
Monday, March 30, 2015

This and That

Today is my turn on The Roses of Prose blog, I'm talking about choices and consequences. Come on over.

Since it's Monday, here's a bit of musing.

Congrats to the Michigan State Spartans for moving on to the Final Four.

Winter came back. We had snow here in West Michigan but not anywhere near as much as Boston.

Construction on the new house next door plus strong March winds brought a LOT of dust indoors.

"Spa Night" with the newcomers' group last week. Had my first facial and discovered that it makes me as dizzy as a massage afterwards. BTW, that was "dizzy" not "ditzy"--although there was some of that, too.

The newcomers' book group discussed Heaven Is For Real last week. Very interesting conversations. Some were actually about the book.

Taxes are filed. Yay!

Unpacked three more boxes in my office. Never mind we moved over 18 months ago.

Preparing The Chameleon and The Case of the Bygone Brother to be released in print. If you signed up for my "new release alert" (upper right corner), you'll be the first to know when they're available.

Have a great week!


  1. Sounds like you had fun. I hate renovations, as I'm always the one cleaning up the dust. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Murees. You're right about cleaning up.

  2. Yeah, I'm waiting for winter to go away in my part of Michigan too. It snowed the past 3 days. =(

    1. Spring has to be on its way, right? See you back here tomorrow. :)

  3. That's okay. I have a box of stuff that's been moved from one room to another for the past 7 1/2 years, writing related, and it's been so long I've forgotten what's in it. A goal is to go through it before summer.
    Go Spartans!

    1. So happy MSU made it this far. Good luck with that box. You might find a treasure. :)

  4. I loathe unpacking, especially boxes from a move, and then having to find a place to store things. I also dislike unpacking from lengthy vacation stays, so my recent behavior came as a surprise. When my husband and I returned home from our winter vacation in Florida, I unpacked my suitcases sooner than usual. I then went through my master bath cabinets and vanity and threw out anything outdated or no longer used before I stowed the toiletry and other items I brought back home. Since I am a notorious clutter queen, my husband was in awe of me. I amazed myself as well. Now for the acid test, my home office...

    1. Did your husband faint? LOL Let me know how the home office goes. Mine's improving.

  5. Some were even about the book. Ha! Sounds like our writer meetings.

    Glad you got to enjoy a spa facial. You deserve some good relaxing moments, even if they do make you dizzy. :)


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