
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Review: Savage Deception by R.T. Wolfe + $100 GC #Giveaway


Busy juggling loan sharks and Amber Alerts, Detective Nickie Savage makes time when the FBI seeks her expertise with a child trafficking ring. But when Nickie discovers that the men running the ring are the same ones who abducted her as a young teen, the case gets personal.
Risking her badge, Nickie goes rogue. Luckily, she has Duncan Reed, along with his wire tapping and surveillance expertise. But Duncan also wants to take their relationship to the next level.

Now, Nickie must choose: break her own rules and risk her heart or forge ahead alone. 


Wow. What a story. R.T. Wolfe combines mystery, suspense, and romance in this exciting detective story. Nicki Savage is strong and vulnerable, a tough cop with a terrifying past. Duncan Reed loves her unconditionally. She’s not so sure. What they do agree on is saving girls from prostitution. Heightening the suspense, Nicki feels safe with Duncan to reveal her past, one glimpse at a time. The FBI adds unnecessary complications. They’re arrogant and act like they’re doing her a favor by exploiting her knowledge and experience in rescuing girls. They reminded me of the jerks in the first Die Hard movie.

This is the beginning of a new series. However, I felt a little like I came in after the beginning. The reader would benefit from reading the short story prequel Savage Echoes (free for Kindle, at this time). That being said, the characters are well-developed--not just Nickie and Duncan but their families, too. The plot carries the reader on such a downhill ride, it’s hard to put it down. Not a good idea to read this at bedtime unless you don’t have to go to work in the morning. Well done, Ms. Wolfe.

About the Author:

R.T. Wolfe enjoys creating diverse characters and twining them together in the midst of an intelligent mystery and a heart encompassing romance. It's not uncommon to find dark chocolate squares in R.T.'s candy dish, her Golden Retriever at her feet and a few caterpillars spinning their cocoons in their terrariums on her counters. R.T. loves her family, gardening, eagle-watching and can occasionally be found viewing a flyover of migrating whooping cranes.

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Savage Deception for Kindle:
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R.T. Wolfe is giving away a $100 Amazon or BN gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Diane,
    Thank you for the lovely review and for having me back on your blog. I'm always honored! Warm reviews like this have helped me to realize I need to insert a forward into the book explaining that it is a splinter series from the Black Creek Trilogy. It is first on my to do list. :)
    Book #2, Savage Rendezvous, is due out this summer. Woo hoo!
    R.T. Wolfe

  2. You are so welcome, R.T. Best wishes on this book. I look forward to reading Savage Rendezvous in this summer.

  3. Great review Diane, and R.T. I appreciate knowing that the backstory is available in a previous series. Does that add more books to my TBR? Yes. But how can that ever be a bad thing? LOL

    1. The Black Creek Series is more romance than mystery/suspense. Book 3 is where we meet Nickie Savage. The Nickie Savage Series is more mystery/suspense than romance. I truly thought book #1, Savage Deception, stood alone with the back story as something to uncover as the series went on. Live and learn. I'm off to go work on that Forward to insert in the beginning of the book. Eek! Thanks for the follow.
      -R.T. Wolfe


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