
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Stress #IWSG

Happy 1st Wednesday in November. It’s time for Insecure Writers Support Group. The purpose is to share and encourage. We can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

A big THANKS to Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this group and keeping it going. And thanks to this month's awesome hosts LG Keltner, Donna Hole, Lisa Buie-Collard and SL Hennessy!

Like many months, October had its ups and downs. What else is new? Stress came in many forms. Some I imposed on myself, like meeting the deadline to release my next book. Other stressors came from health issues. Getting old(er) isn’t for sissies. But it beats the alternative, as my father-in-law always said each time he went for dialysis.

I did mention “ups”, didn’t I? Those of us (of a certain age) remember when we had to go to the doctor to tell us we were pregnant. And remember when you had to wait until the baby was born to know his/her sex? Things certainly have changed. Now you can buy a box, the insides of which can tell you if you're pregnant right away. Not me, thank goodness. That would be a medical miracle. LOL My son and new daughter-in-law called after their third box—just to make sure the result of the first one was right. As if that wasn’t thrilling enough, they’ve sent ultrasound photos and, last week, an audio text message (is that a contradiction in terms?) of the baby’s heartbeat. Now that is a medical miracle. What a de-stressor. My newest granddaughter will make her appearance in May.

When I let the stress of everyday life or my writing career start to get to me, I’ll play that heartbeat and remember what’s really important. Life, family.

Speaking of my writing career, I did meet my deadline and my first PI mystery was released on October 30th. The Case of the Bygone Brother is a slight departure for me. I usually write science fiction romance and romantic suspense. Trying a new genre was a lot of fun.
After taking over O’Hara & Palzetti, Confidential Investigations from her dad and his partner, Alex O’Hara’s bottom line has taken a plunge. So when a femme fatale offers her the case of a lifetime along with a huge advance, Alex sees her finances on a definite upswing. But someone doesn’t want her to find the long-lost brother. Complicating matters is the return of Alex’s old heartthrob, Nick Palzetti. Is he really there just to see her or does he have an ulterior motive? The Lake Michigan resort town of Fair Haven is abuzz with the news that O’Hara & Palzetti are together again.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Congratulations on your new release - and even more so on your new grandbaby! I hope things get less stressful for you. Take care of yourself!

    1. Oh, thank you, Kristen. Your support means so much to me.

  2. Squee! Grammy again! Congrats to all! And the birth of a new genre - mystery! A very productive month, my friend!

    1. I've been grinning about the new baby ever since they told us. Thanks, Nancy. I'll get over to visit you asap.

  3. Awesome about your release! I love trying new genres too. It totally refreshes you right? I'm so stoked about your granddaughter! It's definitely girl season. Your little bundle of joy will be born about 2 months after mine. Yay!

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

    1. Congrats on your new baby, too. Stoked is right. You're right about being refreshed by a new genre. Thanks, Crystal.

  4. what wonderful news, congratulations!!!! a new baby always brings new joy, and I'm told you get to enjoy grandbabies a lot more than your own babies since you get to return them for diaper changes and fussy times, LOL :-)

    1. Thanks, Elena. It IS true that grandbabies are so much more fun than our children. A whole lot less stress. :)

  5. Congratulations on the new baby! What a joy for your whole family.
    And good luck with the new release. I admire you for trying a new genre. Congrats.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. We are thrilled. I never though my son would ever marry (I didn't threaten to put up a billboard, though LOL). He will make such a great father.

  6. Congrats on the release and the new baby. I bet listening to that sweet heartbeat is a wonderful thing.

    1. Thanks, Charity. Awesome is the only way to describe that sound.

  7. The new "baby" sounds wonderful. May it have a successful welcoming into the world.

    1. Thanks, Maris. I have high hopes for both babies (grand and book).

  8. Congrats on the grandbaby news! You're gonna love being a Grammy or Nana or whatever title the little one bestows on you. And congrats on the P.I. book release, too. Multi-published and multi-genres, wow! You rock, Diane!

    1. You made my day, Loralee! I already love being Nana to my 2 here in Michigan. I guess I'll just have to spend more time in Arizona when this new one comes along. Oh, what a hardship during the winter. :)

  9. That sounds like a great book, one I'd like to read. The description reminds me a bit of Kinsey Milhoune from Sue Grafton's novels, which I love. Congrats on the new baby. Yes, that puts it all in perspective, doesn't it!
    Play off the Page

    1. Thanks, Mary. I've tried for a combo of Kinsey Milhoune, V.I. Warshawski, and Stephanie Plum--my 3 fav P.I.s.

  10. Congratulations on both accounts -your new granddaughter and your release!

  11. Great news - both the new granddaughter and the new book! One more little girl to spoil. And isn't it fun to branch out and try a new genre? Yes, it's stressful to try and get it right, but I'm sure your effort will be worth the headaches.

    1. Thanks, Patty. Hubs is threatening to hide my credit cards so I don't go to Babies R Us. :)

  12. Thanks for stopping by my place and congrats on the new release and the little sweetie. Have you gone Indie? Your book sounds great! I'll take a look.

    1. Thanks, Jess. I do both--traditional & indie. This one is an indie.

  13. It sounds like things are definitely looking up, Diane. Great news. Congrats on a new grandbaby & new release.

  14. I'd say a few more ups than downs for you this month, Diane. Life is indeed good for you! Best of luck with the newests on both fronts. Multi-published and multi-genre. You do definitely ROCK!

  15. Congrats on both babies...the grandchild and the new book!
    Wonderful news!

  16. Congrats on publishing something in a new genre. You are gutsy and talented! Enjoy watching your grandchild "develop". You must be over the moon. :-)

  17. Lots of excitement happening at your place! I wouldn't be dead for quids as my father used to say! Congratulations on your new release and your grandbabies! You are blessed.:)

  18. Congrats! Family grounds me too. They hold what's really important in my life. =)

  19. Congrats on your new family member, Diane. And congrats on taking on another genre. Does it seem weird having your story take place in a different kind of environment and using different vocabulary?

    All the best, Annette

    1. Thanks, Annette. Yeah, it do. es seem weird putting my characters in the present day in a familiar place instead of on starships or alien planets. The best part was writing in the 1st person POV. I got to be Alex with all her spunk and adventure. :)

  20. Congratulations, Diane! Two new babies at once...a grand baby and a new release. What could be better?

    The Great Chuck Wendig often writes about how what we're doing isn't rocket science--stories are important, but lives don't hang in the balance if we miss a deadline. Sometimes when the stress gets intense, it's good to remember what really matters...just as you said.

    Good luck with the book! It sounds great.

  21. Congratulations on your release!
    Life and family are important. More so than any of this publishing nonsense.

    1. Thanks, Alex. And thanks for organizing this great group.

  22. Congrats! What a wonderful thing! I'm so glad you are getting to be a part of the child's life so early!

    1. Me, too, Melissa, esp. since they are so far away. Technology is wonderful.

  23. Hey, congrats on the book and the granddaughter! How exciting! You're right, it's so easy to loose sight of what's really important. I'm lucky enough to have two young girls who keep me centred and on my toes. May the blessings keep raining on you.

    1. Thanks, Georgina. Whenever I need a reality fix, I play with my grandkiddies (ages 4 & 7).

  24. Congratulations on both the new book and the new granddaughter :D I love how her heartbeat keeps you grounded. It's so important to find those things that remind us of what's important. And yes, it IS fun to try new genres. Sometimes, you find a new love :D


    1. Thanks, Jen. It's too easy to get all wrapped up in self and career. Grandbabies are such a blessing.

  25. Congrats on meeting your deadline, and an early congrats on your coming granddaughter.

    1. Thanks, Lynda. Can't wait to meet that little lady.

  26. Congratulations on your grandbaby news and your new release! What a wonderful month!

  27. Congratulations on your new book and oh my, Congratulations on having a new granddaughter to look forward to!
    I remember feeling so bad because they told me if the rabbit died I was pregnant. I didn't want to kill the poor rabbit but I wanted a baby.

  28. Congrats on the new book and the new grand-baby! How exciting!

    1. Truly exiting Lucinda. Makes everything else so insignificant.

  29. Lots of exciting news. Congrats Diane.

  30. Wonderful book and baby news. Congratulations!


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