
Monday, March 27, 2017

The Case of the Meddling Mama - Pre-Order #Sale

If you visited my blog over the past few weekends, you've already read snippets from the latest Alex O'Hara PI mysteries. The manuscript is with my editor, who says she's excited to read it. That's what an author loves to hear. 😊 

The book is available for pre-order on Amazon and Kobo at the special price of $1.99. After release, it will go to its regular price of $3.99. 

Alex is up to her usual antics, the ones that always get her into trouble. Nick is back, of course, but he comes and goes in the story--off saving the world. A new addition is his mother. If you read The Case of the Fabulous Fiance, you know she's left Nick's dad and is bunking in with Alex. Not good for Alex and Nick's relationship. Todd, the teenager she rescued from his abusive stepfather, plays a key role in two cases. 

In The Case of the Meddling Mama, I got to explore an issue that's a hot topic on the news--opioid addiction. Alex learns more than she wants to know about teens and drugs. And another issue that's pivotal in the story is online dating. Sometimes, it works out great (my son and his wife met at an online matching site). And sometimes it doesn't.

Get ready for some adventure, humor, and fright as Alex solves two easy-peasy cases. If you believe that, I have some beachfront property in Arizona you might be interested in.


Once again, Alex O’Hara is up to her ears in mysteries. After surviving an attempted murder, all she wants is R&R time with Nick Palzetti. But his mother leaving his father (“that horse’s patoot”) and moving in with Alex puts a crimp in their plans. Then Nick leaves on assignment and the teen she rescued from an abusive father believes his buddy is doing drugs. Meanwhile, Alex has two easy cases to take her mind off her shaky relationship with Nick—a philandering husband and a background check on a client’s boyfriend. Piece of cake.

In other news:

I'm up to my eyeballs in paperwork, preparing for taxes. So, if I don't respond right away, you know that I'm trying to crawl out from under the avalanche. When will I ever learn not to wait until the last minute?

On top of taxes, it's a busy week for me. I'm visiting Ally Shields for a Coffee Chat on Wednesday. On Thursday, while my good friend Jessica Subject visits here, it's my regular posting day at The Roses of Prose

On Saturday, I'm participating in Alicia Dean's Fool Me Once--April Fool's Day Party on Facebooks. Alicia and several of us authors are offering some great gifts, including a Kindle Fire (for the most active participant) and a Grand Prize that includes gift cards, books, and many other gifts. My scheduled time is 2:30 - 3:00, but I'll pop in and out all during the party. It should be a lot of fun. Consider this your invitation to join us.

Have a great week. Spring is here--finally. The grass is greening up, the ducks are back in the pond, and the geese, our "alarm clock" each morning, can fly up to Canada any time.


  1. You sure do have a busy week! Sounds exciting, though, and I know you can do it. Go Diane!

    1. Thanks, Patty. I'm having fun checking things off the To Do list.

  2. Just preordered! I've been wanting to read it since reading your excerpts on Weekend Writing Warriors.

  3. Congrats, Diane!! I love that you tackled serous issues, but I know you were able to sprinkle some humor in as well. Looking forward to the book release, AND to the party Saturday!!

    1. Thanks so much, Alicia. I like that you added that I sprinkle in humor. Sometimes hard to do when writing about serious issues. The FB party on Saturday should be a lot of fun.


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