
Saturday, September 30, 2017

#WeWriWa: THE PROTECTOR Where Dillan's Heart Lies

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Congratulations to our own Hywela Lynn for winning Mid-Michigan RWA's Best Banter Contest: Paranormal Romance. Yay!

Sorry for missing last week. I was out of town at a book event, followed by a mini-vacation. I'm back with another excerpt from The Protector (An Outer Rim Novel: Book 3). When we left off two weeks ago, Rissa and her friend Fortuna (a pleasure house madam) are in Rissa's kitchen discussing the rescue of the children when Dillan shows up. Next thing he knows, her bartender (and self-appointed bodyguard) holds a knife to his throat. Despite his beard and overlong hair, Fortuna is the first to recognize him. 

While Dillan disentangled Fortuna’s arms, Rissa sat back down at the island—she did not look pleased. He could hope her tight expression was jealousy, but it probably wasn’t.
Rissa sighed, “Kiran, it’s okay, go back to bed, thanks for being so vigilant. This is one offworlder I can handle.”
“Oh, please, let me handle him,” Fortuna cooed.
While she was a beautiful fem, she did nothing to turn him on, even when she kissed him again and pressed her lush body against his. His attention centered on Rissa.
When Fortuna noticed the direction of his gaze, she huffed, “Oh, pooh, same old, same old. I’ll leave you two alone to get . . . reacquainted.”

Who knew rescuing two girls from traffickers would bring down a world of hurt?

After tavern owner Rissa Dix rescues two girls from a slave ship, she must rally the townsfolk to prevent traffickers from returning. Mining heir Dillan Rusteran has loved her for years. Little do they know that by rescuing more children they're tangling with a galactic trafficking ring.

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  1. Haha! Not lured by Fortuna's charms. Nice snippet.

  2. A man who knows what he wants and a woman who isn't sure she appreciates it . . . but she will, I'm guessing!

  3. He is clearly still attracted to Rissa, but he might have his work cut out to persuade her to think the same way. I'm sure he will try.

    1. He's definitely going to try. Of course, the road won't be easy.

  4. Hmm,, not sure she wants a sweet reunion. Maybe sparks will fly instead. :-) Good snippet, Diane! And that is wonderful news about out Hywela!!

    1. She remembers him as a reckless kid. Hard for her to get over that memory.

  5. A complex set of relationships here.

  6. So interesting to watch all this play Aurora said, complex! Enjoyed the new excerpt...

    1. Thanks, Veronica. I always appreciate your insight.

  7. He's looking at her, but she isn't looking back--and someone else is interested in him. This has the makings of some fine drama!

    1. Thanks, Caitlin. Rissa remembers the boy and doesn't see the man he's become.

  8. Oh, now how does Rissa feel about him? Fabulous snippet! :)

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! <3

    1. Thanks, Jess. Good question. She's having a difficult time reconciling who she knew before.

  9. Fortuna has an amusingly dirty mind . . . but I doubt Rissa finds it amusing.

  10. Oh what a tantalising excerpt, it lookes like Rissa holds all the cards at the moment, and neither Fortuna or Dillan are happy about it. Thanks so much for mentioning the 'Banter contest' win, *blush* I'm quietly thrilled! :)

    1. Fortuna likes to tease. She knows where Dillan's heart lies. The Best Banter contest was sponsored by my RWA chapter. I was thrilled to know one of the winners. Congrats and Happy Birthday!

  11. P.S. Sorry to be so late commenting, but it's been a somewhat hectic weekend! I'm still trying to catch up.

    1. No problem. This isn't late. Sometimes, I'm still commenting on Wednesdays. LOL

  12. I look forward to Dillan and Rissa getting reacquainted. I have a hunch it will take some time before it becomes an intimate relationship though.

    1. It will, of course. Gotta make them suffer a bit. :)

  13. Can't wait the find out the back story between these two!


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