
Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

It's appropriate this week to remember we have much to be thankful for. And not just on Thursday as we in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving. Making a list (and checking more than twice) is helpful. I know once I hit "publish" to put this on my blog, I'll think of something or someone to add.

I am so thankful for many things, mostly people.

My wonderful husband to whom I've been married for forty-five years this Thanksgiving Day. He's so patient and caring, a terrific husband and a wonderful father. 

My daughter who is a wonderful mother herself. She takes on so many responsibilities and handles all effortlessly (or lets us think it's effortless).

My son who is a great daddy. His eyes light up when his daughter runs to him, and he hasn't stopped smiling when holding his newborn twins. He's caring and loving, attitributes he learned from his dad.

My son-in-law who is as patient with my daughter as my husband is with me. His love for his children shows in all he does.

My daughter-in-law who has become a great friend. She's a caring and protective mother.

My grandkiddies, five delightful children. Their smiles light up my day and their giggles are contagious.

My siblings and their spouses who are always supportive, caring, and loving.

My friends, who are patient and supportive.

My home, shelter, an oasis of calm in a crazy world.

My faith, shaky at times, solid at others. Knowing our God is forgiving and loving bolsters me in times of need.

My parents, now enjoying their final rewards, who taught me strong values, responsibility, and how to work hard to succeed.

My career as a writer and my lovely readers, especially those who tell me they enjoy my stories.

Music, books, movies, the arts, without which my life would be boring.

What are you thankful for?

I hope you and your family enjoy Thanksgiving. Safe travels, all.

1 comment:

  1. May you and your family have a wonderful Thanks Giving Day.
    That last every day.



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