
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Meet the Author: @DarcyFlynn and her new Release

 I met Darcy through a group I often mention, Authors Helping Authors. She writes stories that will warm your heart. Please welcome author Darcy Flynn.

When the homeless young man strode off, my heart cried out to stop him, to offer him a meal. But what 60-year-old woman runs after a thirty-year-old homeless guy? So, I did the normal, sane thing, simply sat there and watched him leave. I glanced around at those seated near me and not one of them seemed to have noticed him.
I’ve thought about that young man many times since then, replaying the scene over and over in my head. In my daydream, I call out to him. He stops and turns. I offer to buy him breakfast, and although surprised, he accepts. We sit at the bistro table on a beautiful California morning and I discover more about him over a hearty breakfast.
But, that’s not how it happened.
I thought about those who loved this young man, who worried about him. And mostly, I thought about his mother. As I pondered this man’s condition I played several scenarios in my head. Maybe he was a spy, undercover, and fleeing his most recent captors. Nearly starved. Why else would he eat off the plate of a stranger? 
I knew someday I’d use him in a story and give him a reason to do what he did. Thus my undercover journalist hero was born. Then I gave my heroine the heart I’d wished I’d had that day. The heart that was in me, but afraid to act. I gave her the courage to actually go after the homeless man and the will to at least try and change his life.

Book Blurb:

Jillian Jeffrey, teen fashion industry’s latest darling, has a heart for the less fortunate. Her goal is to raise enough money for fashion icon Anna Delany’s, Like No Other charity foundation. The donation will not only keep the charity afloat, but will place Jill in the running for a coveted position on LNO’s board of directors.

In a moment of weakness, at the charity gala, Jill reluctantly accepts a bet from her ex-boyfriend and uses a homeless man to raise twenty thousand dollars. Unknown to Jill, the homeless guy is the cynical, undercover journalist, and Jill has just become his latest exposé target.

In a twist of fate, Cameron is soon hired to shadow Jill as she volunteers with the charity. Shorthaired and clean-shaven, he looks nothing like the bearded, disheveled man Jill had encountered the night of the gala. During their time together, he not only discovers the noble reason behind the bet, but witnesses first hand his article’s negative impact on her business. Faced with the prospect of losing her, will Cameron come up with an antidote for Eagle Eye’s toxic exposé before Jill loses everything she’s worked for? 

Buy Links:

Purchase at Amazon:
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Author Bio:

Darcy Flynn is known for her heartwarming, sweet contemporary romances. Her refreshing storylines, irritatingly handsome heroes and feisty heroines will delight and entertain you from the first page to the last. Miss Flynn’s heroes and heroines have a tangible chemistry that is entertaining, humorous and competitive.
Darcy lives with her husband and a menagerie of other living creatures on her horse farm in Franklin, Tennessee. She raises rare breed chickens, stargazes on warm summer nights and indulges daily in afternoon tea.
Although, published in the Christian non-fiction market under her real name, Joy Griffin Dent, it was the empty nest that turned her to writing romantic fiction. Proving that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.

To follow or find out more about Darcy check out the links below.

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  1. Diane! Thank you for hosting me and my new release, today! I always love hanging out with you and your readers!

    1. You are so welcome, Darcy.. I enjoyed reading about your experience with the homeless man. I would've done the same and regretted not doing more. Best wishes.

  2. Hi Darcy. I loved reading your experience with the homeless man and it's certainly tickled my interest to read your book. Your premise sounds excellent. Best Anni xx

  3. Hi, Diane! Hi, Darcy, what a moving story about the homeless guy. It brought a tear to my eyes. Your book sounds like a fab read and I'm off the grab my copy! :)

    1. Aww, I so appreciate hearing that, Monique! Thank you!

  4. What a moving background story! I love how you took that encounter and turned it into a novel. wishing you much success with it!

  5. That guy was your muse--jogging your shoulder, knowing you would take the bait. Congrats on the release and thanks so much for sharing your inspiration for the character.

    1. You just might be right, Sorchia! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love this story! Like your others, it's a hard book to put down.

  7. Whoa. Your background story about the homeless man eating leftover food was almost haunting and heart-breaking. That has to be used somewhere in your writing. Great blurb.

  8. This is such a fascinating premise, and I love your background anecdote.

  9. Sorry I'm late but what a GREAT story Darcy!
    Good luck and God's blessings

  10. Nice to meet you Darcy. Certainly a haunting story that kicked off your inspiration for your book. I would forever be wondering about that guy too. By the way Diane, I nominated you for the Liebster award. You can check the details at my blog if you want to play along.


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