
Saturday, January 6, 2018


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here

Sorry for being AWOL the past 2 weekends. With so many family/friends events, I knew I wouldn't be able to visit. I hope you enjoyed the holidays. Now it's back to work.

I'm sharing excerpts from my new release, ROMANCE REKINDLED, a romance with a little mystery. I'm picking up where we left off, with Abby getting a call at 2 am from the police dispatcher, saying her mother had been arrested.

To keep within the guidelines, this snippet has been edited from the original. Please excuse the rogue commas.

Oh, dear God, what had Mother done? “Arrested—for what?”
“Trespassing on private property and theft.”
Ever since Mother dropped the bomb yesterday about selling the house, Abby had worried about her. But trespassing . . . and theft?
“I’ll be right down.”
“Uh, Abby, Florence doesn’t want you to come—in fact, she didn’t want me to call you.”
“Not come?”
“I knew you’d want to know, this isn’t an official call—she says she’s saving her one phone call for someone important.”
Someone important? That sure puts me in my place.

Abby Ten Eyck likes her life the way it is. She runs a successful business, has a well-adjusted teenage daughter, and has managed to keep men at bay since her divorce fifteen years ago. Just before Christmas, she’s hit with change. Her mother decides to sell the family home. Then she’s arrested, with an unknown man. Could this new man in her mother’s life create more upheaval? Or could his handsome son be just what Abby needs to revive her dormant feelings?

Sam Watson embraces transition from frenetic Wall Street to a small Michigan resort town. His health is worth moving close to his dad who seems over the moon in love. But it’s the daughter of his father’s girlfriend who fascinates him. Abby Ten Eyck reminds him of his driven self. He must help her slow down before she burns out. Like he did.

ROMANCE REKINDLED is available at:


  1. I was wondering where you were and what came next! ;) Good conflict still, waiting for resolution. Keep teasing it out.

  2. "Trespassing and property theft," reminds of my last novel, Oh Brother. Where there is greed there is evil. Hehehehe. Great extract Diane.

    1. Thanks, Trin. Wait until you see what she stole. LOL

  3. Oh that was a burn - saving the 1 call for someone important.

  4. that's intriguing!
    Good luck and God's blessings

  5. Ouch! Though I have a feeling there’s more going on than meets the eye.

  6. Ooh, the mystery deepens with all this evasion on the part of the mother...and we haven't even gotten to the heart of the plot yet! Great stuff and really makes me want to keep reading. Enjoyed the excerpt.

    1. Thanks so much, Veronica. You're right about the mystery.

  7. I love your books, Diane, and can't wait to get this one so I can find out the rest of the story!

  8. Talk about adding insult to injury! If I were her I'd say "good luck, Mom"! (I know, much easier said than done)

    1. Abby's used to her mother speaking without thinking.

  9. Well, this will make holiday dinners more awkward. ;)

  10. Sorry I couln't sign in. I broke my rib. Yikes! Love your story. It hurts.

    1. Oh no, Charmaine. I hope you heal quickly. I was so looking forward to reading more of your stories. Get lots of rest.

  11. You've created an interesting situation. I wonder what's going on with the mother?

  12. Sounds like Mom is a piece of work. Has she got something else going on? Either a health issue or a past mid-life crisis? This is getting good!

  13. Someone more important? I wonder who?

  14. Oh I love that little sting in the tail!

  15. Is the someone important the real villain? Hmm...

  16. Poor Abby, on top of the shock of her mother being arrested, insulted by her own mother!

  17. Well, that's gotta hurt. She's saving her phone call for someone special. I'm curious to know who she thinks that is.

  18. Ouch. I hope her mom meant 'someone who can bail me out' when she said 'important,' otherwise that's pretty cruel!

  19. I wouldn't know what to think if I were in Abby's place... does her mother mean a lawyer, someone else she cares for... who? And then knowing her mother didn't want her to know at all!

    If Abby gets back to sleep tonight, it'll be a small miracle.


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