
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Meet Author AR DeClerck

I'm always happy to showcase fellow science fiction romance writers. So let me introduce you to AR DeClerck.

AR DeClerck lives in the Quad Cities, IL. She is a wife and mother of two daughters. She has two dogs and a cat, and always has her nose in a book. She’s either reading one, or writing one. She writes romance in many sub-genres, and has always had a soft spot for sci-fi romance. She credits her love of reading and writing to her mother, who always keeps a book handy.

She can be found online at:

Now let's get to know her a little better. 

What do you think makes a good story? 

I prefer a strong hero in my story. I’m very hero-centric when I write. I think the best stories are the ones of triumph and hope in the face of great odds. I also have a sweet spot for the redeemed villain!

What is the best part of writing for you?

Sharing my stories with readers always gives me the warm and fuzzies. If I can make one person smile I feel I’ve done my job.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing? 

I have a full-time day job in the medical field, and I work 4 ten hour days. I write on my days off, after my kids go to school. I don’t let myself skip writing, and I keep to my schedule.

Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, or...? 

I’m a full steam ahead kind of writer, and I don’t outline or plot at all. People have called me a “seat of the pantser” but I do have to research from time to time when the need arises.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? 

Ideas come from anywhere. Song lyrics, music videos, a saying, quote or joke.

Are your stories driven by plot or character?

I write the story based on the character. I never have any idea what is coming next.

How long does it take you to write a book? 

It takes me anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks to write a moderate length novel. 50-85,000 words. Once I’ve banged out a rough draft it takes another 2 weeks to revise it.

What do you hope readers take with them after reading your work? 

Love is real. Love is hard work, and love is worth it. Nothing in life worth having comes without a fight.

What two authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing? Kenyon and Showalter, no questions asked!

What do you enjoy most about life?  

My husband and my children and our pets. I love to spend time snuggling with them on the couch, watching movies or laughing about YouTube videos.

Tell us about your latest book. 

I’ve been told I color outside genre lines a lot. Bound To You is a scifi romance that has elements of horror and suspense mixed in. The hero is an exorcist but he doesn’t just exorcise one ghost, he exorcises entire planets full of ghosts! It’s his job to move forgotten civilizations along so that companies can terraform the planets. He ends up with a company liason who is intriguing to him in more ways than one. She’s tough, smart and willing to put him in his place when he needs it. And Jackson Baine needs it, a lot.

And now here's a first look at BOUND TO YOU.

BOUND TO YOU by A.R. DeClerck
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Release Date: April 24, 2015 - See more at:

Jackson Baine is a man with a gift, and he has never had a problem with selling it to the highest bidder. His newest job is with one of the biggest terraforming companies in the universe, and the money he stands to make will allow him and his crew to retire on any planet in any galaxy they choose. His biggest problem: Ferrell Terraforming has assigned him a company liason to see to his needs and protect their interests. But that’s not his only problem. Lia Bernardi is smart, beautiful and strong, and she entices Jacks in a way no other woman ever has. She is a distraction he cannot afford on the surface.

Anatolia Bernardi is ready to climb the corporate ladder, get out from under her egotistical boss, and impress her overbearing father. All she has to do is turn one dead, empty planet into an oasis. Her company says Jacks Baine is the key, and it’s her job to make sure he’s productive and happy. Both of which, she soon learns, are harder than she’d thought they’d be. For some reason Jacks can get under her skin and break down every wall she’s constructed between herself and the world. 

On the surface of a long-dead planet Jacks and Lia will be forced to face the startling realization that the past never really goes away.

Release Date: April 24, 2015

Thanks, AR, for sharing your newest release and a little about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Bound to You sounds engrossing. I admire Sci-Fi writers who must create worlds. Best of luck to you!


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