it- will they slate it....the list goes on!!! Good luck with latest work hun!! Enjoy the rest of your day! Jenny Kane (Kay Jaybee)

    1. Thanks, Jenny. Oh, yes. We writers are such worriers. LOL


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