
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Zombie Virgin...No Longer - Jessica E. Subject @jsubject

Writing Zombies for the First Time

It’s official. I’m no longer a zombie author virgin. Though, if you asked me two years ago if I’d ever write a zombie story, I would have told you no. And if you asked me three years ago if I’d ever watch a tv show or movies about zombies, I would have told you the same thing.

Then we got Netflix. And one of the first movies I watched was World War Z. Sure, that was okay, and I liked the idea of a zombie virus. Days later, I started watching television shows about zombies. The zombie dreams came next. And It Took a Zombie Apocalypse was inspired by one of these dreams, among other things.

When I decided to turn the dream into a story, I had to figure out what kind of story I wanted it to be, and what kind of zombies I wanted. Since I write romance, I decided to stick with the genre, but I didn’t want the romance to be with a zombie like some of the other movies I’ve seen and books I’ve read. Aliens, yes, but zombies, no. And since I liked the virus-infected zombie model rather than the paranormal-curse model, the zombies in my story became infected by the RFG-8 virus that came from squirrels in Canada. (I’m Canadian, by the way.)

With those issues decided, I plotted my story then wrote it. It Took a Zombie Apocalypse is a little more gruesome and angst-ridden than my other stories, but I’m so proud of how it turned out. I hope you’ll take a chance on it whether you like zombies or not.


by Jessica E. Subject

Release date: January 30, 2017

Genres: Romance, Science Fiction, New Adult, Zombie Apocalypse

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-988428-03-1

Editor: Kate Richards
Cover artist: Fantasia Frog Designs

# of pages: 64 (ebook)
# of words: 18,220


It started with a kiss.

Then the zombies came. Now, Missy must work with the neighbor her parents hate if she wants to survive. But zombies aren't the only threat to her life, or her heart.



RJ pressed on the text and read….

Contagion arrived from Ostrander.
Spread through the hospital.
Stay in bunker.
I’m infected.

Zombies? He dropped his phone and stared at it on the floor, expecting it to explode. Zombies didn’t exist. He was in some kind of dream. Had to be. Missy actually had come home for the summer. And kissed him. Now, zombies.

“What is it?” Missy bent down to pick up his cell then handed it back to him. “What happened back at the park?”

“Zombies.” The word came out before he had a chance to stop it. He didn’t know whether to laugh or grab Missy again and run.

A crooked smile formed dimples in her cheeks. “You’re joking, right? Trying to help me laugh off what happened.”

“I wish.” He showed her the message from his father. “My dad doesn’t have a sense of humor.”

The phone beeped, and she pushed his hand away. “I think it needs to be charged. We should call him just to be sure. Or contact somebody. Maybe he meant something else. You know how stupid autocorrect can be.”

RJ rushed to the kitchen, found his charger, and plugged in the cell. But, by then, he’d lost signal. Reception was spotty in West Vitula, but he couldn’t get anything. He peeked through the doorway, out to the living room. “Missy, can you get a signal?”

After digging into her purse, she pulled out her phone with a pink, sparkly case. Not at all what he expected from her. Had he missed that girly side, or had someone given it to her, and she didn’t want to hurt their feelings? That he could understand.

She held the cell up and moved around the room. “I got nothing. What’s going on?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we should try outside?” Though he doubted it would make a difference.

Missy stepped over to window and shoved the curtains aside. “Um, there are people coming. And they don’t…look right.”

RJ glanced outside. Neighbors walked down the middle of the street, their bodies twitching. And no one stopped to talk to one another. They just kept marching along to some unknown destination. As they came closer, he noticed their tattered clothing, their disheveled hair, and limbs connected at odd angles to the rest of their body, as if they’d been trampled. And now they were up and walking.

Jessica E. Subject is the author of science fiction romance, mostly alien romances, ranging from sweet to super hot. Sometimes she dabbles in paranormal and contemporary as well, bringing to life a wide variety of characters. In her stories, you could not only meet a sexy alien or two, but also clones and androids. You may be transported to a dystopian world where rebels are fighting to live and love, or to another planet for a romantic rendezvous.

When Jessica is not reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to go to fitness class and walk her Great Pyrenees/Retriever her family adopted from the local animal shelter.

Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at



  1. Thank you so much for hosting me, Diane! *hugs*

    1. you certainly shocked me! Still I loved it.

    2. Yes, it's quite different from my other stories. Glad you loved it! :) Thank you, Liza!


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