
Saturday, March 18, 2017

#WeWriWa #8Sunday: Secret Marriage? The Case of the Meddling Mama

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hops for everyone who loves to read and write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

My snippet is from my upcoming release, THE CASE OF THE MEDDLING MAMA, an Alex O'Hara Novel, third in my PI mystery series. Along with some creative punctuation, it hasn't been edited yet, so suggestions are welcome.

This snippet comes immediately after last week's. The ending of which said Maria Palzetti didn't know she was Alex's mother-in-law. Here's the explanation.

It’s like this—last fall, her son Nick returned to Far Haven. Dumb me, I thought he came to either A) take my business away from me, or B) see me. Wrong on both fronts. Seems he wasn’t a pencil pusher for the State Department, like I’d always thought. Nope, he was a spy for some agency that didn’t exist—well, it did, but you know what I mean. And he’d come home on a mission, which of course he hadn’t shared with me.
Once it was over, he declared he loved me. Me, the girl he’d grown up with, who’d had the biggest teenage crush on him, who’d given up on him ever seeing her as a woman, not like a kid sister. Not only that, we were so crazy in love—or was it lust?—that we “got married in a fever” as the song goes.
My dad and Nick’s folks had been on an Australian cruise of a lifetime, so they still didn’t know about the wedding. See, Nick disappeared on our wedding night.

Once again, Alex O’Hara is up to her ears in mysteries. After surviving an attempted murder, all she wants is R&R time with Nick Palzetti. But his mother leaving his father (“that horse’s patoot”) and moving in with Alex puts a crimp in their plans. Then Nick leaves on assignment and the teen she rescued from an abusive father believes his buddy is doing drugs. Meanwhile, Alex has two easy cases to take her mind off her shaky relationship with Nick—a philandering husband and a background check on a client’s boyfriend. Piece of cake.


  1. Well, that's quite the situation. I definitely want to know more. Fabulous snippet! :)

  2. Nice encapsulation. Brings reader right into the middle of it. Great last line, Di!

  3. Love the tone and voice of this, Diane. Definitely more-ish. Please

  4. Absolutely just the right touch. Just enough for the reader to turn the page and keep on turning.

    1. Thanks, Charmaine. That's what I'm aiming for.

  5. This is all very interesting. Nick is gone (on a spy job maybe?) and the bride has to deal with the mother-in-law.

  6. Wow, disappearing on the wedding night! Why do I have a feeling that's not gonna go over well?

  7. Great last line. So now, will she tell both families of the marriage? Or will she keep it to herself until she gets an explanation for Nick's sudden disappearance? Definitely want to know more.

    1. Oh, good, Rachel. Leave the reader wanting more. LOL

  8. Twists and turns galore here! But I love it and can't wait for more details...great snippet, a classic story going on here, in all the best senses of the word.

  9. Oops! It's the case of the missing groom/husband.

  10. (Not sure my comment went through the first time.) Talk about short marriages, this one takes the (wedding) cake.

  11. In-laws and missing grooms. Ready for more. I love a good mystery. :D

  12. Poor Alex! My heart breaks for her.

  13. Nick is gone? Wow! Great plot twist.

  14. Awe, the poor girl! And everyone knows everyone else. What a skunk, taking off like that. "Spy" is no excuse! :-)

    1. A skunk is right. And she let him know it when he returned.

  15. Wow. That is some kind of life. Loved it!

  16. I'm hooked. He disappeared on their wedding night? Gotta know what happened.

  17. Damn. After all that and he just disappears? I'm curious to know what happened!

  18. I hope he has a good reason for vanishing, because that's a terrible thing to do!

  19. That certainly puts a crimp in the "happily ever after" plans, doesn't it? Jeeze! Is he coming back?

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