
Monday, November 13, 2017

Movie Remake Blog Fest

Today, I join  Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather M. Gardner in a fun blog fest. With all the movie remakes lately, we're sharing our favorite remake: movie (or television show into movie and vice versa), song, or book – or all three! I'm sticking to movies. 

Star Trek
Yes, some remakes suck. Some are okay. Others are terrific. As a die hard Star Trek fan, I wondered if J.J. Abrams would do it up right when he rebooted the franchise in 2009. Of course, he had great writers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. I'm happy to say Abrams brought a freshness (and youth) to a legend.

The crew of the original Star Trek (TV series plus movies 1 thru 6) had great camaraderie, especially after working together for years. The new crew meshed well right from the start--though that can't be said for Kirk and Spock's relationship. With three movies under their belts and a fourth in the making, they have an even better sense of comradeship than the original crew. 

What makes a good remake? To me, it's the characters and the screenwriters.

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens
I'm sure some on this blog fest will say SW-7 is on their "it sucks list." Not me. Again, I'm a big fan of the series. Maybe it's hearing my grandchildren (another generation of fans) excitedly talk about that movie that endeared me to the movie even before I saw it. They were enthralled. Like the Star Trek reboot, the filmmakers used incidents from the original then gave them a new look or twist. If the new movie is as good or better, than I applaud J.J. Abrams for bringing legendary films to a new audience.

Would you like to see what remakes others enjoyed? Go to Alex J. Cavanaugh's website then scroll down for the Linky list.

What's your favorite remake?


  1. I'm so behind in any of the Star Trek or Star Wars films. I don't think I've seen any of them after 1990. The later remakes were mighty good for me though when I was in the costume business from 1991 to 2009. We sold tons of costumes and accessories from both franchises.

    Somewhere along the line I've gotten burned out on space and super hero movies. Guess I've come down to Earth for the most part.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Every year at Halloween, I admire the costumes of Star Wars's characters. I can just imagine how a costume business would thrive.

  2. I really enjoyed the Star Trek reboot, and I'm not normally a Star Trek fan. I also absolutely loved Episode Seven of Star Wars—enough to see it twice in theaters when it came out. Perhaps I'm just a J.J. Abrams fan?

    1. Me, too, M.J. I've seen each of those movies several times. Once at the show, the rest of the times on DVD. I never get tired of them.

  3. I've enjoyed the new Star Trek movies but I haven't seen the latest one so I'm a little behind. I liked The Force Awakens, too. It was definitely better than the prequels. Can't wait to see the next one!

    1. Me, too, Sarah. I didn't find the prequels as bad as many did, but The Force Awakens was so much better. It captured the essence of IV, A New Hope.

  4. I like the Star Trek reboot. I don't think it's better than the original but it kind of stands up on it's on. As for Force Awakens, I consider all the Star Wars movies to be installments of one larger vision. To me, it's a great sequel.

    1. Yes, Toi! Abrahms brought a new arc to the Star Wars series. I'm really looking forward to The Last Jedi, if only to answer the question: who are Rey's parents.

  5. I'm visiting from the Remakes Blogfest.
    With regards to Star Trek, I'm not very knowledgeable... actually I'm not really a movie person but I DO remember watching the original Star Trek movie. Must be years ago.

    1. Michelle, thanks for visiting. The original Star Trek movie was such a bore. As much as I loved the characters, the movie moved along as if slogging through molasses.

    2. Hit publish too soon. Meant to add that ST-2 (Wrath of Khan) was so much better, as were the rest.

  6. The only Star Trek movie I remember watching is the one with Khan (actor who was on Fantasy Island). I liked it, but haven't seen all the other movies and/or TV shows. I loved the first three Star Wars movies, thought the next three were so-so and haven't seen any of the most recent.

    1. Tamara, sci-fi movies aren't for everyone. Fanatics, like me :), forget that. You might be surprised by the remakes.

  7. Both of these are excellent examples of great remakes! :)

  8. I was going to write a whole post about how Force Awakens isn't technically a remake (it's supposed to be a sequel) and yet it's still totally a remake (it follows the beats of the original Star Wars almost perfectly). Still a great movie though, and actually serves as a proper "reboot" of the franchise (even though it's not technically a reboot) to wake it up after the bad taste in the mouths of many fans after the prequels.

    That's a lot of movie buzzwords in one paragraph.

    1. Thank you. I agree. It's a continuation of the Star Wars epic story, not a remake, but it did follow the SW formula closely, and hence, did better in the theaters than others.

  9. I did enjoy the new Star Trek, but I still have a fondness for the original. I did like the freshness brought to the new one too.

  10. Someone else picked the Star Trek reboot. I think it's great. (The new series, not so much.) I also really liked The Force Awakens and can't wait for the next one.

    1. And thanks for participating in the blgfest!

    2. I'm disappointed that the new ST series isn't on regular TV. I hate paying more money for this series. The blogfest is fun!

  11. I've really enjoyed the new Star Trek and Star Wars films.

  12. Hi,

    Both those films are great remakes. Glad a new generations of fans is being created. Visiting from the Remakes fest and pleased to be here.

    1. I'm thrilled that the grandkiddies are enjoying the films Hubs & I plus their parents have enjoyed. Even Toddler Girl knows some of the characters. Too young for the movies, though.

  13. You chose a great one, Diane. My link didn't work on the Linky. I think it's because I screwed up the path with the switch to my new blog.

    1. Looks like I'll have to find you the hard way. LOL Thanks for commenting.

  14. we love the Star Trek reboots around here. and when The Force Awakens came out, there were 3 generations of us at the theater--my parents and brother, me and my husband, and my 3 kids. it was so much fun to share it with them.

    1. Michelle, what fun. We were out of town when Force came out. When the kiddies called to tell us how much fun they had, their mother (our daughter) told them no spoilers. Groans! So we had to call them when we saw it and they could talk about it. I think we'll be the 3 generations going to the show this time.

  15. I LOVE the new Star Trek films with Chris Pine and Simon Pegg! They're doing a great job and changed bits just enough to keep things interesting.

    Force Awakens isn't a remake, but the story line was similar to the original SW. It was much better than movies 1/2/3. Of course, 4/5/6 will always be my favorite. :)

    Thank you for joining our blogfest today!!!

    1. You're right, Heather. Force wasn't a remake, but a lot of people who didn't like it claimed it copied New Hope too much. I agree about 6, 5, & 6. It will be interesting to see how this set goes.

  16. I didn't think of The Force Awakens as a remake until someone pointed out the similarities. Doesn't bother me, I still enjoyed it.

  17. Ah, my favorites, Yes and Yes and Yes. Love them all. However the Force Awakens is a continuation of the story more than a remake picking up where 6 The Return of Jedi leaves off moving us forward in time to several years later, with an alternate timeline that does not hurt the old movie story just picks up, but I picked Rogue Squadron which is prequel to the originals, so YEAH, yes, yes, yes. You go. Agreed. Love the new Star Treks too.

    1. LOL, Juneta. I enjoyed Rogue One once I understood the dialogue. Amazing what you miss when you don't/can't understand. Thank goodness for closed captioning on DVDs. I think our local theater has cc now. We'll have to try it out.

  18. I love both your choices!! I definitely approve :)

  19. I love so many aspects about Star Trek 2009. Its a good laugh when Kirk goaded the guys in the bar fight to even up the odds with more men to make a fair fight and then loses, so hilarious!

    1. LOL I loved that part. I really liked when he meets Spock Prime in the cave.

  20. I'm glad you listed The Force Awakens! I wonder if anyone will ever remake the prequel trilogy.

    1. They sure could make them better. I mean, I enjoyed learning the story behind Vader, but I would've liked better actors than the 2 who played Anakin.

  21. Was disappointed in the star wars remake, but hopeful I'll like the next one.

    1. A lot of people were disappointed. I'm really looking forward to The Last Jedi.

  22. Movie remake - I have to say Mad Max. Fury Road, now ~that~ was an action movie! Plus, I loved the storyline and how it was handled. Songs - Disturbed did The Sound of Silence and it's amazing. I recommend both!

    1. I saw both Mad Max movies. I don't like Tom Hardy (don't know why, just don't like him) so I wasn't crazy about the remake. But it did make more sense than the original.

  23. I enjoyed both, but Star Wars felt like a lazy rehash at times.

  24. I am not into Star Trek/Star Wars at all, so I can't chime in on those remakes. I'm not sure what my favorite is. Usually, the originals are better. I did like the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween. :D

    1. LOL, Alicia. I agree about the originals, usually.

  25. I like the new Star Trek movies, too. Most remakes annoy me, though. :)

  26. Very interesting post Diane!
    Good luck and God's blessings

  27. Like Toi, I saw the new Star Wars as a continuation, rather than a reboot, and it was pretty good. I liked the Star Trek reboot quite a bit.

  28. I liked the Star Trek movies better, but both reboots have kept the series alive for the next generation. I'm glad you pointed that out.

    1. My grandkids haven't gotten into the Star Trek movies yet. I'll have to work on that. :)

  29. These franchises will be around for decades. I would expect 100 years from now they will still be around.


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