
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving always has a double meaning for me. It's a time for the family to get together with more food than any of us can eat--leftovers are maybe the best part. When Mom was alive, we all gathered at her home. It was usually chaotic with babies, toddlers, and bored teens. But it was a time when most of my brothers and sisters gathered. Now we don't see each other that often. Most of us have our own families. Either our children come to us or we go to their homes to celebrate. This year we're celebrating with our son and his new wife. Her family will join us. Our son will cook and we'll eat outdoors. No, not in snowy Michigan but in sunny Arizona. A real treat.

I said Thanksgiving has a second meaning. On Thanksgiving Day forty-two years ago, Hubs and I were married. He maintains that our anniversary is celebrated on Thanksgiving, no matter what the actual date is. That's the only way he'll remember it. LOL Whether we celebrate our anniversary on November 23rd or on Thanksgiving Day itself, I'll always be thankful that we found each other.

To all my readers, I am very thankful that you enjoy my books. Not all of you live in the U.S. and celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday. I'm six weeks late with my wishes for those of you in Canada. Still, I wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving no matter when you celebrate it.

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