
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time - Where Does It Go #IWSG

It's that time of the month again. No, not that time.  The first Wednesday of the month is Insecure Writers Support Group time. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. And thanks to this month's awesome hosts M. Pax,  Tracy Jo, Patricia Lynne,  Rachna Chhabria,  Feather Stone, and Randi Lee!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Is there anything more frustrating than knowing exactly where your story is going and not having the time to write it? That was my dilemma last month. I was so close to the end of my science fiction romance WIP. May was not the month to finish it. If you visited last month, you know I wrote about what sucks away time. That was not the case. I forced myself to refrain from solitaire and mah jong. I didn't watch all my TV shows. And I stayed away from Pinterest.

Confession time: I played a few games at night (when I was brain dead) and I did watch a couple of shows (again while being brain dead). I did stay away from Pinterest, thought. That counts. I had other issues that prevented me from writing.

First, Hubs and I spent two wonderful weeks in Arizona cuddling our new granddaughter. Truly a hardship!   Loved it. I planned on not getting much or any writing done while we were gone. I didn’t realize how flying east messes up your system. Along with laundry, paying bills, etc., getting back to normal ate up another week.

While we were in Arizona my aunt died. Although we couldn’t make it for the funeral, I knew how much my cousin needed support. She was so excited that my sisters and I were coming to visit. So that shot another week. Rereading, that sounds like I begrudged the time. I'm more frustrated than anything.

Non-writers think because we don't have an 8 to 5 job, writing isn't "work" and can be interrupted at any time. Deadlines are deadlines, even the self-imposed ones. I self-publish, but my deadline is every bit as important as a deadline from a publisher. I have my freelance editor lined up and my being late getting the manuscript to her will put her behind. I could even lose my slot on her calendar. All that will delay the publication. I even started setting up promo ops. To fulfill them, the book has to be published.

Yet, how can I disregard family? Maybe I should have told Baby Girl not to come too soon. Or put off visiting my cousin. I know if I don’t go now, there will be other reasons to put it off. 

Balancing family and work is difficult no matter what occupation you have. Those of you who have full-time jobs (that pay), plus young families with all that entails, and manage to carve out time to write put me to shame. At times, I feel like such a slacker. My children are grown. I’m retired (from the job that pays), Hubs is understanding, and we’re both fairly healthy. I shouldn’t have any excuse not to write full-time . . . and to meet deadlines. I may be burning a lot of midnight oil.

How do you manage?

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.
BTW, I will be without internet service until tomorrow when I’ll try to visit everyone’s blog. Thanks for understanding.


  1. This truly is the biggest challenge! I feel the same way, I look at my friends with children and do they do it?? I think nowadays though, we expect too much too fast. I try to remind myself of that and just keep plugging away. We do have to be careful not to spread ourselves too thin as well. You'll get it done! One day at a time... :-)

    1. Thanks, Tracy Jo. One day at a time is good advice. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  2. I think you are managing quite well. You put me to shame. I don't do nearly enough. I'm sorry about your aunt. There is so much going on in your life and you still manage to juggle so many things. That is admirable. I agree that most people i know do judge writers unfairly. They think we don't work hard or are lazy people who sit at home and drink coffee the whole day. Wishing you and your family well.

    1. Thanks, Murees. It's hard losing another of my dad's siblings. Out of 7, there's only 1 left. So sad for him. Juggling--know it well.

  3. I consider mah jong my mental health therapy time! So you have my permission to cleanse the brain pan. I've written while a stay at home and with a 9-to-5 and there NEVER seems to be enough time! We make the best of what we have when we can steal it away from what life sticks in front of us. Get busy. I want to read that book!

    1. I'll remember that about mah jong, Nancy. I'm working as fast as I can on that book. ;)

  4. Hi, Diane,

    I don't. I feel exactly the way you do. I haven't written in AGES, yet my days fly by and I have very little to show for it. Yes, I have my "pay" job, but that is freelance as well, so I have no excuses either.

    I get so overwhelmed when I read about other writers who manage to "DO IT ALL." I cringe when I read about their goals and accomplishments while raising a family and working full time and I just gasp. "HOW?"

    For me, I know emotion has plenty to do with it. As a CREATIVE person, I am totally ruled by my emotions. It's a blessing and a curse. Stress plays a heavy hand in my life now, and I do need to handle it better and learn how to shut out that side and get BACK TO WRITING...

    Don't beat yourself up, though. Art takes time, no matter what form...

    1. I hope you're able to get back to your story, Michael. I was both frustrated (not being able to write) and happy that I visited my cousin. Family was more important this week than work.

  5. I know where my story is going and I have the time to write it, or I think I do, but I don't write it. I think it's because I really don't have the time with blogging, marketing, and taking care of my nephews some days. As of now, I'm not really managing. I need to get back into writing ASAP! I hope you do too. :)

    1. Thanks, Chrys. It's always helpful to know that others are in the same boat.

  6. I'm struggling finding time to balance writing and life too. It's hard because I want to be there for family, friends, etc, but I need to write. But I work two jobs and I have a new relationship in my life. It's so hard. I almost wish writing was my 9 to 5 so I'd have the time for it. But sometimes you need to take a time-out. Life does come in the way, but I'd rather be living life and putting writing second than missing the important things. :)

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Krista. I found out ho important it was this week to put family first.

  7. I also consider it a victory to stay off of Pinterest. I go in waves with my addiction to it. :)

    We make time for what's important. Often that's more than one thing. I watch less TV than I used to, and spend less time on things that don't overall bring me personal value so I can focus on family, work, writing.

  8. Truth is I spend my weekend morning til night making for my weekdays where I do little to no writing. The last few months have been a writing nightmare for me. Yet somehow I keep going.

    Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

    1. We do what we must. Thanks for sharing your thought, Anna.

  9. Any way you slice it, it's hard to carve out enough writing time. I'm finding I have to take it one day at a time. Congrats on your new granddaughter, Diane!

  10. Congrats on your new grand daughter Diane! There's no easy answer to the work/life balance. Women are masters of putting others first, and that's fine. We have to accept that we'll never get those whole, uninterrupted days of writing that we dream of. But you're nearly there with your WIP! Maybe soon it will be done.

    Denise :-)

    My IWSG post on Mindfulness

    1. Thanks, Denise. I'm hoping I can finish the book now.

  11. I always think I'll get lots of writing done in the summer because I work less, but something always fills that extra space! Usually travel or special summer activities. I had to quit Pinterest for a while - that was another problem!

    1. Sometimes, the busier I am the more I get done. When I have plenty of time, I don't get near as much done. One step at a time, I guess.

  12. It's always going to be tricky to achieve both self-discipline and the assertiveness needed to be tough with your loved ones. Don't beat yourself up for giving yourself a bit of down-time though, we all need it to maintain our sanity!

    1. Thanks for your thoughts. I needed that time with my cousin--esp. knowing how much she appreciated it.

  13. Hi Diane, I find it very difficult to balance everything and still get some writing done.Trust me its horrible when the deadlines go past flying swiftly. But, sometimes, life and family interrupt and then writing takes a back seat. Try not to fret about not getting any writing done, your family (cousin and grand-daughter needed you :) )

  14. I am self-employed, running several businesses, and it's a challenge from both ends - taking time away and working all the time. It is business and people often don't understand why you can't just dump everything for a week or why you have to work long hours to get it all done.

    Very sorry to hear about your aunt.

  15. Sorry about your aunt.
    I think we all have things that eat away at our time. I do work a full time job but I don't have kids. So I make things work when I'm writing.


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