
Saturday, September 9, 2017

#WeWriWa: THE PROTECTOR - Surprise Visitor #sfr

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm sharing another snippet from my sci-fi romance, THE PROTECTOR. In last week's post, Rissa and her friend Fortuna were discussing what to do next with the rescued children. The last line was Rissa's, “Why does everyone think know what to do?” This snippet picks right up.

Fortuna reached across the counter and patted Rissa’s hand, “Because you always come through with a plan.”
“Yeah, and everyone wants me to make all the decisions,” She blew out a breath, “if only they’d listened to me before.”
“They’ll listen to you now—you’ll need to call a town meeting.” With a look of chagrin, Fortuna amended, “The merchants, Barlen, and I will contact the town folk. It will be all right, you won’t have to carry this burden all by yourself.”
“What burden?” The tall man from the spaceport stood in the doorway to the bar.
Kiran crept up behind him and held his long knife against the man’s throat beneath his beard. “Hold it, Offworlder, you’d better have a damn good reason for sneaking in here.”

Who knew rescuing two girls from traffickers would bring down a world of hurt?

After tavern owner Rissa Dix rescues two girls from a slave ship, she must rally the townsfolk to prevent traffickers from returning. Mining heir Dillan Rusteran has loved her for years. Little do they know that by rescuing more children they're tangling with a galactic trafficking ring.

Amazon ~ Kobo ~ Smashwords ~ B&N ~ iTunes

I'll be gone all day Sunday. I will eventually to get all your blogs, but it may take a couple of days. I really enjoy your snippets.


  1. Looks like Rissa has another situation she must deal with first. Great snippet! :)

  2. Love this bit the most "Kiran crept up behind him and held his long knife against the man’s throat beneath his beard." What suspense!

  3. I have a feeling the tall man can take care of himself! I like that the other people are going to help her carry the burden of planning the next steps. Really enjoyed the excerpt!

    1. Thanks so much, Veronica. Unless you speak up, people just assume you can handle anything.

  4. Fine snippet, Diane. I vote for what Veronica wrote. She's right on target.

  5. And she had friends armed with a knife - if it's any use?

  6. Just what she needs, another complication. :p

  7. Replies
    1. Isn't it always? You get one situation taken care of and another pops up.

  8. This story's premise, along with the way you're developing the characters really makes me want to read the book.

  9. Any time people haven't listened to someone before, but swear they will *now*... well, I doubt their veracity. And the knife seems like overkill, and a bad idea. I bet this Offworlder can defend himself!

    1. While the Offworlder can take care of himself, I never really described Kiran--over 7 ft tall and BIG. I guess he could've just picked up the Offworlder by his neck. LOL

  10. Yes, I'm intrigued by the offworlder too, and I'm sure he's capable of looking after himself - and others if he has to. (I was away most of yesterday too, and am only just catching up on commenting.)

    1. Thanks, Hywela. The Offworlder will prove very interesting. I hope.

  11. A knife is never a good thing - hopefully the Offworlder won't overreact. Tweeted.

  12. Are they really going to listen to her now? I highly doubt it. Great snippet!


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