
Monday, November 25, 2013

Doctor Who

For several months, I’ve seen references to Doctor Who on different blogs. Doctor Who? What? My curiosity finally got the best of me so I “Googled” it. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a science fiction adventure television series that has been around since the early 1960s about which I knew nothing. I had to correct that.

After reading as much as I could online, I set my DVR to record episodes. Did I ever pick the right time! A marathon of Doctor Who episodes ran all last week leading up to the 50th Anniversary Special on Saturday. It will probably take me all winter to watch the episodes and specials.

For those of you, like me, who are unfamiliar with Doctor Who, it is a British television program about a humanoid alien and his human companion(s) who time travel to different parts of history and the future to save the world. They travel in a blue police call box (which looks a little like an old American-style phone booth) that is much bigger inside than out--like the tents in the Harry Potter series. To explain the change in actors, the Doctor “regenerates” after a life-ending incident into a new body and with a new personality.

Doctor Who reminds me of Star Trek (the original series) and Firefly, television shows that ended too early for the viewers. Unlike those shows, Doctor Who returned after a fifteen-year gap. Thank goodness for fans. Also unlike Star Trek and Firefly, the network listened to the fans and revived the series.

Why is it that networks give up on shows too soon? Even write-in campaigns or a huge following on Facebook can’t save programs viewers love if The Powers That Be declare it’s kaput. I almost hate to invest time and interest in a new show because it might not return.

I’m glad I let my curiosity lead me to a new program. I’m late jumping on this bandwagon but not too late. I am thoroughly enjoying this discovery.

I'll be writing about Thanksgiving on Saturday during my usual spot on The Roses of Prose blog. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving to all.


  1. [ Smiles ] It is nice to know that you took it upon yourself to learn something about, "Dr. Who".

    1. It's embarrassing to admit I didn't know about it. What a fun program!

  2. I'm a pretty recent convert, too - we don't have cable or internet out at the farm, so I have to depend on PBS to show re-runs occasionally. Creepiest TV moment in history for me? The weeping angels episode. I get chills thinking about it! You'll know when you watch it...

    1. Now you've got me curious, Kristen. I'll have to search through the 100+ episodes on the DVR to find that one. LOL

  3. I've been hearing about it, since my grandsons refer to the show occasionally. I just haven't gotten around to actually watching it. Guess I'll need to do that sometime. Now that it's got your endorsement, I just might.

    1. LOL It has a cult-like following called Whovians--or so I'm told. I just can't figure out why I hadn't heard of it before.

  4. I'm also new (Read forced by my Whovian son.He's got a Tardis cookie jar!) to the Doctor. LOVE Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and just about anything British (Hope you've watched Broadchurch! Awesome!).

    1. No, I didn't know about Broadchurch. How do I keep missing these shows???

  5. I think I've watched a few episodes before. Glad you've found a new to you program. I agree that too many programs are canceled way too early. I remember when I was a big fan of Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman in the 90s. Big hit on Saturday night line-up. Then after a number of successful years (and it was still a high-ranking show) it was canceled. Seemed the network was going after the young male crowd. What? On Saturday night there are young males watching TV? No, there are middle-aged moms who like a show with a strong female character. But what do we know? Enjoy the holiday and Dr. Who!

    1. Sometimes I wonder who figures out the demographics shows are aimed at.

  6. Diane, if you see a Tardis on your street, knock on the door and maybe he'll let you in. What great research that would be. (We've watched episodes for years and years.)

  7. I've not watched it. I'm not a TV person. We still watch the old western re-runs like Bonanza and Gunsmoke during the evening and then turn off the TV to listen to music. I might just have to catch up with this series.

    1. Hubs & I are such TV and movie lovers. I haven't converted him to Doctor Who yet, though.

  8. I popped over for the IWSG but then saw your Doctor Who tag and had to have a peep! Glad you found it - one of my fav shows! Did you ever watch the Weeping Angels? They first appear in Series 3 called Blink - and has been voted one of the best/scariest Doctor Who's ever!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

    1. I haven't seen that one yet. You're the 2nd person who's told me how scary it is. I'll have to search the DVR for that one and watch it today. Thanks for stopping by.

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