
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Saturday Sampler: Caper Magic by Veronica Lynch

TAGLINE:  The attraction: complete madness or sheer magic?
          Investigator Nick Forrester comes to Cape Brendan ostensibly to assist with Caper Madness, a month long celebration of everything Halloween. In reality he is tracking a woman on the run. Within days he is confronted with Annunciata Doyle, a vivid reminder of a pain-filled past.
          After retreating to Cape Brendan in defeat and humiliation, Nunie Doyle's only hope was to make the best of forced retirement. Here, in this quaint tourist town on the shores of Lake Ontario, she has earned the respect of friends and neighbors—and put her talent for helping women to good use.
          With the mutual goal of making Caper Madness the best ever, Nick and Nunie fight tooth and nail on the personal level while discovering new sides to the other. Sides that make them consider making drastic changes for the rest of their lives.
          This attraction: complete madness—or sheer magic?

          Hank let out a holler just before a huge toothy grin spanned the borders of his gaunt cheeks. “Top o' the marnin' to ye, Missus!” he cackled to someone exiting the front door of the stone cottage next door.  
          Taking the concrete steps to the sidewalk in two lithe moves, a woman in a slinky dress the color of ripe tomatoes glanced their way and responded in a distinct Irish brogue. “And the ass end of the day to ye, Mistur Pierpont.”
          Intrigued by rich tone of her voice, Nick craned his neck and found one of the witches from yesterday's parade—minus the droopy velvet hat—passing within steps of Hank's porch. A bulging garment bag hung over one arm; she looked headed in the direction of the pier at the end of Vincentian Lane. Damned if right then a wind didn't jump up off the lake and mold the filmy length of scarlet against each curve of her body. Long black hair—and there seemed to be a good ten pounds of it—flowed over her shoulders, caressing her body like a lover as she marched toward Dingle Pier. As his heart bumped into a trip hammer beat, Nick reminded himself to breathe. 
          “Ferget yer broom, Missus?” Hank called out to her retreating back.
          “In the repair shop,” she replied over one shoulder, winging that glorious onyx hair away from lips painted to match her dress. “Gettin' fitted with a couple of those fancy turbo boosters, it is.”
          Hank chuckled, then went back to his coffee. “Turbo boosters. That Nunie Doyle sure is a pistol.”
          An invisible fist reached down to grab Nick's gut in a vise. As recognition flared, long buried rage took a slow crawling path up his spine. 

          Writing under the names Kat Henry Doran and Veronica Lynch, author Kathy Cottrell uses her experiences as a nurse, then victim advocate and insurance investigator for background in her award winning novels and novellas. Her stories are sent in her favorite places to visit: the Catskill and Adirondack Mountains as well as the historic 1,000 Islands region of Northern New York State.
          When not writing, and chasing grand children, Kathy spends her time designing and making tote bags and aprons to custom order.



  1. Great excerpt! I'm intrigued by your background, Veronica. After your experiences as a nurse and insurance investigator I'm sure you have a million stories to tell!

    1. HI, Patricia
      thanks for stopping by. I have used some of my experiences in all of my books--under both author names [Kat Henry Doran and Veronica Lynch]. I even found the scene of the originating crime in my first novel, Captain Marvelous, while driving in a rural area of New York State. I use family members too, though I think many of us do.
      Glad you liked the excerpt!

  2. nice post! Love the excerpt- your descriptive writing really paints a nice picture! Maureen

  3. Hey Kathy, love the snappy comeback! This sounds like a fun read.

    1. Look who stopped by!!
      terrific to hear from you, J
      So glad you could stop by

  4. Love this excerpt and the cover. Sounds like a great story. Love this line, LOL: “And the ass end of the day to ye, Mistur Pierpont.” - Best of luck!

    1. Yeah
      I got that one from a cousin who was raised in Co Mayo and now lives in Philadelphia. She's a hoot--particularly when she gets talking fast and none of the Yank cousins can understand a word she says!
      thanks for stopping by Ali

  5. I can just picture the slinky dress the color of ripe tomatoes! Caper Magic sounds fascinating. I was lucky enough to win one of your fab aprons--so many talents you have!

    1. Well thanks, Susan
      I don't know as it's talent so much as easily bored!
      thanks for stopping by

  6. I want to thank Diane for inviting me and Nunie and Nick [sounds like a Frankie and Annette movie, don't it?]. Truth be told, I'm working overtime to get ready for 5 fabulous days in San Francisco and forgot to promo my visit also.
    sorry, Diane. Thanks for the remindier on the AHA loop!

    1. Always a pleasure to host great people like you, Veronica. Come back any time.

  7. So sorry I'm late! (Had to work over the weekend, at the day job!) This was a fun story. It was nice to read one about a couple who aren't young enough to be my grandchildren. :-)


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