
Saturday, July 8, 2017

#WeWriWa THE PROTECTOR: Rescued! #sfr

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

This has been a great week that ended poorly. Our Arizona family (Son, DIL, Toddler Girl, a Great Dane, and a Lab) moved in with us until they can find a house. That was the great part. Love playing with the 2-y.o. The dogs are fairly well behaved, considering we have no fence. On Thursday, my laptop failed to open, and it still won't. What a crappy way to end the week. It's now at Best Buy where I hope they can fix it, and more importantly, can retrieve my documents. Yes, I'm one of those people who preached backing up your work but failed to do so. The Geek Squad guy assured me he could retrieve my docs. I hope he can.

In light of that, I'm trying to share the next snippet from my sci-if romance THE PROTECTOR, using my iPad and an old computer along with a sporadic internet connection. When it rains . . .

Last week, the bad guys got the drop on Rissa who (with her friends) was at spaceport to rescue kidnapped  children. Her bartender Kiran is in the wings. (BTW, I did read your comments last week. Sorry for not commenting on each one. As I said, crazy week.) This picks up where we left off last week when the captain threatened to throw her out the airlock.

     His laugh sent frissons of fear shooting through Rissa. When the shorter male started forward, his eyes widened. The removal of the metal from her neck and the sound of a body hitting the floor told her Kiran had been right to cover her back. He zapped the two in front of her, and they crumpled to the floor next to the sleeping boys.
     She glanced over her shoulder and saw a bundle of blue fur lay in a tangle of arms and legs--the captain of the traffickers' ship was the obnoxious Indigian from the tavern.
     "Next time, don't go rushing into danger," Kiran said, "my heart can't take it."
     Heat burned in Rissa's cheeks--she knew he was right. She'd been foolish to rush out like that, but she'd been so afraid the traffickers would get away, taking not just Sophira's baby but the boys with them.
     "Sorry," she said, "let's get them tied up and out of sight."

As always, apologies for the creative punctuation, which was done to keep within the sentence limit.

Who knew rescuing two girls from traffickers would bring down a world of hurt?

After tavern owner Rissa Dix rescues two girls from a slave ship, she must rally the townsfolk to prevent traffickers from returning. Mining heir Dillan Rusteran has loved her for years. Little do they know that by rescuing more children they're tangling with a galactic trafficking ring.

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  1. She's lucky she had armed backup.

  2. She was smart in having Kiran come along. Glad he was able to help her. :)

    Good luck with your laptop!

    1. She didn't want him to, but he insisted. Smart guy. Got the laptop back. The Geek Squad recovered all my pics, docs, etc. Thank goodness!

  3. Well, this is a little bit like life imitating art. Your characters have assumed responsibility for two children. The author's family moves in with her...

    Sorry about laptop. Been there. Done that.

    1. Never thought of that, Cara. Very true. Thanks for commiserating about the laptop.

  4. Despite all your woes, you came up with a terrific snip.

  5. Great snippet. Tense and the emotional havoc Rissa must be feeling.
    Sorry about the laptop. I'm going to go do a back up in just a moment - thanks for the reminder.

    1. Thanks, Daryl. Now that the laptop is fixed (I hope), I'll be backing up a lot more often.

  6. I'm glad she has help, sounds like she needs it. I hope they can recover something from the laptop. I use dropbox for an auto-backup. Not perfect, but better than nothing.

    1. They recovered all. I think. I should use Drop Box. I have it. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. What would she have done without that backup? And I hope you're able to get your docs back, I always hate when technology misbehaves like that.

    1. Thanks, Jacob. Rissa would've been in bad shape without Kiran.

  8. Eeek, sounds like a rough week indeed. Hope it all works out! Great snippet, as well. :)

  9. Lucky her bartender is so handy with the weaponry! Enjoyed the excerpt, sorry to hear about your computer. Can't manage without that :( I hope the Geek Squad can at least retrieve the files. Best wishes!

    1. I have a bad feeling about the computer. It's only 4 yrs old. Should hold out longer than that.

  10. Nice teamwork!! Hope things go as well for you with your backup plan!!

  11. Her bartender is certainly willing to go above and beyond the call of his duty. Maybe Kiran could fix your laptop, too?

  12. Bartender to the rescue. Rescuing the rescuer.
    Bad guys down.

  13. It's always good to have a friend at your back!

  14. Thank goodness for Kiran! So sorry about your laptop, hope it gets better soon!

  15. KC, how true.

    Hywela, thanks. Here's hoping the computer is fixed for good.


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