
Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

I hope all the mothers among you had a great day yesterday. I did. I really did. Besides being with my son and his wife, they decided to have their baby baptized on Mother’s Day so Hubs and I could be there. So very thoughtful. Living 2,000 miles away means we’ll miss a lot of events in Baby Girl’s life. At least, we didn’t miss this one.

The hardest thing will be leaving. After two weeks of holding our newest granddaughter, I’m sure to go into withdrawal. When my other grandchildren were born, we were less than 300 miles away. A fairly easy drive. Now they’re twenty minutes away. Thank goodness for technology. Even though it won't be the same as being there, we'll Facetime or Skype and our daughter-in-law will send pictures. And, gee, Arizona in the winter? Hmmm.

Grandchildren bring so much happiness. They don’t have to do anything to bring a smile to my face…Hubs’, too. I've had to wrestle with him over who gets to hold the baby. LOL

Our daughters—both the one we raised and the one our son married—are great mothers. Our own daughter has been at it for almost eight years; our daughter-in-law, only 4 weeks. The love these women have for their children shines out of their eyes and fills me with such pride and joy.

On Mother’s Day, I think about our mothers who have passed on. Neither of our mothers had an easy time during the early years of their marriage. Hubs’ parents married during the Great Depression. Money was so tight they delayed having children for a long time. My mom and dad married during World War II. Separations and moving from base to base had to be tough. 

Mom encouraged me to do my best in school. She was a great speller so she always quizzed me on my word lists each week. She was so pleased when I became the first in both hers and Dad's families to graduate from college. As I grew older, she and I became more like friends. I loved the times we went out for lunch and wish we could still do that. Even though Alzheimer’s cut her life short too soon, she did get to meet my first grandchild. Mom died six weeks later, but from pictures I could see a glimpse of the mother she used to be as she held the baby.

Mothers, daughters, granddaughters. All part of the flow of life.


  1. I'm glad you had such a great Mother's Day and were able to attend the baptism. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your daughters' love for their littles and the stories of your mom and mother-in-law.


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