
Saturday, April 8, 2017

#WeWriWa - #8Sunday The Case of the Meddling Mama: Caught!

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hops for everyone who loves to read and write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

My snippet is from my upcoming release, THE CASE OF THE MEDDLING MAMA, an Alex O'Hara Novel, third in my PI mystery series. Apologies for the creative punctuation, which was done to keep within the sentence limit

In last week's snippet, Alex chastised Nick for kissing her, afraid that his mother would know. 

With a nonchalance that never failed to grab my attention, Nick put his hands on my chair arms and turned me to face him. His chocolate brown eyes smoldered—oh, yeah, melted dark chocolate that turned my insides all gooey—and when he leaned in to kiss me, my eyelids fluttered closed.
“Nicholas, I need your expense reports from last month, where are—” Maria said as she burst into Nick’s office, talking until she stood in the open connecting door with her hands on her hips. “No hanky-panky in the office.”
There we were, two red-faced adults acting like kids caught kissing behind the garage—we’d done that, too, at six and eight years old, only, it had been his dad who’d caught us.
“Ma, did you want something—uh, expense reports?” he said, recovering a lot faster than I did, since my mouth still hung open, like a guppy that had fallen out of the bowl.
She bristled, saying, “In all the years your father—that horse’s patoot—worked here, he and I never fooled around.”
Nick put his hands on her shoulders and said, “I remember a time when you two were kissing in the kitchenette, and, as I recall, he had his hands—”
“Enough,” she said, blushing from her neck up to her soft bangs. “This is a business, and you two will refrain from PDAs.”

Once again, Alex O’Hara is up to her ears in mysteries. After surviving an attempted murder, all she wants is R&R time with Nick Palzetti. But his mother leaving his father (“that horse’s patoot”) and moving in with Alex puts a crimp in their plans. Then Nick leaves on assignment and the teen she rescued from an abusive father believes his buddy is doing drugs. Meanwhile, Alex has two easy cases to take her mind off her shaky relationship with Nick—a philandering husband and a background check on a client’s boyfriend. Piece of cake.

Release date: April 17, 2017. Available for pre-order at the special price of $1.99.


  1. LOL Nick knows exactly how to get back at his mother, but she has a point. Interesting how she's not surprised though. Great snippet! :)

    1. Thanks, Jess. I love that he turned the tables on his mother.

  2. Uh oh--she is going to drive them crazy! lol. Nick does think fast... :-)

  3. Mama sure knows how to crimp a romance! Lol.

    I got here from Triberr. Check your link on Wewriwa. I got a big warning message when I clicked on your wewriwa link.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Cara. What a message. I see what I did. The link should have been: I left off the "t" in blogspot.

  4. Well Nick can sure keep his cool! Loved the scene, very amusing. I also got that weird security warning, by the way.

    1. Thanks, Veronica.I shouldn't be in a hurry when I sign up on Linky Tools.

  5. Aww, party pooper. Are they in an office? cuz that's not really "public" per se. :D

    1. Not according to Mama. If she can see them, it's public. LOL

  6. Great excerpt! Mama sounds very meddlesome which probably makes her a very interesting character in the book.

  7. It's odd how Mamas can make grown children jump, as though they are still young. And make them feel guilty too! I love the 'feel' of this story. I think it reminds me of detective stories I read when I was young.

    1. Thanks, Rachel. My mother could make me feel guilty when I wasn't doing anything!

  8. Loved the excerpt. Yep, my mother can make me feel guilty too. Even if I'm not. lol

  9. Haha this was great. Nice work! :D

  10. Hilarious. From the gooey chocolate to the no PDAs. Tweeted.

  11. I love the melty chocolate description in the first paragraph. Lovely.

  12. Such is life, when it comes with a resident Mama! Love the dynamics here, Diane

  13. Such is life, when it comes with a resident Mama! Love the dynamics here, Diane

  14. Such is life, when it comes with a resident Mama! Love the dynamics here, Diane

    1. Thanks, Kim. For the past month, I've been the Resident Mama. It's hard staying out of our children's business. lol


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