
Monday, February 24, 2014

What I'm Reading

Every week I introduce you to authors and their books. This week I’d like to share books I’ve really enjoyed and some books I’m looking forward to reading, in no particular order.

After participating in their wild and crazy Facebook party, I read the first Dix Dodd mystery by Norah Wilson and Heather Doherty, The Case of the Flashing Fashion Queen. If the title doesn’t give you a clue, this book is laugh out loud funny. A forty-plus P.I. and her gorgeous twenty-something assistant. While not as crazy as Stephanie Plum and Lula, this is definitely a series I’ll follow.

Split Second by David Baldacci, mystery. I loved the short-lived TV show "King and Maxwell." Until a friend informed me, I had no idea the show was based on Baldacci’s books. Split Second introduces the Secret Service agents (one former, the other on suspension) while solving two mysteries. Another series I’ll follow.

Sixth Sense (A Psychic Crystal Mystery) by Marilyn Baron, romantic suspense. She’s a psychic; he’s a cop who thinks all psychics are frauds. They’re forced to work together to solve disappearances. The conflict between them is almost as strong as their attraction to each other.

We’ll Never Tell and She’ll Never Rest by Jannine Gallant, the first and third books in the Secrets of Ravenwood series. Compelling romantic suspense, strong characters, a page turner. The books can be read out of order (as I did), but they made me want to read the one in between.

The Smuggler Wore Silk by Alyssa Alexander. This Regency-era romantic suspense kept me up way too late at night reading until my eyes blurred. Otherwise I would have read it in one sitting (er, lying in bed). Can’t wait for Alexander’s next book.

Psychic Warrior by Bob Mayer. Some mysteries start you off on the edge of a cliff and, like a snowball rolling downhill, keep building and building. Others start slower then grab you and don’t let go. Mayer’s books are the latter. An interesting concept. Soldiers who can project themselves psychically to gather intelligence hundreds or thousands of miles away from their bodies. Even better, using an avatar, they can battle the enemy.

Canyons of the Night by Jayne Castle. With any of Jayne Ann Krentz’s books (writing as herself, Jayne Castle, or Amanda Quinn), I’m a real fan girl. I especially enjoy the Jayne Castle futuristic romances. I devoured this book in one night then reread it the next day.

Hope’s Folly by Linnea Sinclair, science fiction romance. Another fan girl moment. I love all of Sinclair’s books, but this is my favorite. An old (according to him) wounded warrior and a young no-respect-for-the-rules self-appointed (should I mention head strong?) security chief who’s been in love with him since she was a child. Never mind the attempted assassination or the war waging around them in space. I’ll read Philip and Rya’s story again and again because of the characters.

Two holiday romances: Journey of the Magi by Barbara Edwards and Christmas Wishes by Patricia Kiyono. Heartwarming, feel-good books. Perfect any time of the year.

I’ve been catching up on some outstanding (classic?) science fiction and science fiction romances. Jack Campbell’s The Lost Fleet: Dauntless; Julie E. Czerneda’s A Thousand Words for Stranger; Ann Aguirre’s Grimspace (Jax); Foreigner by C.J. Cherryh; David Weber’s On Basilisk Station (Honor Harrington); Andre Norton’s Sargasso of Space (Solar Queen series). Compelling stories. I can see why they are on everyone’s must read list.

I just wish writers wouldn’t write series because I always want to read the next book. Since I write series, as my mom would say, I’m the pot calling the kettle black. LOL

Besides the 200+ unread books on my Kindle (blame Free Books), I’m anxious to read Only If You Dare by Margo Hoornstra, contemporary romance; Summertime Dream by Babette James, contemporary romance; Lie Catchers by Rolynn Anderson, mystery; R.T. Wolfe’s Savage Deception, romantic suspense; the third book in Maris Soule’s PJ Benson Crows mysteries; Delayed Justice by Constance Bretes, romantic suspense; Lucky in Love by Kristen Brockmeyer, romance.

So many books, so little time.

What are you reading?


  1. Sounds like you have been reading some really good books. I have four on my Kindle that I need to get to plus three physical books on my night stand. So many books, so little time. I guess I'd better get off the computer and start reading.

  2. LOL, Maris. When we moved, I donated almost all of my physical books to our local library. Not enough space in the new house. So when is the new Crows book coming out?

  3. I'm reading The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James. I love ghost stories and so far, this one is nicely creepy. It's set in 1922, a lesser written about time, so that's interesting. I love ghost stories! This one won the Best First Book award in the Ritas last. year.

    1. So glad you mentioned that book, Lucy. Another to add to my pile. :)

  4. Wow, are the Energizer Bunny as a reader! I'm so impressed by your enthusiasm and eclectic interest. Thanks for having Lie Catchers on your TBR pile! We all appreciate your generous support of your author buds!

    1. Energizer Bunny? LOL Thanks, Rolynn. I appreciate everyone's support of my books, too. :)

  5. Wow, you've read some great books. I have a hard time fitting in my reading, but I did just finish a great book, Gone Tropical, by Robena Grant, which I recommend.

    1. I've heard of Robena's book. I'll add it to my list. :)

  6. I have been reading a lot of cowboy books. I don't know why the genre is appealing to me but I'm all agog about them!

    1. I go through spurts where I read all one genre then another. There's something rugged about cowboys. Maybe it's all the hard work. I know he's getting old(er) but to me the ultimate cowboy is Sam Shepard. Love his voice.

  7. I feel honored that you have my book on your to read list. I hope you enjoy it.

  8. Lady, when do you have time to WRITE? lol I downgraded to about two books a week (and I read fast) but it still feels like I'm reading too much. Thank you for including me on your TBR list - I second Connie in saying that it's an honor to be there! :)

    1. I read before I go to sleep and write in the mornings. I love the quirkiness of your blog pictures so I figure your story has to reflect that. Love quirky stories. :)

  9. I just ordered Sixth Sense, which has a premise close to Judy Nagel's book.


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