
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Insecure Writers Support Group

It’s time for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. The purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! A big THANKS to Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this group and keeping it going. And to this month's awesome hosts Hart Johnson, Chemist Ken, Candilynn Fite, Terri Rochenski, Clare Dugmore, and Lilica Blake!


Birds woke me up this morning. If you live in the south/southwest, that may not seem significant to you. After the brutal winter we had this year with record low temps (Polar Vortex) and record snowfall (over 150”), birds definitely signal that spring has finally come. The first signal of spring was sunshine. Then the snow melt. Amid the brown grasses, I see bits of green. And the tip of a lone tulip is pushing its way out of the ground. On Monday, we hit 63°.

Tomorrow we’re supposed to be in the 30s. That would almost be depressing. Except. I heard bird songs this morning. That gives me hope that the warmth will be back.

In many ways, that’s how it is with our writing careers. We go through bad patches, we get rejections, we feel like nothing good is ever going to happen. Having hope gets us from the depression of winter to the optimism of spring.

To everyone who is participating in the A to Z Challenge, good luck!

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. I do think the change of seasons resonates with me so much because of the symbolism of spring. New life, new potential, It's invigorating!

  2. Diane - I was rejoicing this morning because I heard the birds too!!!!! Here in New England spring is definitely hiding its head in the sand. The joyful tweets this morning sent hope sweeping through me. I can't wait to dig in my garden. :)

    1. 3 ducks returned to the pond behind our house--even though the pond is still half-frozen. Spring must be here. :).

    2. Oops. Forgot. Thank, Terri, for co-hosting this month.

  3. Any day with clear pavement is a good day! Happy writing, Diane!

    1. LOL After this winter, Nancy, it's so rare. Thanks & same to you.

  4. As a southern girl (Southern California that is) I was rejoicing this morning too- we actually got some RAIN! Even though we don't get weather like other parts of the country- I understand that feeling of hope :)

    Marie Andreas- at work can't log in as myself ;)

  5. wow, that is indeed a brutal winter you guys had! I live in the Southwest, but I'm happy share! come visit! ;-)

  6. Except for pollen, I adore spring!! It offers us a sense of renewed hope. Best to you and thank for the shout out and visiting my blog yesterday for IWSG post day. :)


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