
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Meet Author Beth Caudill

I'm happy to host author Beth Caudill. She and I watch some of the same TV shows. Like Beth, I miss Warehouse 13. Now that Rizzoli and Isles has ended, I'm missing them, too. Let's get to know Beth better. 

Welcome, Beth. Please tell us about yourself.

            I’m Beth Caudill and I write fantasy and paranormal romance novellas. I stay-at-home and homeschool my high-functioning autistic younger son.  I also act as PTO Treasurer and Secretary for my oldest son’s school. Previously I worked in computer technical support and software quality assurance testing.
            I enjoy watching NCIS and Once Upon a Time but I miss Eureka and Warehouse 13.  Like my kids when they were toddlers, I re-watch episodes of Leverage, Stargate SG1 and Rizzoli and Isles. Most of my TV watching happens on the weekend, but I do see an hour or so at night before bed. Reading is an escape I indulge in for about an hour in the morning while my husband and son get ready for the day.

Where can readers find you?

Author Website:
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How long does it take you to write a book?

            In the past, I’ve spent about a year writing a single novella.  I’m a slow writer and I hadn’t forced myself to write everyday so there were some weeks I didn’t write at all.  With my most recent story, I completed it in 3.5 months. I had a deadline to meet and made a concentrated effort to get words on the page.
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

            Ideas for my books come from anything in everyday life.  Sometimes a line from a song or poem will spark a storyline. Fantasy art pictures, myths and fairytales all add inspiration to my stories.  I also like to collect research books on animals, myths, herbs, crystals, historical battles and lots of other topics.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I have 3 published novellas and 2 novellas in edits/almost published.  Of these, my favorite is my werewolves in Healer’s Fate. However, I have a fantasy fairy novel I want to write that I love.  I can’t wait to work on it again.
What is the best part of writing for you?

My favorite part of writing is the first draft.  This is where I can be crazy, write anything down and create the world.  In revisions and edits, I need to fill in holes and allow logic to take dictate actions.

What two authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?

Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews and Anne Bishop are the authors I re-read several times a year.  Particularly if I am having difficulty with my writing.  I love disappearing into their worlds and it helps restart my creativity.
Tell us about your latest release.

            My new paranormal romance novella, Tethered, is about a Park Ranger and a Peregrine falcon shapeshifter. It is also a part of the new Zodiac Shifters group project.  Each story in the series is associated with a Zodiac sign and the main character relates to it in some way.
            Tethered is an Aquarius story and my heroine Evelyn exhibits the main traits of Independence, Curiosity, and Emotional Detachment. While my town of Willows Haven is a magical setting, I don’t relate anything else to the Zodiac.

She's a landscape photographer who disguises her true nature as a falcon shifter. He's a hard-headed park ranger who deals only in reality. But when his daughter is kidnapped by a mythical being, they must forge a bridge of trust to save the girl… and their own hearts.


Chapter One

Evelyn Brooks raced across a purple-tinged sky. Behind her, lightning and thunder clashed within baleful clouds. Her wings dipped in a strong crosswind and plunged her toward the earth. Muscling through the gale, she climbed into a less turbulent current. She’d never make Raleigh before getting soaked, despite the speed her Peregrine form achieved.
A ferocious roar drowned out the whistle of the wind. The upward flap of her wings faltered, and her blood chilled. Turning into a different current, she glimpsed the silhouette of an enormous beast against the storm’s clouds.
Below her, the treetops of a deciduous forest with red-kissed leaves due to an early frost stood sentry. She took shelter within the branches of an oak tree.
The whoosh of wings induced Evelyn to shrink against the tree trunk and dig her talons into the bark as the limbs swayed. A strong crosswind contorted the tree further. Another roar challenged the incoming storm’s might and silenced the nighttime creatures.
Twisting her head, she glanced through the foliage into the cloud-filled sky. A dark shadow moved against the dark gray backdrop. Gigantic wings lifted a massive creature high into the sky.
Hunted until extinct, dragons had been stripped of their scales and blood, their magic forever lost to the supernatural communities. For eons they’d guarded and sheltered those seeking wisdom or healing until humans, who couldn’t control their desires, rampaged across the earth and destroyed all the sanctuaries.
Apparently, the purge hadn’t destroyed them all, and the approaching storm had disturbed this one’s slumber.
Moving to the East Coast was supposed to keep Evelyn safe. Free her of the disturbing sense that someone watched her. Maybe stimulate her creativity and spark a burst of artistry. Instead, she was denied the escape of flight and forced to hide.

Book Details and Purchase Information

Book Title: Tethered
By: Beth Caudill
Published by: Moonlight Mountain Books

Series: Zodiac Shifters - #2
SubSeries:  Willows Haven – Novella 1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Novella – 21,800 words
Heat Level: Spicy

Available for Sale at:
             Amazon –
            Kobo –

Retail Price for eBook: $0.99 pre-order

eBook ISBN: 978-0-9965709-6-1

Thanks, Beth, for visiting. Wishing you much success for Tethered.


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