
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Chrys Fey's Blog Tour & Giveaway

My friend Chrys Fey is back with a new book. A couple of weeks ago, I participated in her "I Survived Blog Fest." That was a teaser for her new book, Tsunami Crimes.

Diane’s Question for Chrys: Why did you choose "crimes" for the title of your books?

With Hurricane Crimes (Book 1), I actually struggled with the title for a while. I knew I wanted “hurricane” in it, but I couldn’t figure out a way to tie in everything else that happens in the story. The first title I thought of was Hurricane Criminal or The Hurricane Criminal, because Donovan is a suspected murderer. Except, I didn’t really like calling him a criminal, because *spoiler* he’s not a criminal. I felt bad for him. And I swear he gave me the cold shoulder for a while after that.

Neither of us were happy with that title, so I kept searching for a new one. Finally, the solution bonked me on the head. I thought, if I don’t like “criminal” then I can short it to “crime.” But not just one crime happens. Several do. Big and small. Tack on an “s,” and VOILA! Hurricane Crimes.

When I got the idea to write a series, I wanted each story to be linked, not only with their continuing story lines, but with their titles. I felt that Hurricane Crimes was a title with impact, and I wanted each story after it to have that same force. Therefore, I decided to use the name of a disaster (or a word to describe the disaster) and pair it with “crimes” for each title. The fact that each story is full of all sorts of criminal activity helps, too.

Beth and Donovan have come a long way from Hurricane Sabrina and the San Francisco earthquake. Now they are approaching their wedding day and anxiously waiting to promise each other a lifetime of love. The journey down the aisle isn’t smooth, though, as they receive threats from the followers of the notorious criminal, Jackson Storm. They think they’ll be safe in Hawaii, but distance can’t stop these killers. Not even a tsunami can.
This monstrous wave is the most devastating disaster Beth has ever faced. It leaves her beaten, frightened. Is she a widow on her honeymoon? As she struggles to hold herself together and find Donovan, she’s kidnapped by Jackson's men.
Fearing her dead, Donovan searches the rubble and shelters with no luck. The thought of her being swept out to sea is almost too much for him to bear, but the reality is much worse. She’s being used as bait to get him to fall into a deadly trap.
If they live through this disaster, they may never be the same again.

On SALE for $2.99!


P.S. Hurricane Crimes and Seismic Crimes are on sale for 99 Cents!


Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series. She is a blogger, reader, auntie, vegetarian, and cat Lover. Get Lightning Crimes (Disaster Crimes 2.5) for FREE!




  1. I always have problems with titles. I think Chrys found perfect titles for her Disaster Crime Series. Congartulations Chrys, and thanks for hosting Diane.

    1. Nicola, I agree with you about the titles. They are perfect.

    2. Thank you, Nicola! I'm biased, but I do love these titles. ;)

  2. Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Diane!

    1. Always a pleasure, Chrys. I thoroughly enjoyed Tsunami Crimes. I need to post a review. Shame on me for not doing it sooner.


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