
Monday, October 24, 2016


On Saturday, I was celebrating the launch of Chrys Fey's new release 30 Seconds Before. For some weird reason, the post made a mess out of the blogsite, people couldn't comment, and Blogger was  no help.

So even though it's late, here's the info on Chrys' new book.


Blake Herro is a cop in the Cleveland Police Force. Ever since he was a child he wanted to do right by the city he loved by cleaning up the streets and protecting its citizens. Red, a notorious mobster, has other plans.

On a bitter December night, ten police officers are drawn into a trap and killed by Red’s followers. Blake wants to bring down the Mob to avenge his fallen brothers and to prevent other cops from being murdered. Except the only way he can do that is by infiltrating the Mob.

Every minute he’s with these mobsters he’s in danger. Around every corner lies the threat of coming face to face with a gun. Will he make it out of the Mob alive or will he be their next victim?


To celebrate, 30 Seconds, the follow up story, is on sale for 99 cents!

Sale Oct. 21st – Nov. 4th



Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series (Hurricane Crimes and Seismic Crimes), as well as these releases from The Wild Rose Press: 30 Seconds, Ghost of Death, and Witch of Death. Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter

Chrys sponsored a blogfest where the participants wrote about "If I were a Mobster."

Here's mine:

Listen up, youse guys. This here’s my turf. Dee-troit, Michigan. And nobody messes with Mary O’Toole.

Hands off. You get a scratch on me Duesenberg, I’ll get out my trusty 44 Magnum (yeah, like Dirty Harry) and blow youse guys away.

They don’t call me Dirty Mary for nuttin’. I’m the baddest moll in Chips O’Toole’s gang. He’s me boy, see? So whatever I say goes. Now get on outa here. Go play in traffic.

Or go visit the other "mobsters."


  1. Dirty Mary's got quite the ride! Congratulations to Chrys!

  2. Thanks for posting it again! I appreciate that. :) Blogger can sure be a pain sometimes.

    Dirty Mary is quite scary. I like that Michigan is her turf. Sadly, Detroit is a good place for a Mob. I also like how you gave her an accent. It came off well with her words.

    Thank you so much for participating in my Mobfest!

    1. LOL, Chrys. Had to make Detroit her domain. So sorry I didn't figure out what to do on Sat.

  3. Everyone knows not to mess with someone from DEtroit. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. LOL! Go play in traffic. Whew! That was awesome and hilarious.

    1. Thanks, Crystal. I thought it was kind of a cliche. Glad you enjoyed that.


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