
Saturday, April 15, 2017

#WeWriWa - #8Sunday The Case of the Meddling Mama: The Client

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hops for everyone who loves to read and write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

My snippet is from my upcoming release, THE CASE OF THE MEDDLING MAMA, an Alex O'Hara Novel, third in my PI mystery series. Apologies for the creative punctuation, which was done to keep within the sentence limit. The "reluctant" shopper who met Alex at the dress shop and blindsided by her friend into getting Alex to check out her new boyfriend, has shown up for an appointment.

“So nice to see you again, Ginnie,” I said, shaking her cold and shaky hand.
As she sat, I walked around the big mahogany desk that dominated the office and settled in the black ergonomic chair. From beneath my partially-closed eyelids, I saw a hint of apprehension swimming in her eyes—needing to put her at ease, I said, “Did you find a dress at Ellie’s?”
“Oh, yes,” she said, surprised at my question, “I always find something there, she carries fantastic clothes.”
I laughed, “At equally fantastic prices.” Time to find out what she wanted. “I wish Ellie had come to me before she met all those losers—she’s happy now, and that’s all that counts, so what can I do for you?”
She cleared her throat, looked down at her hands then up at me before saying, “What you did for Ellen, keep me from making a big mistake.”
After she told me what she knew about Karl Trimmer, I asked if she’d met his mother.
She made a face. “I’d rather not talk about that.”

Once again, Alex O’Hara is up to her ears in mysteries. After surviving an attempted murder, all she wants is R&R time with Nick Palzetti. But his mother leaving his father (“that horse’s patoot”) and moving in with Alex puts a crimp in their plans. Then Nick leaves on assignment and the teen she rescued from an abusive father believes his buddy is doing drugs. Meanwhile, Alex has two easy cases to take her mind off her shaky relationship with Nick—a philandering husband and a background check on a client’s boyfriend. Piece of cake.

Release date: this Monday, April 17, 2017. Available for pre-order at the special price of $1.99.

There is a glitch with Amazon--a glaring misunderstanding. They will publish the unedited version then will send an immediate update. I hope they keep their promise!


  1. Oh, I wonder what happened when she met his mother. Very intriguing! I look forward to reading this! All the best with your upcoming release! :)

  2. Hm, I wonder what Alex is going to learn and why Ginnie is so worried? Interesting!

  3. It's always the problem with the mother. Nice snippet with a nifty setting.

  4. This sounds like an interesting case. Wonder what exactly Ginnie wants.

    1. Does she want Alex's reassurance that Karl is a good guy? Or something else.

  5. Replies
    1. Ginnie already found Karl online. But is he who he says he is?

  6. Enjoyed the snippet. I liked the way she put her new client at ease enough to share the real details. Terrific!

  7. Don't be giving all Moms the bad rap! I like how Alex handles her client, playing good cop . . . for the moment.

    1. Nah, not all Mamas are bad. LOL Says one mama to another. Thanks, Nancy.

  8. That last line tells a story all by itself! Makes me wonder what that story is. :)

    1. Alex will just have to find out. (So will the reader. hehehe)

  9. You've got me wondering what she'd rather not talk about.

    1. Not trying to be cruel, Ed, but you'll have to wait and see.

  10. Is it wrong that I kinda hope she talks about it? I'm curious!

  11. Hmm, so who is Karl Trimmer? His mother sounds like a nightmare. I cannot wait to find out more!

    1. Karl is Ginnie's boyfriend. The one she hired Alex to check out. What she does find out is interesting.

  12. Hmm, so who is Karl Trimmer? His mother sounds like a nightmare. I cannot wait to find out more!

  13. HUm, I wonder what the relationship with the mother was. Congrats on the release!

  14. Great snippet! Congratulations on your new release!

  15. I'm intrigued to know more. What's up with the mother?


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