
Monday, September 25, 2017


I talked Hubs into going with me to a book event on Saturday. We both love Up North (Michigan's northern lower peninsula), so when I scheduled to attend the Alpena Book Festival in Alpena, Michigan, he was game. While I participated in panel discussions, he explored this lovely port city on Lake Huron. We met up for lunch, then he took off to explore more.

This is my 2nd year at the Book Festival put on by the Alpena Public Library and a great many volunteers, including the Blue Phoenix Bookstore where my books were for sale. Meeting readers and other authors, some of whom I'd met last year, was the best part of the event.

Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. High eighties/low nineties with high humidity. Only the most hardy strolled downtown Alpena. Unlike last year, when the weather was more like Fall than Summer. But those who attended were great readers who asked many questions during the discussions. For the panels I was on, we had a great moderator. Mark (who wanted to remain anonymous and wouldn't tell us his last name) kept the discussions going with terrific questions and made sure all the authors participated. 

Hubs visited the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center and the Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan. His love of maritime history made the former a good choice. The Besser Museum provided much info about the area, which he also enjoyed.

We left Alpena and headed for Mackinaw City. There, according to Hubs, I got my bridge fix. I love looking at the Mackinac Bridge. (Did you notice the spelling differences? It's Mackinac Bridge, Mackinac Island, but Mackinaw City. They are all pronounced the same as Mackinaw City.) On Sunday morning, we drove to a small park that has the best view of the bridge. I was totally surprised by how calm the water (Lake Huron) was. In fact, if you look carefully at the picture, you can see the reflection of the pylons. I have never seen that before. BTW, the bridge isn't leaning. LOL Just me.

Yesterday, we wandered around Mackinaw City, did a little shopping, but the heat and humidity were too much for walking. They say a break is as good as a rest. We had a nice 4-day break from the every day. Mixed a little business with a little vacation. Too early for the trees to change color yet. Maybe next month.

Where do you go for a break?


  1. It was hot! Sorry to hear that the heat impacted attendance. We spent the Saturday on the island and a bit of Sunday in the UP. It was hot even up there!

    1. Everybody I talked to said this is so unusual. Sorry you missed the event. Maybe next year.

  2. We had to cancel my appearance at the Alpena event, and traveled to Bloomfied for Mom's funeral and celebration of life. Six of my Texas cousins flew in with some of their spouses- and took full responsibility for the extreme heat and humidity, which made them feel right at home. It was a mighty send-off for a great woman! Maybe Alpena next year.

    1. Family first. I keep telling my Arizona DIL that she brought all this heat. LOL At least hers would've been a "dry heat." We can blame it on your Texas relatives. So glad the celebration of your mother's life went well. Difficult to go through.


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