
Saturday, October 14, 2017

#WeWriWa - THE PROTECTOR: Rissa's Guilt

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Here's another excerpt from The Protector (An Outer Rim Novel: Book 3). Dillan and Rissa are in her kitchen alone late at night. When she tried to send him away, he made himself at home--the way he'd done six years before.

Please forgive the creative punctuation (and changes from the original) to keep within the guidelines.

Rissa caught herself staring at his strong neck, the way his throat worked as he swallowed the ale, and hastily took a sip of her own. Six years ago, she’d tried to remember he was a kid—he wasn’t one then, and he sure wasn’t one now. She regretted not sending him on his way back to his ship, he made her think of things she had no business thinking of, not with him.
“The children are all right?” he asked.
“Yes, Fortuna’s girls are taking care of them.”
His expression—so serious—convinced her he cared about the children. He’d been that serious once before—when he lost his friend in a rock-slide up in the mountains. Even though their other friends left after a few days, Dillan stayed to help the search-and-rescue teams from neighboring colonies, and when those teams gave up, he joined another team hired by Konner’s father to continue the search.
His grief, compounded by survivor’s guilt, had led her to comfort him. Comfort that had almost gone too far. She wasn’t going to think about that time.

Who knew rescuing two girls from traffickers would bring down a world of hurt?

After tavern owner Rissa Dix rescues two girls from a slave ship, she must rally the townsfolk to prevent traffickers from returning. Mining heir Dillan Rusteran has loved her for years. Little do they know that by rescuing more children they're tangling with a galactic trafficking ring.

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  1. More details about their history... A great snippet! :)

  2. Great backstory, Di. Really fills in the current situation quickly.

  3. She didn't want to think about "that time". Thing smust have gotten pretty hot.

    1. I'll bet they did. :) Thanks for tweeting, Daryl.

  4. Slightly confused: "Six years ago, she’d tried to remember he was a kid—he wasn’t one then, and he sure wasn’t one now." Why did she try to think of him as a kid 6 years ago if even she admits he wasn't? But yeah, I sure agree with her that he's no kid now! Not the way you vividly describe him...Enjoyed the snippet - these two are clearly meant to find a way to each other!

    1. And I do realize since we're doing snippets, the explanation to my question is probably perfectly clear if one is reading the book start to finish! I always enjoy your books :)

    2. Thanks, Veronica. You're right about the explanation being in the book. He started coming to her tavern when he was a kid (teen). The age difference between them then seemed greater than it is now.

  5. I've been ill and now I'm back. This is a wonderful snippet full of dreams from yesterday.

    1. Glad you're feeling well enough to visit. Thanks, Charmaine.

  6. "Comfort that had almost gone too far"- that's a tantalizing tidbit right there.

  7. Clearly they have an "interesting" history.

  8. Yay! Someone else who is after their well-being.

  9. They have an interesting past, and I suspect a very interesting future! Great snippet.

  10. She's fighting hard against her feelings.

  11. Ooh, I love the tension and heat building up between them, I think she needs to admit her feelings!

  12. She can tell herself whatever she likes, but I'm not sure she believes it! Great chemistry happening in this snippet. :)

    1. Yeah, she's really into denial. Thanks, Caitlin.

  13. While I get that she's determined not to make the same mistake again, us readers are going to be sending our psychic energy, urging her to give up and get it on!

    Sorry for being tardy to comment. Blame *#@!@ LAX for getting me home a day late.

    1. Rissa will figure it out. Glad you got home safely, even if late.

  14. The tension in this scene is palpable. Rissa's longing is so strong. Great excerpt.

    1. She's going to have to get through some issues first. Thanks.

  15. Great snippet! Her emotions are palpable.


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