
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday Sampler - The Star Princess by Jessica E. Subject

A Beyond Fairytales story
By Jessica E. Subject
New Adult Erotic Sci-Fi Romance
ISBN: 978-1-61333-765-3
In one week, Princess Ro’sa will board a spaceship, leaving her home on Minjet to be with her betrothed on Earth. The only problem is, she detests the prince’s selfish and arrogant ways, preferring to spend time with his personal aide, a man who stirs her desires in ways she never imagined possible with his radiant blue eyes and smouldering lips. And oh, the way he touches her.
Earth’s post-apocalyptic landscape offers little but the alliance offers much and a princess must do her duty, no matter the danger to her person and to her heart.
Available from
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With a groan, Deion rolled onto his side. After puking all the contents of his stomach, he’d slept for who knew how long. His stomach rumbled, longing for food, but he didn’t know what on this planet he could handle eating. They likely didn’t have bananas and crackers lying around for such an occasion.

Tossing his blankets off, he sat on the edge of the bed and waited until his head stopped spinning before attempting to stand. Though his fever had broken and his stomach halted its convulsions, he was nowhere near stable enough to meet the royal family. Not yet, anyway. Maybe if he located something to eat.

He glanced around the guest quarters, hoping one of the castle guards could round up some bland food, but not one person remained behind with him. They must have gone to the ceremony with Cyrus. Why? As guards to the prince, at least one should have stayed with him. What if he’d choked or fallen and banged his head?

Another growl rumbled through his stomach. With one arm extended to steady himself, he rose from the bed and shuffled past the room divider to the main living space.

Still no one, yet, a plate of brown-crusted bread that had lost all signs of freshness lay on a table. Probably hard as a rock. A note lay with it.

Eat this. I’m told it will clear you of any of the virus still lingering and refuel your energy. Not sure how fresh it is, but you’re going to need it as my aide.
Get well,
Prince Deion

Heat flared in Deion’s cheeks and ears. What had Cyrus done? He recognized his friend’s handwriting, but why would he pretend to be the prince? Deion had only asked him to take his place at the ceremony, not to actually be him.

Jessica E. Subject is the author of contemporary and science fiction romance, ranging from sweet to sexy. In her stories, you could meet clones, or a sexy alien or two. You may even be transported to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.
When Jessica isn't reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk. Fast. But she just may slow down if there is a waterfall nearby.
Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.



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