
Thursday, November 9, 2017

GUEST: Constance Bretes on Domestic Abuse @ConstanceBretes

My friend and former Mid-Michigan RWA(MMRWA) chaptermate, until she moved to Montana, Connie Bretes shares some startling statistics. 

Constance Bretes

The National Domestic Violence Hotline says that “On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States — more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year.[i]”

I don’t know about you, but in this day and age, I find that information staggering. This is just one segment, listed under “General” statistic information at the, Sexual violence, Stalking, Children, Teens and In The Workplace all have their own statistical information, which is equally appalling. I thank my God every day that I am not a victim of any kind of domestic violence. My parents protected and sheltered me, and I have a wonderful husband and extended family. Others are not so lucky or blessed, and my heart bleeds for them. My book, Blue As Sapphires, is a contemporary romance about a woman who struggled and got out of a horrible situation of domestic violence, and eventually, fell in love with someone who appreciated her for who she was and loved her unconditionally. My desire in writing this book was to be an inspiration and encouragement to other men and women who face this kind of abuse. There is hope. There is a way to escape, and a chance of finding your happy ever after.

After reading the statistics, and writing this book, I decided to donate sales from this book to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. You can donate too, by going to this website: Maybe, together, we can give these abused victims help, and hope.

Blue As Sapphires by Constance Bretes

Tagline: Marissa's home was her haven, until Riley invaded her space.

Back Cover Blurb: 
Escaping from her abusive ex-husband, Marissa Simpson returns to her hometown to start over. She spends her days working at the local jewelry store, and the rest of her time is dedicated to mining along Red Rock River, searching for precious gems. Marissa has no intention of getting involved with another man, or with the community she left behind all those years ago. That is until Riley McCade shows up.

Riley is the Sheriff of Quartz County. He loves his community and goes out of his way to protect and serve. When he meets up with Marissa, he's bound and determined to get to know her even though she insists she's not interested.

The more Riley learns about Marissa's past, the more he concludes that she may be in danger. When her ex-husband shows up, can Riley protect her? And can he earn her love in the process?

Content Warning: contains some sexual content


“Hello, Sheriff. What can I do for you today?”
“I thought you would have listened to me and reconsidered trying to make this place livable again.”
“Nope, I’m going to try to make a go of it.”
Riley splayed his hand on the back of his neck and gave her a small smile. “You need to go to the county office and get an inspector to come out here and determine what needs to be taken care of before you make this your home. The house has to be up to code.”
“And if I don’t?” she said evenly.
“I’d have to serve you with a notice and remove you from the premises until the house meets the building code.”
“Really,” she replied in a low voice, taut with anger. “I guess I’ll contact the inspector tomorrow and see when I can get someone out. Is that all, Sheriff?”
“For now. Tell me, Marissa, how have you been?” Riley asked. “You haven’t been here
in a long time.”
“I’m doing well. Thank you,” she replied icily. A suggestion of annoyance hovered in her eyes.
“So, are you married? Do you have children?”
“No, and no, and why?”
It seemed to Riley that Marissa was being evasive and noncommittal. She sure was an attractive woman, maybe a little too thin, but she had a lovely face and perfect rose-colored lips. Something about her piqued his interest.
“I just wondered how you were. Is this the first time you’ve been back to Frankenburg since high school?”
“What brings you back?”
“I wanted to come back.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
He was aware of her annoyance, he tried to coax her into a better mood, but failed.
“Marissa, if you’d like, I could make you an offer on the twenty acres of land. That would give you enough money to buy a nice home in town and live more comfortably than you would here.”
“Why are you so bent on me leaving this house?” Marissa shot him a cold look, uncrossing her arms and squeezing her hands into fists.
“I’m not bent on anything, but I told you before I think the house is dangerous to live in.”
“Well, it’s my problem, so I’d appreciate it if you would mind your own business.”
“Why are you so testy? We’re a tight community here in Frankenburg, you know that. We look out for each other and try to help when we can. I’m only trying to be neighborly and keep you safe.”
“I’m not interested in you being neighborly and keeping me safe. I’m capable of taking care of myself, and I don’t need any help.”
“All right, Marissa, but you get that inspector out here as soon as possible.” Riley’s voice was smooth, but insistent.
“Yes, Sheriff.” She spat out the words contemptuously, did a mock salute, whirled around, walked into the house, and slammed the door in his face.

Buy Links:

About the Author:

 Constance Bretes Bio

I started writing contemporary romance and contemporary romance suspense fifteen years ago, and after multiple rejections, got my first contract for Delayed Justice, released in 2014.

I lives in Basin, Montana, where three feline furballs own me and my husband, and a dog that lives next door named Sara, who thinks she also lives with the Bretes family. I love the mountains that surround my home, I love basket weaving, jewelry making, and just visiting all the folks in the small community we live in.

I currently have seven books published, and a number of other ones in various stages of edits. Right now, I’m working on a new book, called Roadside Love. A murder mystery/romance is a small town in Wyoming. I have two other books that are at the end of their editing days and now at critique partners, the books are Elkhorn In The Moonlight and Rocky River Gold. Both are small town romances.

I can be reached through the following media.

Be sure to visit my webpage, navigate to the News & Things, and enter the monthly rafflecopter at the bottom of the page. Join my newsletter mailing list also at that site, and you will get my newsletter, once a month and only occasionally, anytime the rest of the month, if I suddenly have something that has come up after the newsletter was sent out.


  1. It was good reading both the excerpt from the book and about the author. Most enjoyable.


  2. Thank you, Yvonne, for visiting and thank you Diane, for having me today.

    1. Always a pleasure having you visit. Wish you lived closer so we could visit in real time. :)

  3. Great excerpt, Connie! Best of luck with the book.

  4. Domestic Violence awareness is important, I'm glad you wrote about it. And I enjoyed your excerpt!

  5. What an appalling statistic! I think it's wonderful that you've brought the issue to readers in your book. Bless you for supporting such a worthwhile charity with your proceeds.

  6. Good luck & God's blessings with your books, Connie!

  7. Thank you so much for shedding light on those statistics, and tackling a difficult subject.

    All my best!


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