
Saturday, October 29, 2016

#8Sunday - WeWriWa - THE PILOT

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday time, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Writers share an 8 to12 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

Sorry about missing last week. My blogsite was all messed up. My fault, although I didn’t figure out what I’d done until Monday.

We’re still in THE PILOT, first book in my Outer Rim series about strong women on the frontier of space. It's on sale for 99 cents through the end of October. 

The day after Trevarr confiscates her ship and cargo, Celara is in a tavern where she gets a surprise.

Celara pushed her chair away from the table, climbed up on it, lifted her drink, and called out, “Listen your Rimmer scum, a toast--let’s hear it for the wonderful, fantabulous, Administrator Jovano, may he live long enough to enjoy good health.”

To her surprise, silence met her toast, no one raised their glasses or mugs, even in jest--everyone was looking past her and the only thing behind her was the door, booted footsteps rapped on the rough-hewn plank floor then stopped behind her.

“Thank you for the compliments and the good wishes for my longevity,” the baritone-and-chokiris voice said just over her shoulder.

If she ever needed a personal cloaking device, it was now—or a magic ring with which to disappear, because Sec Admin Trevarr Jovano stood behind her, waiting. Undaunted, she turned around, the room tipped, and she reached for the back of the chair. “Whoa, those mudslides sneak up on you.”

Missing the chair, she grabbed the closest thing, Trevarr Jovano’s broad, black-clad shoulders--beneath her fingers, the strong muscles contracted and he wasn’t smiling. “You should sit down before you fall down, or better yet, go home and sleep it off.”

A dark fury swept away the sweet tranquility of two tall Kruferian mudslides as she said, “I can’t go home, you snake, you stole my home.” She swung a round-house punch at him, missed her objective and would have fallen ignominiously off the chair had he not caught her. For several long secs, he held her tightly against his chest, her feet dangling off the floor a good twenty-five centimeters, but when his green eyes caught hers and darkened, the heat in the tavern rose ten degrees, her heart tripped, and the air leached out of her lungs. His eyes—she could drown in those green depths.

Life on the frontier of space is hard enough for a freighter pilot, so when pirates stole Celara d'Enfaden's cargo, she vowed not to be tricked again. Determined to make an example out of indie pilots who disobey orders, Coalition Administrator Trevarr Jovano impounds Celara’s starship and cargo. If he backs down, he’ll lose respect. If she can’t deliver her cargo, she’ll default on her loan and lose her only home—her ship. More important than her ship, though, is her brother. To rescue him from a galactic gangster, she’ll even work with Trevarr who’s bent on avenging his wife’s murder.


  1. Oh, such a conflict of emotions there. Love it! I wonder how she'll feel in the morning, or where she'll be then. ;)

  2. Ah, the heat is on!

    Excellent dynamics, Diane. I am also a sucker for green eyes ;-)

    1. Me, too, Kim. Yet I've never known anyone with green eyes.

  3. Ah, the heat is on!

    Excellent dynamics, Diane. I am also a sucker for green eyes ;-)

  4. Nothing like a good mudslide! Celara is one of my favorite spunky heroines! (if these is a duplicate comment, blame Word Press!)

    1. No duplicate, Nancy. Those mudslides are seductive. Think thick chocolate milkshake...with a kick. :)

  5. Wow! What a descriptive snippet. Exciting and well written.

  6. He's hot and she's homeless! Where will she sleep?

  7. After confiscating her home, the least he could do is offer her a warm and snuggly place to crash!

  8. Love the details with the green eyes. Tweeted.

  9. Drunk or not, Celaro is feeling Jovano's charms.

  10. Oh we've all been there. Had a little too much to drink and shouted out something about someone, only to turn and find them standing behind you. No? Oh, just me then. It's a good job the punch didn't connect or she would really be in trouble. Great snippet.

    1. LOL Yes, she would have been in worse trouble than she is.

  11. Wow, she's really smashed. She'll be sorry tomorrow.

  12. Well of course he'd walk in just then, that's the way the Universe works! Loved it, really an excellent scene and wow, she is smashed all right. Can't wait for whatever happens next.

  13. Holy cow--what a great scene! I can't wipe the smirk off of my face. I have this book on my Kindle. I NEED to find some reading time!

    1. Thanks, Teresa. Hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

  14. Great snippet! I love her feisty drunkenness. And who isn't a sucker for green eyes? ;)

  15. Lots of emotion. Oh, the green eyes really did her in. Love it.


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