
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Sampler - Savage Deception by R.T. Wolfe

Savage Deception Book Jacket Blurb:

Busy juggling loan sharks and Amber Alerts, Detective Nickie Savage makes time when the FBI seeks her expertise with a child trafficking ring. But when Nickie discovers that the men running the ring are the same ones who abducted her as a young teen, the case gets personal. 

Risking her badge, Nickie goes rogue. Luckily, she has Duncan Reed, along with his wire tapping and surveillance expertise. But Duncan also wants to take their relationship to the next level. 

Now, Nickie must choose: break her own rules and risk her heart or forge ahead alone. 

Savage Deception excerpt:

 “This is our hotel.” Those were the only four words Nickie had spoken since Duncan picked her up at Vegas Metro. He’d expected her to be shaken after the day she’d had. He didn’t expect her to be shaking.

Heading for the elevator, he realized they were retiring to their room as the rest of the town was beginning their evenings. He heard them before the elevator arrived. Loud, drunk and male. The doors slid open to a small group of young men. They reeked of marijuana and alcohol. One did a double take at Nickie.

“The cop stripper!” he slurred. “I got your card in here somewhere.” He patted his pockets.

Nickie wore what she usually did. Button-down blouse, this one raspberry-pink, and black slacks … both tighter than most wear. She was never afraid to use her sexuality when it suited her. Her black boots had heels. Her gun was secured on her belt, along with her badge and cuffs.

Duncan saw it all through an angry haze of red.

The one patting his pockets took out some cash. The others whistled as they pulled out more bills.

Duncan stepped in front of Nickie.

“Come on, dude. Share!” they boy said to Duncan.

He wasn’t sure whose arm it was, but before he knew it a hand cupped her breast. As quickly as the arm reached her, Nickie twisted and had it wrenched behind the man’s back. “That’s assaulting a police officer you stupid piece of shit.” Her voice was eerily calm.

“Hey!” another one defended, landing a hand on her shoulder. Duncan took it, bending it back until he heard a crack. The boy bellowed in pain as his friends stepped in to help.

Fists flew and heads bobbed. They were drunk and young. That excuse wasn’t going to help them. Duncan ducked easily taking two down with solid hooks as he heard the soft heels of the security officer running toward them.

Savage Deception purchase links:

Barnes and Noble:

Savage Echoes Short Story Prequel (free for Kindle and iBooks, .99c for Nook)
Savage Deception 
Savage Rendezvous 
Savage Disclosure 
Savage Betrayal 
Savage Alliance 

R.T. Wolfe Bio:

R.T. enjoys creating diverse characters and twining them together in the midst of an intelligent mystery and a heart encompassing romance. It's not uncommon to find dark chocolate squares in R.T.'s candy dish, her Golden Retriever at her feet and a few caterpillars spinning their cocoons in their terrariums on her counters. R.T. loves her family, gardening, eagle-watching and can occasionally be found viewing a flyover of migrating whooping cranes.

R.T. Wolfe Social Media links:


  1. Thank you for having me back on your lovely blog, Diane. I'm thrilled to be here!

  2. Thanks for the review. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  3. Love this book! Lots of action and emotion. Great read...congrats, R.T.!

  4. I read Savage Echoes last night. You pack a lot of suspense in a short story. Excellent.

    1. Thank you, Diane. It is a stand alone short story. Many fear it will have some ginormous cliff hanger. As always, go in and leave a review on your preferred retailer, if you don't mind. :)


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