
Saturday, June 10, 2017

#WeWriWa The Protector My Baby is Gone! #sfr

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to read and write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

This snippet is from my sci-fi romance, The Protector (An Outer Rim Novel). This week, I'm skipping ahead. After Rissa rescued two young teen girls from traffickers, life went back to normal for about a tenday.

Urgent pounding and a fem calling Rissa’s name made her rush through the kitchen and yank open the door to the alley. As Sophira, her part-time server, stumbled into the kitchen, she cried, “My baby’s gone—someone took my baby girl.”
A knife jammed into Rissa’s heart. No.
“You must help me.” The fem’s terror made her shiver to the point of collapse. As Rissa helped her to a stool next to the island, she cried, “I know you can. You must find my baby girl. I know what you did—” She shifted her gaze to Pela.
The knife in Rissa's heart twisted at the thought of another baby girl stolen.

As always, apologies for the creative punctuation, which was done to keep within the sentence limit.

Who knew rescuing two girls from traffickers would bring down a world of hurt?

After tavern owner Rissa Dix rescues two girls from a slave ship, she must rally the townsfolk to prevent traffickers from returning. Mining heir Dillan Rusteran has loved her for years. Little do they know that by rescuing more children they're tangling with a galactic trafficking ring.

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  1. These slavers are everywhere, aren't they?

  2. Someone needs to pull that knife out of her heart! Tense scene.

  3. Replies
    1. No. This crew also take a couple of boys. Just what the village needs to take action.

  4. What a heartbreaking moment. I hope Rissa is able to help her and that they can drive the slavers out for good.

    1. (Somehow I missed this comment. Sorry, Jess.) They'd better drive out those slavers.

  5. How horrible! I hope Rissa will take on this challenge as well.

  6. Sounds like the traffickers aren't through with her, or she's not through with them. Scary world!

    1. Scary, indeed. The worst is that this is happening all over the world. Traffickers go into 3rd world countries, capture kids (and young adults) then sell them in so-called civilized nations.

  7. What a horrible situation. I hope they can help.

  8. Such pain! What will she do?

  9. Looks like she going to be the savior again whether she wants to be or not. Nice tense scene, Di.

  10. Sounds like a terrible place for women. :(

  11. Oh dear, I didn't see that coming. This place is not exactly a paradise, is it? I hope she can help in this new case! Excellent excerpt...

    1. Thanks, Veronica. Not a paradise at all. But it's home (for Rissa). She has to protect it.

  12. Lots going on here, and all of it is drawing my attention! :D

  13. Very tense and dramatic scene - and as you say, Diane, it's happening on this world too, all the time. SF as always mirrors reality - or is it the opposite way round? Anyway thanks for this intriguing peek into your book.

    1. Thanks, Hywela. It's scary how prevalent trafficking is.

  14. Oy! Good tension. Slavers--curse of the universe!


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