
Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday Morning Musing on OUTLANDER

photo credit: IMDB

I had today’s blog post all worked out in my head before getting up this morning. I often do my best thinking in that twilight between awake and asleep. Then I watched the episode of Outlander that I’d recorded last night. Oh my goodness. Such a heartbreaking episode. At least, that’s how I felt as a mother. Then immense joy.

*** Spoiler Alert ***

Have you been watching Outlander? It’s a Starz original series based on Diana Gabaldon’s eight-book Outlander time travel collection. I read the series when it first came out. Everyone was back then. Or so it seemed. The main question in my book group's discussion was would she go back?

When the series premiered in 2014, I was excited to watch it, because of reading the books. I even blogged about it three years ago. Hubs enjoyed the series because of the Scottish history. (His grandfather was born in Scotland.) While he was interested in the battles, I watched for the romance between Claire and Jamie. Of course, I anticipated their happy-ever-after. Would they get it or not? What trauma Gabaldon put them through! What heartache.

I said (above) this episode was heartbreaking to me as a mother. To be reunited with her true love, Claire must leave her daughter (and Jamie’s) behind. It doesn’t matter that her daughter encourages her to go. I’m not sure I could do that. Perhaps, I'm not the romantic I always thought I was.

Last year, I wrote a novella called Mission to New Earth. The beginning of the blurb reads: Would you go on a one-way trip to explore a new planet? Would you do it to save humankind? My main character (Sara) has no family to leave behind. My answer to the question in the blurb is no, not in my present life. Never to see my family again? No way. But other characters in my story did leave their families. In a future story (one that's in the early stage), I'll explore the rest of the crew's reasons for leaving those families behind.

When I wrote that novella, I didn’t consciously think about Outlander. Since I can now see the similarities, I must have done it subconsciously. At the beginning, Claire isn’t given the choice to travel back in time. Sara chooses to go on the mission. Later in the series, when Claire discovers Jamie survived the battle of Culloden, she’s torn between her family (daughter) and her true love. That’s what makes the story so emotional. What would we do for love?

I’m looking forward to watching the next episode. What does Jamie feel when Claire returns? How will that affect his life?

Are you watching Outlander?

Come back tomorrow when I share a fun new release from some friends of mine: an anthology titled Embrace the Romance: Pets in Space 2.

1 comment:

  1. I started to read the first Outlander last month because it was advertised on Book Bub, but I put it aside when Stephen King's newest book came out. The story of Outlander is unique and interesting, but all the, um, physical interactions shall we say?, are not the type of thing I usually read. Blush.


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