
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Meet Rose Gorham

Today, my guest is Rose Gorham. She writes romantic fiction for the Wild Rose Press, my publisher.

Welcome, Rose. Tell us about yourself.

I worked as a librarian for sixteen years in a small town in Missouri where I live with my husband Larry. Our children are all grown and married and live only a short drive away making it easy for us to visit the grandkids. As far back as I can remember I’ve always enjoyed people watching and would make up little scenarios about them in my head. What I hadn’t realized was that those mind exercises were my prelude into writing. My favorite hobbies; taking walks with my husband and snapping pictures of animals and nature help to clear my head when I’m having a problem with a plot or when one of my characters gets snippy and decides to rewrite the story. 

When did you first realize you wanted to write?

I was on the edge of thirty, after I had my third child. By that time I was hooked on romance. There were times when I would put down a book and think; I can writer better than that. Other times I’d think, damn, that was a good book. I wish I could write like that. Then one day I was at the mall people watching and a young woman walked by trying to balance her packages while holding onto her two little charges. She said something to them that made them laugh and all of a sudden a story began to form in my head. That night I borrowed one of my daughter’s notebooks and I started writing. 

What do you like to do when you're not writing? 

I’m open to about anything when I’m not writing. I like to read and meet friends for lunch. I like to bake, especially when the grandkids are around, and have all the family over for dinner. My husband and I go for walks, and I love sitting in the mall or on a park bench and people watch.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite.

I have six complete novels, three in the holding stage and the one I’m working on now. Only two of them are published. From Within is my favorite. It was published in 2012. It was so easy to write. My heroine, Maggie wasn’t looking for love when she moved to Mill Creek, Missouri, but the hero, Sheriff Logan McBride soon changed her mind. I love all my characters but the book wouldn’t be complete without the Peel twins. They are in their seventies. Miss Helen is straight laced, and always trying to get her spirited sister, Miss Emily to toe the line. They along with Maggie’s crew, seven teenagers, add a little humor to this Romantic Suspense read. 

What authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?

I really enjoy Christina Skye and Julie Garwood. Years ago Julie made the transition from historical to contemporary romantic seem effortlessly. I just found Carolyn Marsi, Kathleen Brooks, and Melody Anne. There are a host of other great authors out there that I can’t wait to read. 

What advice would you could give the younger version of yourself?

Don’t give up on yourself. When you get a rejection, cry, throw things, but then pick yourself up and get your butt back in that chair and show them what you’re made of!

What did you learn from writing your first book?
Patience, determination, and that I had it in me to complete a novel.

How long does it take your to write a book?

Each book has its own time frame. From Within took a little over a year. My novella, It’s You and Me, Baby, out now on Amazon took four months. 

What do you hope readers take with them after reading your book?

After the last page is read I would want them to sit back and think, damn, that was a good book!

What does your family think of your writing?

They think it’s awesome. Larry and the kids encourage me when I’m down and praise me when I accomplish my objective. My family has always been self-sufficient. If dinner wasn’t on the table, they made do or fixed it themselves. When my first book came out and I told Larry that it would take time to build a following and begin to see a profit, he asked me if I still enjoyed writing. When I told him more than ever, he said that’s all that mattered. How can you not love a guy like that? 

Tell us about your latest book.

Janet and Brad’s story is all about letting go of the past and second chances at love. 

What Janet Sanderson didn't need besides being stalked was Brad Temple on her doorstep with the news that his brother Martin is dead. Six years ago Janet had thought it was Brad's lie that had torn her world apart. But putting the pieces together, she and Brad realize they both had been duped by Martin just so he could get rid of Janet and his unborn child. Confronted with the truth, can Janet set the past aside to help Brad decipher Martin's cryptic notes that may point to his murderer? Will Janet's stalker thwart Brad's second chance with the woman he loves?

It's You & Me, Baby is available at Amazon:

One last question, Rose. Where can readers find you?

They can visit my website, Also I’m on,, and; oh, and you can catch me on twitter and facebook.   

It's been great meeting you, Rose. Best wishes on your writing career.


  1. It's great to meet Rose! And best wishes to her and her release It's You and Me Baby.

    1. Thank you, Stephen.
      Visited your BlogSpot. Awesome!

  2. Good to meet you Rose. I see a lot of my writing experiences in yours and I'm going to take your tips on the authors you like because I love Julie Garwood but haven't heard of the others. I like the sound of It's you and me baby - and what a cool title! Good luck with it.

  3. Thank you, Kathryn.
    I can't wait to read Too Charming.


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