
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

#IWSG Writing Woes

Happy 1st Wednesday in December. It’s time for Insecure Writers Support Group. The purpose is to share and encourage. We can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

A big THANKS to Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this group and keeping it going. And thanks to this month's awesome hosts Heather Gardner, T. Drecker from Kidbits, Eva E. Solar at Lilicasplace, and Patsy Collins!

Where did November go? In fact, what happened to 2014? I had such great plans. Yet for the past 3 weeks I've written zip. Okay, zip on my WIP, a sci-fi romance--the 3rd in my Outer Rim series. I've written blogs but that doesn't count since I wrote them in advance. I can attribute the lack of writing to my son. He and his new wife invited us to Arizona for Thanksgiving. Who in their right mind wouldn't leave 14" of snow in Michigan for 85 degrees in Phoenix? We had a great visit. I got to go with my DIL to her doctor's appointment and heard Baby Girl's heartbeat. What a thrill. Definitely makes up for not writing.

The problem is getting back into the routine. There's so much to do for the next 22 days. A house to clean then decorate, gifts to buy and wrap. I promise myself every year to start picking up gifts throughout the year. I don't. I'll probably do most of my shopping online. Yeah, I know I missed Cyber Monday. I feel about that day the way I feel about Black Friday. Not joining the chaos.

If I was organized, I'd set aside a certain amount of time each day for each task. I'd make a checklist and, like Santa, check it twice to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. Good plan. Doing it is the problem.

Have fun, everyone, preparing for the holidays and I'll try to remember why we celebrate. To get you in the mood, check out The Roses of Prose Holiday Anthology "The Santa Suit Chronicles." All December, we feature FREE short stories.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. I'm finding it tough to get into the swing of things with my writing around the holidays too. This week is already half over and participating this blog hop may be my biggest accomplishment. At least my Christmas shopping is almost done.

  2. Where does the time go? I've haven't done any creative writing on a project since my October book came out and I'm starting to get veeeery itchy to get to something new. Problem is all those old reissues demand my time and limited energy. New year-new project. My goal and I'm sticking to it. Happy Holiday!

  3. We had the crazy busy chaos going on too and it continues, like you said Diane, for at least the next 22 days. However, if we stop to breathe, we realize said chaos (read kids and grandkids, etc. etc.) is really WHY we do what we do.

  4. A choice between listening to Baby Girl's heartbeat and writing? No contest. LOL
    Baby Girl's heartbeat would win - hands down!
    Good luck with the million-and-one things that are on your list.
    That plan does sound good, but as you said, following through with it is another story...
    Happy IWSG day!

  5. I haven't written much of anything lately, too. During this time of the year, it's hard to write because it's so hectic. But I think your trip to Phoenix and hearing Baby Girl's heartbeat is a fabulous excuse not to write. :)

  6. Somehow I lost November, too, Diane. I have a feeling December won't be much better, at least not as far as writing. On the other hand, this is a great time of year to connect with friends and family. Enjoy every minute.

  7. Congrats on hearing the baby's heartbeat! What a great experience! I'm not doing so good with writing on my WIP either. Mainly I'm letting other things get in the way and I can't do that... time to buckle down I guess for me!

  8. Ugh, if I could, I'd leave this snow in MI for a little toasty warm Arizona weather. Well, I will be visiting in-laws in Mississippi soon, so I do get to escape the snow for a little while.

  9. I'm so glad I'm not alone. LOL It's 40 & rainy (in OK tonight). I so do not want to go farther north. But...I guess we have to. What I really don't want to do is dig my winter coat out of the trunk. Oh, well. Back to Michigan, back to work.

  10. routines are important but alas it's so hard to keep them! have a wonderful holiday season, Diane!

  11. What a joy to hear your grandbaby's heartbeat. What a thrill! Congrats. Get to the writing when you can. Enjoy life in the now.
    Play off the Page

  12. Family always comes first, so glad you got to enjoy of a wonderful Thanksgiving with yours! Don't worry too much about writing, Dec is always a hectic month and the more you stress, the less effective you actually are. It takes the same time to do all the cleaning in a single block of time, then writing, than doing a little bit of everything each day. Just focus and enjoy the season too.

    Best wishes!

  13. Glad to hear you had such a good time with your family. I hear you about routines--once you're out of them, it's sooo hard to get back in. But you will get there. January is a great time for a fresh start.

  14. This is the time of year that my lists have lists. Somehow it all gets done though :-)

  15. This time of year throws off everyone's schedule. I highly recommend shopping online. You don't want to go anywhere near a store right now.
    Do you follow Galaxy Express? That blog features science fiction romance.

  16. I know what you mean about this time of the year. Once we hit November, any schedule I had goes out the window. Busy, busy, busy -- but it's a fun kind of busyness. That's wonderful about your future granddaughter's heartbeat. Nothing beats a moment like that. Happy Holidays!

  17. Diane, at this time of year, you need to permit yourself to enjoy family (especially grandchildren) and friends, celebrate and enjoy Christmas, and just let yourself enjoy life without feeling guilty about not writing. Every now and then, we need to give our writing batteries a break and allow them to recharge in the background. Trust me, when the holiday season is over, you and your recharged writing battery will be fresh and ready to go at it again and turn out another wonderful book that is sure to please your readers. Merry Christmas and a Happy Best-selling New Year! :)


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